Open Privacy Research Society / Blodeuwedd Labs
- PNW, Canada
- https://blodeuweddlabs.com/
- @sarahjamielewis@mastodon.social
WOW! The complete NASA/NAIF Spice toolkit is actually usable on Rust
Implements ristretto255, a fast prime-order group.
zkSNARK library implementation in Go from scratch (compiler, setup, prover, verifier)
Go library for accessing and embedding Tor clients and servers
Traducción del libro «Queer Privacy», compilado por Sarah Jamie Lewis
Web-based network simulator for teaching hacking to high schoolers
Pattern recognition for hosts, services, and content
Getting BlindElephant into a working state, and updating the plugin files
A go library for using the I2P Simple Anonymous Messaging (SAM version 3.0) bridge
Go library for the I2P SAMv3.0 bridge, used to build anonymous/pseudonymous end-to-end encrypted sockets.
Tool used to create the official Raspberry Pi OS images
A repo for exploring the software quality of electronic voting machines
Chaos Monkey is a resiliency tool that helps applications tolerate random instance failures.
Article describing how the technical means by which Silk Road 1's captcha was broken.
The foghorn project is a DNS proxy intended to reduce user exposure to phishing and other malicious items that can be interdicted by DNS greylisting
A list of tips and practical ideas we've learned while working remotely
A fast and complete ByteBuffer implementation using either ArrayBuffers in the browser or Buffers under node.js.