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File metadata and controls

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SBOM API Reference

The SBOM tool can be called using a C# API. This guide will help you integrate the SBOM tool API package in your .NET project.


  • You have a .NET project that can ingest packages from
  • Only projects that target .NET 6 or higher are supported, we don't have a .NET Framework implementation for the SBOM API.
  • Add the SBOMToolsPublic repository to your nuget.config, you can check the steps to get it added to your project by clicking the 'Connect to Feed' button on the feed page here


Add a reference to the Microsoft.Sbom.Api package in your packages configuration. Please follow the steps here to add the package to your project. An example to add the package to your .csproj file is shown below

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Sbom.Api" Version="0.1.7" />


Getting started

The main entry point for the SBOM generator is in the SBOMGenerator class. Create an instance of the SBOMGenerator class as follows.

using Microsoft.Sbom.Api;
var generator = new SBOMGenerator();

The generator object provides two different API implementations that can be used to generate the SBOM, scan based and self provided data based.

It also provides 2 additional helper methods explained below


A SBOM format is represented by the SBOMSpecificiation object. Each SBOMSpecification contains a name and a version. This structure defines a single format of SBOM, for example, the SPDX 2.2 format can be represented by

using Microsoft.Sbom.Contracts;

var spdx22Specification = new SBOMSpecification("SPDX", "2.2");

Our tool is designed to support multiple formats of SBOM, however it currently only supports SPDX v2.2. If you have additional SBOM formats that are implememnted, this handy API call can provide you with a list of all the formats that are currently supported by our tool.

using Xunit;

var specifications = generator.GetSupportedSBOMSpecifications();

Assert.True(specifications.Count() == 1);
Assert.Equal("SPDX", specifications.First().Name);
Assert.Equal("2.2", specifications.First().Version);


Each SBOM specification has a list of hash algorithms that are required to be generated for each package and file. This handy API will provide a list of hashing algorithms that are required for a specific SBOM format.

var algorithms = generator.GetRequiredAlgorithms(spdx22Specification);

Assert.True(algorithms.Count() == 2);
Assert.True(algorithms.Any(a => a.Name == "SHA256"));
Assert.True(algorithms.Any(a => a.Name == "SHA1"));

This API is helpful when using the self provided data based API, as the caller would have to provide these hashes for all the packages and files they send as part of the input data.

Prerequisites for calling the API

In order to call the API, you must first generate one required and one optional data object.


The SBOMMetadata object provides the SBOM tool with additional metadata that can be used to configure some output metadata values in the SBOM, for example the product name or version.

SBOMMetadata metadata = new SBOMMetadata()
    PackageName = "MyProject", //Required
    PackageVersion = "0.0.1", // Required
    PackageSupplier = "Contoso", // Required
    BuildId = "2344", // Optional
    BuildEnvironmentName = "Github Actions" // Optional

The metadata object must be created and passed to the API as it contains two required values for the SBOM generator to run, the package name and version. These values are used in the generated SBOM to define the name and documentNamespace. The other keys in the metadata object are optional, and the tool may or may not use these values to generate additional metadata in the created SBOM.


The RuntimeConfiguration object contains configuration that affects the actual execution of the SBOM tool. It contains configurations like Verbosity that can affect how much logging is returned by our tool.

RuntimeConfiguration configuration = new RuntimeConfiguration()
    DeleteManifestDirectoryIfPresent = true,
    WorkflowParallelism = 8,
    Verbosity = System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventLevel.Verbose,
    NamespaceUriBase = ""

The whole RuntimeConfiguration object is optional, and if needed a null value can be provided to the API.

Scan based SBOM generator API

The scan based SBOM generator API is very similar to the CLI based tool, as in it takes the source directories as parameters, and scans the directories for components and generates the SBOM for you.

var result = await generator.GenerateSBOMAsync(rootPath: scanPath,           
                                               componentPath: componentPath,
                                               metadata: metadata,
                                               configuration: configuration,
                                               manifestDirPath: sbomOutputPath);

  • The rootPath here is the path where your build artifacts that are to be published live. All the files here will be scanned and added to the 'files' section in the SBOM. If the manifestDirPath parameter is not provided, the generated SBOM will also be placed here inside the _manifest folder.
  • The componentPath parameter usually contains your source folder, and it will be searched for dependency compenents. All the discovered components will end up in the 'packages' section in the SBOM.
  • The metadata and configuration parameters accept the SBOMMetadata and RuntimeConfiguration objects respectively.
  • In case you want the generated SBOM to be placed in a different folder, you can provide the path in the manifestDirPath parameter. Please note, we will generate a _manifest directory at this path and store the SBOMs there.

The API is asynchronous and it returns a SBOMGenerationResult object. If the generation was successful, the IsSuccessful flag is set to true. If the generation failed, the errors will be added to the Errors list.

Self provided data based SBOM generator API

There might be occasions where you don't want us to scan for your components, and you already have the list of files and packages you want to include in the SBOM and want to use our tool only to serialize the data in the right format, the self provided data based API is the choice for you.

You will still have to provide the metadata and runtime objects for this API.


A file inside the SBOM is represented using the SBOMFile object. Path and Checksum are the only required properties, any additional values will be serialized as is to the final SBOM.

var file = new SBOMFile
    Path = "./tmp/file2.txt",
    Checksum = new List<Checksum>
        new Checksum { Algorithm = AlgorithmName.SHA1, ChecksumValue = "<checksum>" },
        new Checksum { Algorithm = AlgorithmName.SHA256, ChecksumValue = "<checksum>" },

The path should be a relative path and should start with a period ., and all the path seperators should be forward slashes / to comply with the SPDX 2.2 specification.


The SBOM package represents a dependency component for your product. The PackageName is the only required property. All other properties will be serialized as is to the output SBOM.

var package = new SBOMPackage
    PackageName = "com.test.Foo",

You can call the API as shown below.

using Microsoft.Sbom.Contracts.Enums;

var result = await generator.GenerateSBOMAsync(rootPath: scanPath,           
                                               files: sbomFiles,
                                               packages: sbomPackages,
                                               metadata: metadata,
                                               runtimeConfiguration: configuration,
                                               manifestDirPath: sbomOutputPath);
  • The rootPath is the path where the generated SBOM will be placed. If you are providing the manifestDirPath parameter to specify the SBOM generation location, you can use a null value here.
  • The files parameter contains a list of SBOMFile objects, and the packages parameter contains a list of SBOMPackage objects.
  • The metadata and runtimeConfiguration parameters accept the SBOMMetadata and RuntimeConfiguration objects respectively.
  • In case you want the generated SBOM to be placed in a different folder, you can provide the path in the manifestDirPath parameter. Please note, we will generate a _manifest directory at this path and store the SBOMs there.