My entry into the sms power 2014 coding competition.
This is my take on the classic computer game Minesweeper for the sega master system.
Button 1 - uncover a tile Button 2 - mark a tile with either a flag or a question mark Pause - toggle music
The aim of the game is to find all the bomb tiles by uncovering non-bomb tiles on the board. If you accidentally uncover a bomb then you lose. The number on the uncovered tiles tell you how many bombs surround the tile. You can select from three different boardsizes.
Code + gfx: Eric Fry (efry) Music: Niloct
Grafx2 Gimp Bmp2tile Mod2PSG WLA-DX Vim
Master everdrive USB (for testing on my master system 2)
I've included my unix usb-loader code for the master everdrive. I needed this as I develop on Mac OS X and the everdrive only comes with windows drivers. :(
I've also included my vim syntax highligting file. It's based on Maxim's ConTEXT highlighter.
Win / Lose animations + bomb sfx. Key repeat.
Thanks to for providing a great resource to the sega 8bit community.
Source is included please be kind. ;)
(c) 2014 Eric Fry 2014-03-27