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Jekyll workflow with Gulp, SASS, AutoPrefixer, asset optimization and cache busting and much more. Can you really want more?


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Development is happening on the beta branch!

Waiting on Gulp 4.0 to be released for the beta to go back to being the main version of Jekyllized. If you want to try it as it is right now you can install it from NPM under a 1.0.0-beta.4 version. Just read the installation instructions!


Jekyllized is a very opinionated Yeoman generator for very quickly and effortlessly allowing you to build Jekyll based sites with Gulp. Get started using Yo to scaffold your site and start developing. Your assets are automatically updated when developing and injected into your browser with BrowserSync and are also optimized when you're ready to publish.


Rapidly prototype

When developing locally all your changes are automatically injected into your browser. Change the background color of your website in SCSS and it will automatically be built by libsass, prefixed with AutoPrefixer and have source maps included. JavaScript is the same, the changes are automatically injected and source maps are included. Jekyll is also automatically reloaded when you change something in a post, and the browser updates accordingly. Simple and rapid prototyping.


Built on top of a modern and mature base, you get the full power of Jekyll to power your site. Automatically have a sitemap and Atom feed generated, archives for your tags and categories and more.

Optimize your assets

Done with developing and ready for publishing? Jekyllized has you covered there as well, running the generator with --prod makes everything run with production settings: optimize, minify, gzip and cache bust your CSS and JS. Gzip and minify your HTML. Optimize your images.


Support for deploying to either Amazon S3, Github Pages or via Rsync, you're covered when everything is ready. Run a single command after your site is build with production settings (gulp deploy) and your site is uploaded to your choice of platform.

Getting started


  • Install dependencies: Bundler >1.10, Node.js >4.2, Gulp >4.0, Ruby >1.9 and Yo >1.5.0
  • Gulp: Since the beta is running Gulp 4.0 you need to install gulp-cli: npm install gulpjs/gulp-cli#4.0 -g
  • Jekyllized: Then install Jekyllized: npm install generator-jekyllized@1.0.0-beta.4 -g
  • Scaffold: Run yo jekyllized in the directory you want your site to scaffold in
  • Start: Run gulp and watch the magic unfold and/or look at the [FAQ][faq] for more options.


gulp [--prod]

Running this will build your assets, copy your images and fonts, build your site and start a BrowserSync session in your browser. Any change you make to (pretty much) any file in the src directory will have the associated change be automatically updated, built and pushed to your browser. By default all optimizations are disabled, and source maps are enabled for easy debugging.

When you run the command with --prod you are changing into production settings. It's mostly the same as the default, however all your CSS and JS are minifed, gzipped, cache busted and your HTML is minified as well and source maps are disabled. Use when you're done developing locally to verify that nothing is broken and that everything works.

gulp build [--prod]

This command is identical to the gulp command, the only difference is that it doesn't create a BrowserSync session in your browser.

gulp deploy

When you're done developing and have built your site with either gulp --prod or gulp build --prod you can deploy your site to either Amazon S3, Github Pages or with Rsync.

Amazon S3 and Rsync

If you chose either of these two, you'll have a [rsync/aws]-credentials.json file in your root folder that you have to fill out. It should be pretty self explanatory, however, if you need any help with configuring it, you should check out either the gulp-awspublish repo or gulp-rsync repo for help.

Github Pages

If you chose to upload to Github Pages there's no configuration besides starting a git repo in your folder, setting an origin remote repo and run gulp deploy. Your site will be automatically pushed to Github. See the [FAQ][faq] for configuring personal repos vs project repos.

gulp check

Lints your JavaScript files using ESLint with XO Space settings and run jekyll doctor to look for potential errors.

gulp clean

Deletes your assets from their .tmp directory as well as in dist and deletes any gzipped files.

gulp rebuild

Only run when you need to do a full rebuild! This will delete your built site and all the assets with it.


All of the commands listed above are the main commands, and are composed of other smaller commands that have a small job that they do. You can find all the command by running gulp --tasks, and look in the gulpfile for what they do. All are commented about what they do.


Inject more than one JavaScript file

If you want to split up your JavaScript files into say a index.js and a vendor.js file with files from Bower you can do this quite easily. Create a copy of the scripts gulp task and rename it to scripts:vendor and change the gulp.src files you need:


and then change .pipe($.concat('index.js')) into .pipe($.concat('vendor.js')). Then you go to the bottom of the gulpfile and change the assets task:

gulp.task('assets', gulp.series(
  gulp.parallel('styles', 'scripts:vendor', 'scripts', 'fonts', 'images')

Notice the scripts:vendor task that has been added. Also be ware that things are injected in alphabetical order, so if you need your vendor scripts before the index.js file you have to either rename the index.js file or rename the vendor.js file. When you now run gulp or gulp build it will create a vendor.js file and automatically inject it at the bottom of your HTML. When running with --prod it'll automatically optimize and such as well.

For more advanced uses, refer to the gulp-inject documentation on how to create individual inject tags and inject specific files into them.

Github Pages configuration

By default if you select Github Pages as your deployment option your site will be pushed to a gh-pages branch, this works fine for any project pages but won't work for your personal repo. If you want to use a site you'll have to change it to this:

gulp.task('deploy', () => {
  return gulp.src('dist/**/*')
      branch: "master"

You might also have to configure the URL for your site if you want to use Github Pages. Luckily the Jekyll documentation has you covered.

Why don't you support Stylus/LESS/Angular/etc

Because I've never used them nor do I have any plans to use them. If you want to you can create a pull request for them and I'll have a look and see whether it'll work or not.


See the contribution docs.


MIT © Sondre Nilsen (


Jekyll workflow with Gulp, SASS, AutoPrefixer, asset optimization and cache busting and much more. Can you really want more?







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  • JavaScript 68.8%
  • CSS 19.1%
  • HTML 11.7%
  • Ruby 0.4%