This project is a Django-based e-commerce API service that provides the following features:
- User signup and login using JWT auth
- Add products to a cart
- Remove products from a cart
- View and search for products
- Checkout using Stripe
First, clone the repository from GitHub:
git clone
cd e-commerce-api
Set up a virtual environment and run
pip install -r requirements.txt
You will also have to set up a .env file and include the following values, with the DB values corresponding to your postgres setup:
Run the migrations to set up the database:
python migrate
Start the server:
python runserver
To run tests:
python test
POST /users/register/
with the username, email, and password as the body.
POST /api/token/
with the username and password to obtain an access token.
Include the access token as an authorization header Bearer token for each requst.
GET /products/
to retrieve the product list.
GET /products?search=<search_term>
to match product titles, categories and description with a term.
POST /products
with product title, description, category, price and stock quantity as the body.
POST /cart/add/
with a product id and quantity to add it to the cart.
GET /cart/
to retrieve the cart.
DELETE /cart/remove/
with a product id to remove it from the cart.
POST /cart/checkout/
to initiate a checkout and receive a Stripe checkout session id.
Set up a Stripe account by logging into Stripe and create a new project.
You will then be able to obtain a Stripe test secret key to add to your .env file.
See project requirements here.