[cljsjs/sinon "6.1.4-0"] ;; latest release
After adding the above dependency to your project you can require the packaged library like so:
(ns application.core
(:require cljsjs.sinon))
(ns test-sinon.core
(:require [cljsjs.sinon]
[ajax.core :refer [GET]]))
;; Create a spy
(def myobj (clj->js {"hello" (fn [name] (str "hello, " name "!"))}))
(def spy (js/sinon.spy myobj "hello"))
(assert (false? (.-calledOnce spy)))
(println (myobj.hello "mister")) ; hello, mister!
(assert (true? (.-calledOnce spy)))
(assert (true? (.calledWith spy "mister")))
;; Create a fake server
(def server (js/sinon.createFakeServer))
(def mock-response [{"id" 12 "comment" "Hey there"}])
(.respondWith server "GET" "/some/article/comments.json"
(clj->js [200 {"Content-Type" "application/json"} (-> mock-response clj->js js/JSON.stringify)]))
(def callback (js/sinon.spy))
(GET "/some/article/comments.json" {:handler callback})
(.respond server)
(js/sinon.assert.calledWith callback mock-response)
It's important to note that Sinon isn't meant to be used in production or fed through minifiers. It's actual use case is either for unit testing or to mock a backend during frontend development. Therefore, it should always be run with optimizations :none