[cljsjs/babel-standalone "6.18.1-3"] ;; latest release
This package provides Babel-standalone for use with ClojureScript
foreign library preprocessing.
In addition to the file (cljsjs/babel-standalone/production/babel.min.js
), the package
provides namespace cljsjs.babel-standalone
which provides cljsjs.closure/js-transforms
implementation :cljsjs.babel-standalone/babel
which you can
use by requiring the namespace in your build.clj
or similar.
Babel options can be provided on the
foreign library map using property :cljsjs.babel-standalone/babel-opts
:foreign-libs [{:file "src"
:module-type :es6
:preprocess :cljsjs.babel-standalone/babel
:cljsjs.babel-standalone/babel-opts {:presets ["react" "es2016"]}}]
Or in next ClojureScript version:
[{:file "src"
:module-type :es6
;; changed
;; notice that the symbol should not be quoted in project.clj or .cljs.edn
:preprocess 'cljsjs.babel-standalone/transform
:cljsjs.babel-standalone/babel-opts {:presets ["react" "es2016"]}}]
While Babel-standalone can also be used in browser, this package does not currently
provide deps.cljs
with foreign-library declaration or extern files.