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Rotate Azure Key Vault secrets used by an ASP.NET Core Web API with Terraform on every deployment

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đź“ť [HOWTO] Rotate Azure Key Vault secrets used by an ASP.NET Core Web API with Terraform on every deployment

Overview diagram

Getting started


Deploy resources to host terraform state

  1. Adjust values in iac-core\vars\dev.core.tfvars

  2. Create resources to host terraform state by executing the following commands

    az login -t [AZURE_TENANT_ID]
    cd [PATH_TO_REPOSITORY]\iac-core
    terraform init
    terraform apply --var-file=.\vars\dev.core.tfvars --state=dev.core.tfstate

Deploy application resources


To generate deployment credentials and to configure the GitHub secrets for the GitHub actions workflow, see here. There are currently two GitHub environments set up for this repository: dev and dev-iac. For both of them a separate federated credential is set up in the Entra app which got created while generating deployment credentials. Furthermore the service principal of the Entra app is a member of the Entra group kv-secret-rotation-sample-contributor-iac and the following Microsoft Graph application permissions got added

  • Application.ReadWrite.All
  • Domain.Read.All
  • Group.ReadWrite.All

Finally, the service principal was assigned the Owner role for the resource group.


The application resources are created via GitHub actions workflow. The following steps are only required, if you want to create the resources manually.

  1. Adjust values in iac\vars\

  2. Adjust values in iac\backend\dev.backend.tfvars

  3. Create application resources using the following commands

    az login -t [AZURE_TENANT_ID]
    terraform init --backend-config=backend\dev.backend.tfvars
    terraform apply --var-file=.\vars\

Run application locally

  1. Clone this GitHub repository

  2. Open the solution src\ArbitraryAspNetCoreWebApi.sln in Visual Studio 2022 Preview

  3. Update the values of the following keys in appsettings.Development.json

    • AzureAd:ClientId (client id of the app registration with infix Application created by Terraform)
    • AzureAd:Domain (domain of the Azure tenant)
    • AzureAd:TenantId (id of the Azure tenant)
  4. Look up the Azure Key Vault secret with name LocalDevClientSecret

  5. Right click on the project ArbitraryAspNetCoreWebApi and select Manage User Secrets

  6. Add the following content to the secrets.json file and replace the value of ClientSecret with the secret from the Azure Key Vault

      "AzureAd": {
        "ClientSecret": "VALUE_OF_LOCAL_DEV_CLIENT_SECRET"
  7. Right click on the project ArbitraryAspNetCoreWebApi and select Set as Startup Project

  8. Press F5 to start the application

Test application

To test the application (either a locally running instance or a deployed one), proceed as follows.


  • A client secret for app registration kv-secret-rotation-sample Client dev has to be created manually via the Azure portal
  • Admin consent has to be granted for the permissions granted to app registration kv-secret-rotation-sample Client dev
  1. Request an authorization code by opening the following URL in a browser{tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id={client_app_reg_client_id}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http://localhost&response_mode=query&scope=api://{web_API_application_client_id}/Forecast.Read

    • {tenant_id}: id of the Azure tenant
    • {client_app_reg_client_id}: client id of the app registration with infix Client created by Terraform
    • {web_API_application_client_id}: client id of the app registration with infix Application created by Terraform
  2. Copy the authorization code from the URL and use it in the following request in windows command prompt

    curl -X POST{tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/token ^
     -d "client_id={client_app_reg_client_id}" ^
     -d "api://{web_API_application_client_id}/Forecast.Read" ^
     -d "code={authorization_code}&session_state={client_app_reg_client_id}" ^
     -d "redirect_uri=http://localhost" ^
     -d "grant_type=authorization_code" ^
     -d "client_secret={client_secret}"
  3. Copy the access token from the response and use it in the following request

    curl -X GET https://APPLICATION_BASE_URL:PORT/WeatherForecast ^
     -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"


Alternatively, you can use Postman to send the requests.

Useful links