sarahhodne / travis-ci
Forked from travis-ci/travis-ciA distributed build system for the open source community.
sarahhodne / Specs
Forked from CocoaPods/SpecsA repository of CocoaPods specifications.
the official Travis CI blog & documentation website
sarahhodne / travis-core
Forked from travis-ci/travis-coreModels and classes shared by Travis hub and server
sarahhodne / madrox
Forked from technoweenie/madroxDistributed Twitter implementation in Git.
sarahhodne / zundle
Forked from matschaffer/zundleZundle, the plug-in manager for Zsh (like Vundle for Vim)
bosko / context-io
Forked from sarahhodne-abandoned/context-ioContextIO is a Ruby wrapper for the Context.IO web service.
sarahhodne / mime-types
Forked from mime-types/ruby-mime-typesRuby MIME::Types implementation
sarahhodne / memcache-client
Forked from mperham/memcache-clientRuby library for accessing memcached.
sarahhodne / guard
Forked from guard/guardGuard is a command line tool to easily handle events on files modifications (FSEvent / Inotify / Polling support).
sarahhodne / libetpan
Forked from dinhvh/libetpanMail Framework for C Language
sarahhodne / gitscm
Forked from git/gitscm-oldGit homepage that rocks - from the awesomeness
CogDis / craftd
Forked from kev009/craftdkev009 development repo. Canonical repo @ craftd/craftd (see project URL)
sarahhodne / glynn
Forked from dmathieu/glynnGenerate your jekyll blog files and sends them through FTP
sarahhodne /
Forked from radar/ryanbigg.comJekyll-powered version of
sarahhodne / linguist
Forked from github-linguist/linguistLanguage Savant
sarahhodne / redcar
Forked from danlucraft/redcarA cross-platform programmer's editor written in Ruby.
sarahhodne / homebrew
Forked from Homebrew/legacy-homebrewThe missing package manager for OS X.
sarahhodne / carmen
Forked from carmen-ruby/carmenA simple collection of geographic names and abbreviations for Rails apps (includes replacements for country_select and state_select)
sarahhodne / tilt
Forked from rtomayko/tiltGeneric interface to multiple Ruby template engines
sarahhodne / stars
Forked from holman/starsRecent favstar faves on your command line.