Design Systems International
- New York
- www.runemadsen.com
A small experimental multiplayer engine written in java
Mechanic is a framework to build assets built on web code.
A collection of useful, performant, and threadsafe Go datastructures.
Make Your Company Data Driven. Connect to any data source, easily visualize, dashboard and share your data.
Simple Finite State Machine library for Processing
OpenCV for Processing. A creative coding computer vision library based on the official OpenCV Java API
A collection of my scriptographer scripts for Illustrator
THIS REPO HAS BEEN MOVED HERE: https://github.com/runemadsen/printing-code
Ruby library for consuming NOAA National Weather Service severe weather warnings.
An OpenFrameworks library for controlling VLC player
Package your assets transparently in Sinatra.
runemadsen / Oscelerometer
Forked from atduskgreg/Oscelerometerdemo of bridging accelerometer data into Unity via Arduino and Processing with OSC
demo of bridging accelerometer data into Unity via Arduino and Processing with OSC
runemadsen / bert
Forked from mojombo/bertBERT (Binary ERlang Term) serialization library for Ruby.
runemadsen / bertrpc
Forked from mojombo/bertrpcBERTRPC is a Ruby BERT-RPC client library.
runemadsen / grit
Forked from mojombo/gritGrit gives you object oriented read/write access to Git repositories via Ruby.
A sinatra extension wrapped in a gem that implements authentication/permissions with users stored in the database. Now with optional support for facebook connect
utility for playing back a sequence of images much like one would a movie file