A React Native starter template.

- New Architecture/Bridgeless Mode enabled by default.
- Redux setup with Redux Toolkit.
- Offline storage with Redux Persist.
- Typescript
- Dark Mode
- Navigation setup
- Login wiring (optional)
- Sample CRUD code (To Do App) included.
- Sample Network Call (RTK) included.
- Secure Token storage.
- Husky
- Environment Variables (ENV)
- React Native v0.78.0
- Redux Toolkit (RTK) v2.0
- TypeScript
- React Navigation v7
- React Native Vector Icons
- Formik & Yup
- Axios
- React Native Keychain
- Redux persist
git clone https://github.com/saheeranas/react-native-redux-boilerplate.git
cd react-native-redux-boilerplate
npm i
Example: .env.template file to .env
yarn android
npm run android
yarn ios
npm run ios
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details