An integration with SwiftIRC through the OSRS chat box.
This will share your IP with the SwiftIRC administration.
It is ideal to set the prefix to a character you can easily prefix IRC messages.
The default prefix is ;
. This document will use the default as reference.
Channel messages will show up in the chat box starting with the username that sent the message.
Sending a channel message: ;words can go here
Example: ;Hello #rshelp!
Sending a private message: ;;msg <nick> <message>
Example: ;;msg foobar Thanks for the information
Sending a notice: ;;notice <nick> <message>
Example: ;;notice foobar Hey there!
The following services run on SwiftIRC: NickServ, ChanServ, BotServ, HostServ, and MemoServ.
You may communicate via the following commands with the respective service:
BotServ: ;;bs
ChanServ: ;;cs
HostServ: ;;hs
MemoServ: ;;ms
NickServ: ;;ns
Clear the side panel: ;;clear
Change channel modes: ;;mode #rshelp -s
View the topic: ;;topic
Change user modes: ;;umode +R
Change the focused channel: ;;go rsh
USA or UK.
More details are available at
The username used to connect to SwiftIRC.
The password to identify with NickServ.
The channel you intend to join. Leaving this blank will default to #rshelp.
Defaults to ;
. Prefixed to messages destined for IRC.
Only show the active channel messages in the OSRS chat box. The "active channel" is the active tab in the side panel.
Enable to preview image links by hovering your mouse over them. WARNING: this will make it easier to share your IP with an image host.
When a new tab opens, autofocus on it. This means sending/receiving a notice/message to a target, without an open tab, will change the active channel to this target.
Server notices will default to the System tab; you can optionally allow them to create their own tab.
Whether the side panel will appear.
Prefix messages with a timestamp in the format of [hour:minute:second]
Add a color to nicks appearing in the side panel.
Specifically where the side panel appears on the right, from top to bottom.