Learn how to easily integrate Cloudinary into your projects with real examples.
- .NET
- Android
- Angular
- Astro
- Dart
- Flutter
- Go
- HTML & Browser
- iOS
- Java
- Kotlin
- Laravel
- Netlify
- Next.js
- Node.js
- Nuxt
- Python
- React
- Remix
- Ruby
- SolidJS
- Svelte
- SvelteKit
- Streamlit
- Tina
- Vue
- Cloudinary Product Gallery
- Uploading with Forms
- Cloudinary Upload Widget with an Upload Preset (Unsigned)
- Netlify Function - Cloudinary Custom Remote Function
- Netlify Function - Cloudinary Webhook Endpoint
- Netlify Graph Authentication - Cloudinary Auth in Netlify Function
- Cloudinary Upload Widget with Signed Uploads
- Cloudinary Upload Widget with an Upload Preset (Unsigned)
- Next Cloudinary - CldImage
- Next Cloudinary - CldOgImage
- Next Cloudinary - CldUploadButton
- Next Cloudinary - CldUploadWidget
- Next Cloudinary - CldUploadWidget - Signed Uploads
- Next Cloudinary - CldVideoPlayer
- Next Cloudinary - CldVideoPlayer - Streaming & ABR
- Next Image - Cloudinary Loader
- Next Image - Cloudinary URLs
- Social Media Cards
- Upload Files with FormData in API Routes
- Upload Files with Route Handlers
- Upload Files with Server Actions
- Nuxt Cloudinary - CldImage
- Nuxt Cloudinary - CldOgImage
- Nuxt Cloudinary - CldUploadButton
- Nuxt Cloudinary - CldUploadWidget
- Nuxt Cloudinary - CldVideoPlayer
- Nuxt Image - Cloudinary Image Provider
- Cloudinary Upload Widget with an Upload Preset (Unsigned)
- Cloudinary AdvancedImage
- Cloudinary AdvancedVideo
- Cloudinary Media Library
- Cloudinary Product Gallery
- Cloudinary Upload Widget with an Upload Preset (Unsigned)
- Cloudinary Video Player
- Dark Mode & Light Mode Images
- Removing Backgrounds
- Transformations & Effects
- Cloudinary Product Gallery
- Cloudinary Upload Widget with an Upload Preset (Unsigned)
- Transformations & Effects
- Cloudinary Upload Widget with an Upload Preset (Unsigned)
- Svelte Cloudinary - CldImage
- Svelte Cloudinary - CldUploadWidget
- Transformations & Effects
- Uploading Images
- Cloudinary AdvancedImage
- Cloudinary Product Gallery
- Cloudinary Upload Widget with an Upload Preset (Unsigned)
Create an issue detailing the project and how Cloudinary would integrate.
If the use case seems like it would be broadly helpful for others as well, I'll try to work it into this repository!
Each project is independently maintained, though uses pnpm workspaces for dependency management.
To create a new example, first check if an existing example is avaiable for the given framework. If so, it's recommended to copy the directory for your new example to maintain consistency between the examples.
If no existing example exists, you can create a new directory that includes the basic example.
All examples should be minimal with as little dependencies as needed (ideally no additional dependencies).
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!