👋 Hi, I’m Tran Nhat Sang. I have over one year of experience as a Web developer and full-stack Developer!
- 💞️ I’m interested in programming and coding! My dream is to help your business grow and scale up. Contact with me!
- 🌱 I’m currently learning and developing web and software development.
- 👀 I’m looking to collaborate with a technology company.
- [My Skills]:
- Frontend: HTML, CSS/SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJS (Redux, Redux Toolkit, RTK Query), Angular (RxJS, NgRx)
- Backend: NodeJS (ExpressJS, NestJS), Golang (Gin), API (RESTFul, GraphQL -- TARGET), RealTime (Socket.io, Firebase), Cache (Redis -- TARGET, Memcached -- TARGET)
- Database: SQL(MySQL, Postgres, MSSQL, MariaDB), NoSQL(MongoDB)
- DevOps: Docker, CLOUD AWS, Github actions, Netlify, Vercel, OnRender, Hosting, Basic CI/CD (Deployment)
- Libraries/ Frameworks: Tailwind CSS, Boostrap, Ant Design, Material UI.
- Programming Paradigm: OOP (Design Pattern & SOLID - IN PROGRESS), Data structures & Algorithm (DSA)
- Architecture: Microservices (TARGET), Monolithic, MVC.
- Tools: Jira, Agile Methodology, Unit Test (Jest, Vitest).
- Other Skills: Git, Figma (UI/UX), WordPress (CMS).
- [English]: I am Strong at verbal communication.
- [My Experience]:
[Links Description Detail] I have hands-on experiences with these projects:
- HRM: Human Resource Management
- RMS: Room Management System
- PMS: Procurement Management System
- CMS: Contract Car Management System
- ELearning
- Ecommerce
- [My Portfolio]: Here is my Portfolio [Google Drive Folder]
- 📫 You can reach me by contact via:
- [My CV]: [Online Resume]
- [Email]: nhatsang0101@gmail.com.
- [Website]: https://trannhatsang.com to see more about myself
- I am eager to learn and discover new technology.
- My quotes: No pain, no gain. Never stop learning