[cljsjs/media-stream-recorder "1.2.6-0"] ;; latest release
This jar comes with deps.cljs
as used by the [Foreign Libs][flibs] feature
of the ClojureScript compiler. After adding the above dependency to your project
you can require the packaged library like so:
(ns application.core
(:require cljsjs.media-stream-recorder))
From there [flibs]: https://clojurescript.org/reference/packaging-foreign-deps
Media Stream Recorder
https://github.com/streamproc/MediaStreamRecorder lets you record audio and video from a media stream (webcam) to Blob files in your browser.
Demos: https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/msr/
Use MediaStreamRecorder for firefox and MultiStreamRecorder for chrome. Constructing these given a stream `stream is as simple as.
(def media-constraints #js {:audio false :video true})
;; use MediaStreamRecorder to record .webm files on Firefox and Firefox Mobile (best)
(defn record! [stream]
(let [msr (js/MediaStreamRecorder. stream)]
(aset msr "mimeType" "video/webm") ;; necessary
(aset msr "width" 320) ;; necessary
(aset msr "height" 240) ;; necessary
(set! (.-ondataavailable msr) #(js/console.log %))
(.start msr 0)))
(def media-constraints #js {:audio true :video true})
(js/navigator.getUserMedia media-constraints record! js/console.warn)
;; use MultiStreamRecorder only if you need video + audio on Chrome
(defn record! [stream]
(let [msr (js/MultiStreamRecorder. stream)]
(set! (.-ondataavailable msr) #(js/console.log %))
(.start msr 0)))
(def media-constraints #js {:audio true :video true})
(js/navigator.webkitGetUserMedia media-constraints record! js/console.warn)
available methods for msr are:
(.start msr) ;; starts recording from stream
(.stop msr) ;; segments and stops recording from stream