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✨ Dorian's Dotfiles ✨

Thanks for dropping by!

This is my personal collection of configuration files.

screenshot image image

Feel free to "steal" anything you want, and if you have a question please open an issue.


The goal is to have all dependencies for the config automatically installed with the setup script. More details can be found by reading the following files:


The setup script relies on Taskfile! A modern alternative to make There are still some steps that have not been migrated, but will be soon

Gotchas for NeoVim setup:

  • requires fd >= 8.4 (install from brew)
  • Tools such as formatters, LSPs, linters are automatically installed via :Mason, if one of the deps is not installing make sure to open :Mason to see the full error message.
  • Make sure to run :checkhealth to know if you are missing anything



git clone

Cd into the dotfiles dir: cd dotfiles



The dotfiles get updated often, and with that some new tools and configurations might be added.

In order to keep the dotfiles up to date, I recommend running the following:

git pull # get latest
task sync # installs/updates tools and symlinks new configs

Alternatively open ./taskfiles/dotfiles.yml and move all the tasks in deps to the cmds section, so you can find out which one is failing.

Note about forking/versioning

I generally don't recommend using other people's dotfiles, at least not when you're just starting with Vim.. these are customized to my personal taste and preferences, and are subject to change at any time.

Instead consider forking kickstart.nvim, which is modern and very minimal, and using it as your base to build upon. Alternatively, there are some great NeoVim distributions out there such as Lazy.nvim, LunarVim, AstroVim, and NVChad.


My dotfiles are now automatically (and semantically) versioned and contain a Changelog! The main branch will be continuously updated, and you can use git tags to check out specific versions.


I do my best try to keep a good git hygiene. The versioning script I use here follows conventional commits to determine the semantic versioning. However, I may still inadvertently introduce a breaking change without a warning. The best course of action might be to have an independent fork and follow the changelog + rebase often - otherwise it could become painful to keep up (I update my dots all the time to keep things fresh and fight entropy).

Releases and versioning is done using Release Please, GitHub Actions, and Conventional Commits


  • This repo now uses conventional commits. To install the git hooks simply run yarn in the project directory
  • To start development use airmux (alias mux) inside the project directory


Q: Why are things named without a dot at the beginning? A: It makes it easier to include files in this repo if they are not named exactly how they would be when symlinked over (I symlink the files here to my home directory). e.g. if I want to include the global `.gitignore` in this repo it will override this repo's `.gitignore`.


No packages published


  • Lua 95.6%
  • Shell 2.9%
  • Other 1.5%