I am currently working on a personal portfolio to practice my React / Typescript, check it out!
Since you are here learning about me, I will also divulge the fact that I like taking pretty pictures along with coding. Now you know everything about me.
Sorry I make a lot of private repos, so it looks like I dont have much activity.
I promise I am still building some stuff :)
const mern_stack = {
react: ['jsx', 'React', 'HTML', 'css', 'redux', 'babel', 'webpack'],
nodejs: ['javascript', 'typescript', 'npm', 'es5/6'],
express: ['routing', 'authorization', 'authentication', 'API'],
mongodb: ['nosql', 'CRUD', 'REST', 'mongoose']
const cloud = {
aws: ['serverless', 's3', 'ecr', 'ec2', 'cloudwatch', 'cloudformation', 'etc'],
firebase: ['firestore', 'rtdb', 'functions']
const app = {
web: ['MERN', 'html', 'css', 'Vue'],
mobile: ['android', 'react-native'],
const systems = {
architecture: ['design_patterns', 'SOLID', 'docker', 'microservice'],
messaging: ['rabbitmq', 'kafka'],
testing: ['jest', 'postman', 'kibana', 'elastic'],
cicd: ['github actions', 'gitlab', 'bitbucket', 'jenkins']
return {...stack, ...cloud, ...app, ...systems};