issues Search Results · repo:samber/lo language:Go
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insamber/lo (press backspace or delete to remove)// this panics
func TestLoDivideZero(t *testing.T) {
var a []string
lo.Ternary(len(a) == 0, 1, 2/len(a))
// this works
func TestDivideZero(t *testing.T) {
var a []string
if len(a) == 0 {
t.Logf( ...
- Opened 5 days ago
- #607
The documentation for the TernaryF() function nicely explains how it is a good way to avoid the nil pointer error that
occurs when you use the non-F variant like this lo.Ternary(example != nil, example.attribute, ...
- 1
- Opened 7 days ago
- #605
In protobuf, I am using a map field - map string, google.protobuf.Any . After compilation is getting converted into
ma[string]*anypb.Any ,Now if I want to pass this to a template renderer engine, I am ...
- 1
- Opened 10 days ago
- #604
pf := lo.MFunc10(f)
pf.Partial(1).PartialR(2) // able to continuously invoking Partial, and able to Partial from the last args
- Opened 11 days ago
- #603
HasIndex([]T, i int) bool // check if the index exists.
At([]T, i int) T // return the value or zero value.
AtOr([]T, i int, fallback T) T // return the value or fallback value.
- 2
- Opened 12 days ago
- #602
[]string{ string 1 , string 2 , string 3 }
map[int]string{0: string 1 , 1: string 2 , 2: string 3 }
- 1
- Opened 12 days ago
- #601
when use lo.Map, we never use the second param,so we do need this function to improve our code
func MapByElement[T,R any](s []T, f func(T)R) []R {
return lo.Map(s, func(t T, _ int) R {
return f(t) ...
- Opened 13 days ago
- #599
The existing lo.ForEach function makes a copy of every element as it iterates, which is problematic for arrays since
that prevents them from being modified.
type Dummy struct {
f1 string
} ...
- Opened 15 days ago
- #598
Suppose there are two arrays, aa and bb. I want to convert them into a map in the form of {a: b}. Currently, I need to
write the code like this:
aToB := lo.FromEntries(lo.Map(lo.Zip2(aa, bb), func(kv ...
breaking change
- 2
- Opened 16 days ago
- #597
Hi, the GroupByMap function is shown in the README but not in the package. I cannot find any equivalent function that
does the same thing as GroupByMap. Was it renamed?
- 1
- Opened 18 days ago
- #596

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