I'm Maurício Witter, I am a software developer from Brazil, currently living in the city of Constantina. I love functional programming to create beautiful compositions that form declarative code. Additionally, I like contributing to open-source to create tools that help everyone.
My main knowledge in technologies are Typescript, Node, Docker, React, Svelte. I am also comfortable using Vue, Golang and Java. Nowadays, I am studying Rust and Elixir.
My main abilities include designing APIs, command-line interface, applying software testing methodologies, API modeling following software design principles, and refactoring code into nice abstractions.
Currently I have been studying Distributed Systems, concepts such as consensus, micro-services, pervasive computing, observability and open-telemetry.
Ever since I joined GitHub 6 years ago, I pushed 3802 commits, opened 19 issues, submitted 213 pull requests, received 46 stars across 85 personal projects, and contributed to 2 public repositories.
Here is a list of some of my open-source projects:
Name | Description |
Illusion Vscode | A dark theme for VSCode |
Fish Abbreviation Tips | Fork of fish abbreviation tips to add some features and fix some bugs |
Findit | A command-line tool to advanced search in your favorite search engine |
Illusion Spicetify | A dark theme for Spotify |
Breview | A desktop application to navigate and show your bookmarks in a pretty way like mega.nz |
Cnpj-ws | Fork of cnpj-ws to add some features |
My Blog | Static website that uses TS/Next.js and ISR (Incremental Static Regeneration) and GraphQL |
Exterm | Extension for VSCode to open directories in the external terminal |
Jhonny | A website for a musician and composer |
Covid-Insights | Pretty charts and insights about the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil |
Telegram Space Picture | Bot to send the space picture of the day from NASA to your Telegram chat |
Dotfiles | My Arch/Awesome WM dotfiles |
For other projects, check out my GitHub profile.
I regularly write blog posts about topics that pique my interest. For all my latest updates, follow me on X. If you have job-related inquiries, please don't hesitate to connect with me on LinkedIn.
~ rwietter