Experiments with DuckDB in Elixir.
The current API tries to map 1-to-1 to DuckDB C API. This is very verbose and low-level but it enables more idiomatic libraries to be built on top of this one without any performance or feature sacrifice.
For an example of a higher level library, please see DuxDB.Ecto.
Here's how it can be used on its own:
brew install duckdb llvm
duckdb --version
# v1.2.1 8e52ec4395
clang --version
# Homebrew clang version 19.1.7
export CC=$(which clang)
export DUXDB_LDFLAGS=-L/opt/homebrew/opt/duckdb/lib
Mix.install([{:duxdb, github: "ruslandoga/duxdb"}], force: true)
db = DuxDB.open(":memory:", %{"max_memory" => "1GB"})
conn = DuxDB.connect(db)
stmt =
DuxDB.prepare(conn, """
(101, 'Hello, ' || $database || '!', today(), -1.0),
(102, 'Insert a lot of rows per batch', today() - 1, 1.41421),
(102, 'Sort your data based on your commonly-used queries', today() + 1, 2.718),
(101, 'Granules are the smallest chunks of data read', $day, $pi)
) AS my_first_table(user_id, message, timestamp, metric)
DuxDB.bind_varchar(stmt, DuxDB.bind_parameter_index(stmt, "database"), "ClickHouse")
DuxDB.bind_double(stmt, DuxDB.bind_parameter_index(stmt, "pi"), 3.14159)
DuxDB.bind_date(stmt, DuxDB.bind_parameter_index(stmt, "day"), ~D[2025-03-14])
result = DuxDB.execute_prepared(stmt)
read_chunks =
fn result ->
Stream.repeatedly(fn -> DuxDB.fetch_chunk(result) end)
|> Stream.take_while(&is_reference/1)
|> Enum.map(fn chunk ->
Map.new(0..(DuxDB.column_count(result) - 1), fn i ->
{DuxDB.column_name(result, i), DuxDB.data_chunk_get_vector(chunk, i)}
# [
# %{
# "message" => [
# "Hello, ClickHouse!",
# "Insert a lot of rows per batch",
# "Sort your data based on your commonly-used queries",
# "Granules are the smallest chunks of data read"
# ],
# "metric" => [-1.0, 1.41421, 2.718, 3.14159],
# "timestamp" => [~D[2024-10-29], ~D[2024-10-28], ~D[2024-10-30], ~D[2025-03-14]],
# "user_id" => [101, 102, 102, 101]
# }
# ]
For more examples, please see doctests and tests.