a social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as "tweets" powered by blockchain technology
View the Demo on YouTube
Technology | Description |
Sanity.io | platform for structured content (backend database) |
Next.js | an open-source web development framework |
Tailwind CSS | utility-first library |
React.js | javaScript library |
Alchemy API | blockchain API |
Pinata | NFT starage (IPFS) |
Solidity | an object-oriented programming language for implementing smart contracts |
OpenZepplin | standard for secure blockchain applications |
Vercel | platform for static sites & frontend frameworks |
Hardhat | ethereum development environment |
Metamask | software cryptocurrency wallet |
User athentication with MetaMask (login/connect to wallet)
Upload profile picture
Mint & deploy NFTs: set as profile picture
Send tweets in realtime
Navigate to profile section
Step #1 - Clone the project
$ git clone https://github.com/sandramsc/twitter-blockchain.git
Step #2
cd client
Install dependencies via npm or yarn: npm i OR yarn
Website: To start it, run npm start OR yarn start
yarn start
Step #3
cd studio
Install dependencies via npm or yarn: npm i OR yarn
Website: To start it, run npm start OR yarn start
yarn start