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An Angular component library for your Supabase project!

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  • πŸ”₯ Pre-designed Supabase components for popular UI libraries (PrimeNG, Material, Bootstrap)
  • ✨ Eliminate boilerplate code and get right to consuming Supabase services
  • πŸ“ Extendable and highly-configurable components
  • 😍 Full Supabase authentication goodness, ready to go!
  • πŸ’ͺ Built on top of Angular 17 with Signals and SSR support


  • Example Site
  • Full docs coming soon...

    In the meantime, please checkout the demo code for a fully working example.

Getting Started

  1. Choose the desired UI library
UI Library Package
PrimeNG @ng-supabase/primeng
Angular Material @ng-supabase/material
Bootstrap @ng-supabase/bootstrap
  1. Install the desired package.

Example npm install @ng-supabase/primeng

  1. Add package specific styling/dependencies

For the PrimeNG package you need to include the PrimeFlex CSS.

Add to styles.css

/* Add whatever PrimeNG theme you desire. */
@import 'primeng/resources/themes/lara-light-blue/theme.css';
@import 'primeng/resources/primeng.css';
@import 'primeicons/primeicons.css';
@import 'primeflex/primeflex.css';
  1. Create the desired routes in your application for each of the authentication steps:


  • Sign In (ex: /sign-in)
  • Register (ex: /register)
  • Set Password (ex: /set-password)
  • Reset Password (ex: /reset-password)
  1. Use each of the ng-supabase components in your route components.


Your app: sign-in.component.ts

// Angular.
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component } from '@angular/core';

// ng-supabase.
import { SignInComponent as PrimeNgSignInComponent } from '@ng-supabase/primeng';

  selector: 'ng-supabase-primeng-sign-in',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [CommonModule, PrimeNgSignInComponent],
  templateUrl: './sign-in.component.html',
  styleUrl: './sign-in.component.scss',
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class SignInComponent {}

Your app: sign-in.component.html

<!-- Plus add whatever other customizations you'd like -->
  1. Configure the ng-supabase library.

Your app: app.config.ts

export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
  providers: [
      // You can optionally provide "project: 123455" and omit apiUrl.
      apiUrl: '',
      signIn: {
        socials: [SocialSignIn.Apple, SocialSignIn.Google],
  1. Run your application and let ng-supabase do all the work ✨.


Component Default Route
Sign In /sign-in
Register /register
Set Password /set-password
Reset Password /reset-password


Sign In Component

Sign In:

Sign In Component

Sign In with One-Time-Password:

Sign In Message

Register Component

Register/Sign Up:

Register Component

Reset Password Component

Reset Password:

Reset Password Component

Reset Password Message:

Reset Password Message

Set Password Component

Set Password:

Set Password Component

Set Password Feedback:

Set Password Feedback

Set Password Validation:

Set Password Validation


⏳ Coming soon...


⏳ Coming soon...


Remove Tag

git tag --delete <tagname>
git push --delete origin <tagname>

Create New Release

To generate a new release, use the following steps:

  1. Run npm run nx -- release --skip-publish locally. This will create a commit and tag
  2. Push the changes (including the new tag) to the remote repository with git push && git push --tags.
  3. The publish workflow will automatically trigger and publish the packages to the npm registry.

see more on these steps here


  • Add SignedIn route guard
  • Add avatar component
  • Upgrade to NGPrime 18
  • Remove use of PrimeFlex
  • Add Roles route guard
  • Full coverage unit tests
  • Documentation site
  • Implement Bootstrap components
  • Implement Material components
  • Fully support Angular SSR