A dummy project that (attempts) to sort records
Sorted files will be in out/
scripts/cli.sh <file-1> <file-2> <file-3>
make docker-build
docker run \
-v <input-vol>:/usr/app/in \
-v <output-vol>:/usr/app/out \
sansarip/pensive-dubinsky \
./scripts/cli.sh \
in/<file-1> \
in/<file-2> \
API listens on port 3000 and nREPL is available on port 41985
You may need to wait a bit for the webserver to spin up
make run-dev-nrepl
make run-prod-nrepl
make docker-build
make docker-run-prod-nrepl
Once the webserver is running, you can view documentation and send API requests via the Swagger UI hosted at http://localhost:3000/
make run-tests