[cljsjs/react-sticky "6.0.2-0"] ;; latest release
;; or bring your own React (>= 15.3)
[cljsjs/react-sticky "6.0.1-0" :exclusions [cljsjs/react cljsjs/react-dom]] ;; latest release
This jar comes with deps.cljs
as used by the Foreign Libs feature
of the ClojureScript compiler. After adding the above dependency to your project
you can require the packaged library like so:
(ns application.core
(:require cljsjs.react-sticky))
Calling react-sticky example
(let [container (js/React.createElement js/ReactSticky.StickyContainer)
sticky (js/React.createElement js/ReactSticky.Sticky)]
[container ...props...
[sticky ...props...
(fn [props]
[:div {:style (aget props "style")}
expects a function as its only child, and that function must return a valid React component. The above example shows how to achieve this with an anonymous function returning the value from reagent.core/as-element
Externs for this package were generated with javascript-externs-generator
First build a package to get access to react-sticky.inc.js
boot package target
Then download the peer dependencies of react-sticky (as specified in package.json
curl -L -o target/react-with-addons.js https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.3.1/react-with-addons.js
curl -L -o target/react-dom.js https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.3.1/react-dom.js
Then using the generate-extern
cli utility externs can be generated:
generate-extern -f target/react-with-addons.js,target/react-dom.js,target/cljsjs/react-sticky/development/react-sticky.inc.js -n ReactSticky -o resources/cljsjs/react-sticky/common/react-sticky.ext.js