I'm a 3rd year Computer Engineering University Student at Queen's University, where I plan on specializing in Artifical Intelligence.
Right now, I'm looking into Open Source Development in Kubernetes and AWS SDK for Go.
In my free time I like doing MMA, Calisthenics, learning about philosophy, reading, and eating shawarma.
- 💲 ex.Intern at Scotiabank as a Software Engineering Intern under Global Cash Management
- 🌱 ex.Intern at Emkao Foods Inc as a Software Developer Intern
- 🧏 ex.Software Developer at LEWK
- 🔭 Director of Reinforcmenet Learning and Finance at QMIND, Canada's largest undergraduate AI club
- ✨ Front-end Developer for CUCAI (Canadian Undergraduate Conference on Artifical Intelligence) 2025
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-z-su/
- Email: ryan.su@queensu.ca
- Portfolio: https://ryan-su-12.github.io/