THIS IS A MESS - Sorry... I kinda forgot it was public...
[]( Easterby-Smith/SESUsefulViews)
It's two useful views which I find myself using in many projects:
- SESCircularImageView is a UIImageView subclass with a circular mask and optional border
- SESGradientView is a UIView with a CAGradientLayer in it
You can instantiate them programatically OR in interfacebuilder by changing the class name of a UIImageView or UIView respectively... In interfacebuilder you can also set values for the exposed properties of the views like the colours or border width...
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first. Except it won't work
SESUsefulViews is NOT YET available through CocoaPods. Meanwhile you can clone the source and copy the files from Pod/Classes into your project.
Sam Easterby-Smith,
SESUsefulViews is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.