To force a re-install (clobbering existing files):
FORCE=true ./install
task: Available tasks for this project:
* install: Complete system setup - installs dependencies, builds utilities, configures dotfiles, and sets up Neovim
* binutils:install: Build binutils and set up symlinks
* brew:cleanup: Remove unused brew dependencies
* brew:install: Install Homebrew and tools defined in Brewfile
* brew:update: Update Brewfile with current brew packages and commit changes
* brew:upgrade: Update Homebrew and upgrade all installed packages
* dotfiles:install: Install dotfiles (aliases: dot:install)
* nvim:commit: Commits the lazy-lock.json file if changed
* nvim:restore: Restores Neovim plugins to the state in lazy-lock.json
* nvim:update: Updates Neovim plugins, CLI utils, and TreeSitter plugins
* shell:update: Refreshes shell environment by updating startup cache and clearing completion cache
* system:install: Install all system dependencies
To ensure Neovim supports strikethrough and undercurl support, follow these instructions.
This dotfiles repository was inspired by: