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⚪️ Sonicrypt - World's first sonification device for blockchain transaction

Sonicrypt is a compact and intuitive device designed to enhance the user experience for both buyers and sellers engaging in crypto transactions It consists of a hardware device, mobile app and a website
Tech stack:
- Language: C++
- Microcontroller: ESP32-S3
Mobile app
- Language: Typescript, Javascript
- Framework: React Native (Expo)
- Libs/SDKs: Solana web3js, Solana mobile wallet adapter
- Language: Typescript
- Framework: Next.JS
- Style: CSS, Tailwindcss
- Animation: Framer motion
- Libs/SDKs: Solana web3js
Website: Video: Youtube Twitter: @sonicrypt
⚪️ Harmonic Motion Analyzer - Analyze harmonic motion with upto 99.89% accuracy using Computer Vision

Harmonic Motion Analyzer is designed to analyze the harmonic oscillation of an object using computer vision techniques
Tech stack:
- Language: Python
- GUI: PyQT5
- Libs: SciPy, OpenCV-headless, Numpy, Matplotlib, PyQT5-graph
- Languages: Typescript, Python, C++, Go, Rust
- Frontend technology: Next.Js, React, Tailwindcss, Framer Motion
- Backend technology: Hono, FastAPI, Fiber, Mux, ws,, WebRTC
- Web3: @solana/web3.js, @solana/spl-token, metaplex sdk, solana wallet provider, solana mobile wallet adapter, anchor
- Mobile: React Native, Flutter
- Microcontrollers: Arduino UNO, Arduino Nano, Arduino Mega, ESP8266, ESP32 series and more (C++, C & Rust)