Open Privacy Research Society / Blodeuwedd Labs
- PNW, Canada
- https://blodeuweddlabs.com/
- @sarahjamielewis@mastodon.social
tinyxserver Public
Forked from idunham/tinyxserverA small X server, based on Xorg 1.2 but with security fixes.
muon Public
Forked from muon-build/muonAn implementation of the meson build system in c99
onionscan Public
OnionScan is a free and open source tool for investigating the Dark Web.
pseudos Public
A little risc-v assembly OS that can run DOOM on a QEMU riscv64 Virt
rust-spice Public
Forked from GregoireHENRY/rust-spiceWOW! The complete NASA/NAIF Spice toolkit is actually usable on Rust
brute-force-1 Public
Forked from PlasmaPower/brute-forceA library for brute forcing arbitrary computations in Rust
subtle-ng Public
Forked from zkcrypto/subtle-ngPure-Rust traits and utilities for constant-time cryptographic implementations.
torut Public
Forked from teawithsand/torutTorut is tor controller written in rust
ledger Public
Forked from ledger/ledgerDouble-entry accounting system with a command-line reporting interface
zecwallet Public
Forked from ZcashFoundation/zecwalletA z-Addr first full node and UI wallet for zcash
Go-gopher-Vector Public
Forked from keygx/Go-gopher-VectorGo gopher Vector Data [.ai, .svg]
1 UpdatedMar 4, 2018