Hey there! I'm Samiran Ghosh, a recent MCA graduate. I'm passionate about coding and technology, and I love exploring various aspects of web development and software engineering. This GitHub profile is a collection of my projects and contributions, reflecting my fundamental knowledge in various programming languages and technologies.
Here are some of the languages, libraries, frameworks and tools I'm proficient in:
Here are some of the projects you'll find in this repository:
BBC Article Scraper: This is a simple web scraper built using Node.js, Express, Cheerio, and Axios. It fetches the latest articles from the BBC's website and prints an array of objects called "articles" to the console. Each object contains the headline and the link to the article. (https://github.com/samiranghosh04/bbc-article-web-scraper)
cryptopulse: Free price tracker of over 120+ cryptocurrencies built with React, Axios and a free public/third party API. GitHub Netlify Site
Sea JS: The world's smallest UI framework. You can check it out here GitHub and its also on npm
Feel free to explore and provide feedback or suggestions. I'm always open to learning and improving my skills!
I'm currently focusing on enhancing my knowledge in distributed systems, data structures, and algorithms and landing my first job. Additionally, I'm interested in exploring new frameworks and technologies. System design is also something I love.
If you want to reach out to me for collaboration or have any questions, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn. Let's learn and grow together in the vast world of programming! 😄