This is a simple spring boot 2+ app with hibernate 5+ and Java 8+tech stack. UI at: Autodeployed at :
2+ withSpring security
based token authorization and authentication is implemented for USER and ADMIN role.Swagger2
is implemented to see APIs.Swagger
impl is updated with auth bearer token based login.- Hibernate
One to One
,One to Many
andMany to One
association betweenNote
using association tablenote_tag
. - Saving
password as hash
, not plaintext.
- Admin role is able to detete note, but not user role.
- Admin role has all access. User role has all but to delete note.
- /auth endpoint is exempted from security. This is used to fetch JWT token
- swagger related urls are also exempted.
- / is forwared to swagger home by default.
- Swagger now has Bearer token facility to provide token along with each request.