Upblock is a game I made for submission to the 2024 GMTK game jam.
The theme was "Built to Scale". In Upblock, you place blocks, trying to build as tall of a tower as you can in 60 seconds. Be careful! If your block falls off the edge, your game is over.
Ultimately, I didn't feel I made enough progress on it to submit.
It is not very fun, and very unaesthetic - but if you want to play it anyway, here it is: https://ryanbraganza.github.io/upblock/
- Hold Spacebar - start growing a block
- Release Spacebar - stop growing a block, and start moving it
- Press Spacebar - drop the block
Once the block has come to a stop, repeat the process to build as high as you can!
- Press Escape when the game is over to start a new game