- Bay Area
- ryanmcdermott.me
- @ryconoclast
clean-code-javascript Public
Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript
rules_cc_embed_data Public
Bazel rule to generate C++ header files with embedded binary data
lexical_vanilla Public
An actual vanilla JavaScript example of Lexical text editor
jekyll-latex Public
Jekyll theme with beautiful LaTeX typography
bazel-ts-template Public
TypeScript starter template for the Bazel build system
Starlark MIT License UpdatedAug 20, 2023 -
terraform-ec2-instance Public
Terraform file with everything you need to create an internet-facing EC2 instance.
bazel-rust-proto Public
Template for a Rust project using Bazel and Protocol Buffers
Starlark UpdatedMar 4, 2023 -
code-review-tips Public
🔬 Common problems to look for in a code review
3rs-of-software-architecture Public
A guide on how to write readable, reusable, and refactorable software
typescript-makefile Public
Quick and easy starting off point for a TypeScript project
rules_devserver Public
Bazel rule for running a web development server
Using Terraform to deploy microservices that communicate with each other
algorithms Public
Popular computer science algorithms implemented in Python
esish Public
Recursive descent parser written in Rust for an ECMAScript inspired language.
docker-flask Public
👖 A simple Docker setup for a Flask application on Nginx
guice-example Public
An example Java project using Bazel and Guice injections
Starlark UpdatedJul 7, 2020 -
bazel-java-template Public
Simple starter template for a Java project built with Bazel
bazel-cpp-template Public
Simple starter template for a C++ project built with Bazel
C++ MIT License UpdatedJul 7, 2020 -
katas Public
🏫 Coding katas
gradle-dependency-example Public
Ridiculously simple example showing how you can use Gradle to install dependencies in Java and run programs using them
webvr-n-body Public
WebVR n-body galaxy simulation using Barnes-Hut Tree and AFrame powered by WebGL
node-boilerplate Public
A ridiculously simple starting point for a Node app