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RealWorld Example App

FastAPI + Couchbase Capella codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API.

This codebase was created to demonstrate a fully fledged fullstack application built with FastAPI + Couchbase Capella including CRUD operations, authentication, routing, pagination, and more.

The frontend (AndyT2503/angular-conduit-signals), developed by another contributor, has been imported as a submodule to illustrate interactions and modularity between the frontend and backend.

For more information on how to this works with other frontends/backends, head over to the RealWorld repository.

Conduit API with FastAPI and Couchbase Capella

Table of Contents

Introduction to RealWorld

RealWorld is an open-source project that acts as a Rosetta Stone of web-framework implementations of an app named Conduit (click here for demo). Conduit is a clone of the blogging platform and is a simple yet robust web app that includes:

  • Querying and persisting data to a database
  • An authentication system
  • Session management
  • Full CRUD for resources
  • Relational features like following, liking and commenting.

Conduit is divided into three subprojects: an API, a frontend, and a mobile app. This separation streamlines management and scaling, enabling teams to develop each part independently without overlapping. RealWorld supports this by offering specs and testing resources, allowing for Test-Driven Development (TDD) to ensure all components meet the required standards.

The modular nature of Conduit allows for easy swapping of different implementations, regardless of the web framework used, providing developers the flexibility to experiment with various technologies while maintaining functionality.

Introduction to Capella

Capella is Couchbase's cloud database-as-a-service (DBaaS) offering. It combines the flexibility and performance of Couchbase’s NoSQL database with the ease of a fully managed cloud service. Capella simplifies database management by automating tasks such as scaling, backups, and maintenance, allowing developers to focus on building and optimizing their applications. With Capella, Conduit benefits from high performance and scalability, supporting its features and operations effortlessly.

Project Outline

This project was developed over four stages:

Stage 1: Developing Conduit API with FastAPI and Capella

In Stage 1, a functional REST API for Conduit was developed using the Python web framework FastAPI and Capella. The API was built adhering to TDD principles within a development environment. A Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline was set up using GitHub Actions and run locally with Act to test the API against various testing suites, primarily focusing on RealWorld's backend specifications from a Postman collection.

Stage 2: Integrating Frontend for Full-Stack Conduit with Cypress E2E Testing Suite

Stage 2 involved selecting an existing Conduit frontend from the open-source codebase and integrating it with the API in the development environment. This integration resulted in a functional full-stack application. An end-to-end (E2E) testing suite was then built using Cypress and incorporated into the now expanded CI pipeline.

Stage 3: Containerizing Conduit with Docker

In Stage 3, the API, frontend, and testing suite were containerized using Docker. These containers were then orchestrated within a Docker Compose setup. This smaller stage is in preparation for stage 4.

Stage 4: Infrastructure Automation with Terraform and Conduit Deployment to AWS

Stage 4 automates infrastructure setup and deployment of the Conduit application to AWS, establishing Staging and Production environments with two new locally-run workflows:

  • The Continuous Deployment (CD) pipeline for automatic updates.
  • The Teardown (TD) pipeline for efficient resource cleanup. The Staging environment serves as a deployment testing ground, using the CD pipeline to deploy the application and run CI tests. Once validated, the Production environment follows the same process to deploy the application for end users. The CD pipeline, using Terraform and Couchbase Shell, provisions necessary AWS and Capella resources. Docker builds, tags, and pushes Conduit images to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), which Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) then pulls to update running containers, keeping deployments current. Finally, the TD pipeline dismantles infrastructure when deployments are ended, deprovisioning AWS and Capella resources efficiently.

Stage 1

Developing Conduit API with FastAPI and Capella


To prepare for this stage, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the codebase to a local repo.
  2. Install a version of Python compatible with the Couchbase Python SDK.
  3. Create a new Python virtual environment Refer to resources like the official Python docs for guidance.
  4. Install Python dependencies. This can be achieved by running this command:
  1. Create a remote origin repo in GitHub. This will be for executing the CI workflow.
  • Create a remote repo in GitHub and as the local repo’s origin.
  • In Environments under Settings, create an environment called development and leave all of the configurations as default (repository and environment variables and secrets will be added in coming steps).
  1. Set up .env file. There are two .env.example files in the project, one in the root directory one in the /api directory. The one in the root directory is used by the infrastructure described in Stage 4 (wait until then to implement). The one in the /api directory is used by the Conduit API and needs to be implemented in this step. The .env.example file is an example layout for a .env file, which will contain all of the environment variables. This file will be ignored by the .gitignore file and keep the env variables local, when the API is run in the CI workflow on GitHub, it will use the environment variables defined there (also implemented in later steps).
  • Change the root directory .env file name from .env.example to .env.
  • Leave the CORS variables as is. The remaining variables will be added in coming steps.
  1. Configure JWT settings.
  • Create a random secret key that will be used to sign the JWT tokens. To do this open a terminal and run this command:
  • Copy the resulting string into the remote GitHub repo by setting it as a development environment secret called JWT_SECRET.
  • Also copy the resulting string into the local .env file by setting it as the environment variable also called JWT_SECRET.
  1. Create a Capella account.
  • Couchbase offer a free tier version of Capella. If you want to explore Capella, check out it’s offical docs.
  1. Create and configure a Capella cluster.
  • Under Operational, create a new cluster.
  • Select Free Cluster, give it a name, select your CSP preferences and hit Create Cluster.
  • Once the Cluster is deployed, go into it. Under Data Tools you will find an example data bucket called travel-sample. Delete it.
  1. Create and configure a bucket (This will be automated in stage 4).
  • We’re going to create a new bucket. Hit Create and create a new bucket called conduit_bucket. You can leave the Memory Quota at 100 MiB. Select Use system generated _default for scope and collection. Capella requires these for a bucket to be linkable to App Services.
  • In the remote repo, set conduit_bucket as a repository variable called DB_BUCKET_NAME.
  • Also in the local .env file, set conduit_bucket as the environment variable also called DB_BUCKET_NAME.
  1. Create and configure a scope (This will be automated in stage 4).
  • Using the Create button, create a scope, development, inside conduit_bucket and two collections, article, comment and user*, inside of development.
    *Couchbase has a list keywords that are reserved words. user is a reserved keyword, this can be escaped by encasing the name in backticks (`).
  • For indexing, open Query under Data Tools. Run the following queries in the query box:
    CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON `default`:`conduit_bucket`.`development`.`article`;
    CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON `default`:`conduit_bucket`.`development`.`user`;
    CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON `default`:`conduit_bucket`.`development`.`comment`;
  • In the remote repo, set development as a development environment variable called DB_SCOPE_NAME.
  • Also in the local .env file, set development as the environment variable also called DB_SCOPE_NAME.
  1. Configure cluster connection.
  • Open SDKs under Connect.
  • Copy the public connection string to the remote repo, into a repository var DB_CONN_STR.
  • Copy the public connection string and add it as DB_CONN_STR in the local .env file.
  • Follow the Allowed IP Addresses link and add an allowed IP. Select Allow Access From Anywhere, this whitelists IP*.
    *(We do this to allow the GitHub runners, which work on varying IPs, to access the cluster when running the CI workflow. In Stage 4, we will run the CD workflow on a local runner, allowing for a more fine-tuned whitelist.)
  • Follow the Database Access link and create database access credentials.
  • Copy the Database Access Name and Password to the remote repo. Set the Database Access Name as a repository variable called DB_USERNAME and the Password as a repository secret called DB_PASSWORD.
  • Also copy the Database Access Name and Password to the local .env file. Set the Database Access Name as the environment variable DB_USERNAME and the Password as the environment variable DB_PASSWORD.
  • The remaining steps shown aren’t necessary for preparing this stage but are worth exploring.
  1. Double check local and remote environment variables:

    Local Repo Configuration
    .env file:
    DB_CONN_STR = <capella connection string>
    DB_PASSWORD = <database access password>
    DB_USERNAME = <database access username>
    DB_BUCKET_NAME = conduit_bucket
    DB_SCOPE_NAME = dev
    JWT_SECRET = <jwt secret string>
    CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS =,http://localhost:4200
    CORS_ALLOWED_HEADERS = Content-Type,Authorization
    GitHub Repo Configuration
    Repository variables:
    DB_CONN_STR = <capella connection string>
    DB_USERNAME = <database access username>
    DB_BUCKET_NAME = conduit_bucket
    Repository secrets:
    DB_PASSWORD = <database access password>
    Dev environment variables:
    DB_SCOPE_NAME = dev
    Dev environment secrets:
    JWT_SECRET = <jwt secret string>
  2. [Optional] Set up Couchbase code editor extension.

  • Download the Couchbase extension in VS Code or IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Log in using details.
  • This integrates access to the cluster directly from the code editor.
  1. Test run. Run the following command and the API should connect itself to the Capella cluster and start up on
    Following the link should lead to a Swagger UI page titled FastAPI & Capella Conduit API (we will discuss this page further in this stage).

Models and Schemas

Before starting the API, we need to understand how Conduit represents its data as objects. In Conduit, objects are distinct entities within the system, such as Users, Articles, and Comments.

Object models act as blueprints that outline the attributes of these objects. For instance, a model might specify that an object, like a food item, has a flavor. Schemas then provide detailed descriptions of these attributes, such as stating that a particular food has a ‘sweet’ flavor. While models establish the overall structure of the objects, schemas provide the specific details about each attribute.

A model can embed or refer to another model as one of its attributes. This establishes a relationship between objects. Conduit has the following examples of this:

An article object:

  1. Embeds a User object in its author attribute.
  2. Can refer to multiple User objects in its favoritedUserIds attribute.
  3. Can refer to multiple Comment objects in its commentIds attribute.

A comment object:

  1. Embeds a User object in its author attribute.

A user object:

  1. Can refer to multiple User objects in its followingIds.

These relationships define the object relational structure illustrated in Figure 1:

Figure 1: Object relational structure

Figure 1: Object relational structure

Conduit represents object models in JSON form and uses them for processing by the API and storing in the Capella database.

An object’s attributes can be defined or described by a schema. There are typically multiple types of schemas for each object, each one outlining only the attributes relevant to the specific use case.

Figure 2 maps the schemas relating to article objects:

Figure 2: Article schemas

Figure 2: Article schemas

Conduit also represents schemas in JSON form and uses them for input (creating and updating) and output (displaying) to and from the API.

API Start Up

For this stage, we will be primarily using the /api directory:

Figure 3: API Directory

Figure 3: API Directory

When the script runs, it launches Uvicorn, a fast ASGI server. Uvicorn then loads the FastAPI application from the api.main module, where it is defined as api. The FastAPI framework initializes by configuring the Capella database connection, setting up routing, applying middleware and other components defined within the api instance, readying the applicating to handle incoming HTTP requests.

API Database

The Capella database integrates into Conduit via the Capella SDK, enabling interactions with the FastAPI framework. This setup facilitates key-value storage, querying, and schema processing for objects like users, articles, and comments.

Key Features:

  • Capella SDK: Establishes database connections for inserting, updating, and retrieving JSON-serialized objects, ensuring API-database consistency.
  • Key-Value Operations: Each object (e.g., user:<id>, article:<slug>) is stored with unique keys for low-latency access via get and set methods.
  • Querying: Capella's indexing supports advanced queries, such as retrieving comments for an article or users favoriting a specific article.
  • Schema Alignment: FastAPI’s Pydantic models define request/response schemas consistent with Capella’s document structure.

Extensibility: Comment Pagination Pagination for comments can improve performance by limiting results per request. Enhancing the /articles/{slug}/comments endpoint with parameters like ?page=2&limit=10 would involve:

  • Updating Capella queries with offset and limit.
  • Adding metadata (e.g., current page, total comments) to the response schema.

API Endpoints

API routers are accessed via HTTP requests made by clients or other services that interact programmatically with the application. Typically, these endpoints are not directly accessible through a browser because they are designed to handle programmatic requests and are often secured with authentication and authorization mechanisms.

However, FastAPI APIs automatically provides Swagger, an interactive documentation UI, allowing for exploration and testing of the API endpoints. This user-friendly documentation can be accessed via the /docs endpoint, and the root endpoint / is configured to redirect to /docs automatically.

Note: Swagger UI’s authorization module is not compatible with this project and does not function correctly (refer to the Security section for details).

Figure 4: API Endpoints

Figure 4: API Endpoints


RealWorld's security for Conduit relies on the use of JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), which are a secure way to transmit information between two parties through a digitally signed token. In this system, a JWT functions like an access key, granting clients the ability to interact with protected API endpoints. This ensures that only authenticated and authorized clients can access secure areas of the application. The following steps illustrate how JWTs are used for authentication and authorization in this process:

Figure 5: Authorized Request

Figure 5: Authorized Request

  1. The client POST requests the user’s username and password to the login_user endpoint.
  2. The API authenticates the client.
  3. The API generates an access token (JWT).
  4. The API responses with status 200 OK and the access token.
  5. The client stores the access token in local storage.
  6. All future client requests include the access token in an Authorization header.
  7. The API decodes the access token and authenticates the client.
  8. The API processes the request (e.g., creating a new article).
  9. The API responds with status 200 OK.

In step 3, the API generates the access token using the create_access_token function. The function first defines the token's payload, which includes the user's username and an expiration time set by the ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES variable. This payload is then serialized into a JSON string and encoded using the HS256 algorithm, along with a secret key provided by the SECRET_KEY environment variable. The resulting encoded JWT is returned as a string, ready to be sent to the client for authentication purposes. The secret key, token expiration and HS256 algorithm are configured in the file.

Another possible scenario is depicted below:

Figure 6: Unauthorized Request

Figure 6: Unauthorized Request

  1. The client request does not include an access token in an Authorization header.
  2. The API does not authorize the client request.
  3. The API responds status 401 Unauthorized.

In Step 7 of Figure 4 and Step 2 of Figure 5, the API manages user authentication depending on whether the endpoint requires authorization. For all endpoints, except for the register and login_user functions, the API checks for a current user instance. If the endpoint requires authorization, it calls the get_current_user_instance function (e.g., for creating an article). For unauthorized endpoints, it uses the get_current_user_optional_instance function (e.g., for retrieving articles).

These functions use the OAUTH2_SCHEME to extract the access token from the request’s Authorization header. They then decode the token using the HS256 algorithm and the secret key, followed by attempting to authenticate the user based on the username contained within the token. If authentication is successful, the user is returned as the current user instance, authorizing the client's request to be processed (as in Figure 4). However, if authentication fails, the current user instance is returned as None. For authorized endpoints, this results in the client’s request being denied and not processed (as shown in Figure 5).

FastAPI provide a variety of OAUTH2 classes in its security module:

from import (

The OAuth2PasswordBearer class would have been ideal for our use case, as it extracts the access token from the Authorization header formatted as:Authorization: Bearer {{token}}.

However, our RealWorld API specifications require tokens to be extracted from headers formatted as: Authorization: Token {{token}}.

Due to this formatting discrepancy, OAuth2PasswordBearer was not suitable. Therefore, a custom scheme, OAuth2TokenBearer, was implemented. This custom scheme, based on the OAuth2 security class, was designed to work like OAuthPasswordBearer but handles headers with the Token prefix rather than Bearer. It can be found in the utils/ file.

Due to this custom header format, Swagger UI’s built-in authorization features are not compatible. Swagger UI supports Bearer token authentication by default but does not handle custom token prefixes like Token out-of-the-box. While custom Swagger extensions or a bespoke documentation UI could potentially address this issue, it is not necessary for the Conduit project. As such, Swagger UI remains useful for documentation purposes but will always indicate unauthorized requests.

For testing API requests, Postman was used, which handles the custom token format seamlessly. RealWorld utilized Postman for their Conduit API testing collection, making it an effective tool for working with the custom token scheme in practice.

Local Testing

RealWorld requires demonstration of unit testing for Conduit implementations. Since FastAPI is written in Python, PyTest is the natural choice. A demo unit test, which uses mock data instead of a real database, is found in the /api/test directory.

To run the PyTest unit tests against the API, start the API and run the following script:


As previously mentioned, RealWorld provides a Postman test collection for Conduit’s API specifications. You can find this collection in the realworld @ 11c81f6 submodule, here. To run the Postman API test collection, start the API and run:


CI Pipeline

The Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline is set up as a workflow in GitHub Actions and will be built upon in later stages, with a complementary Continuous Deployment (CD) pipeline introduced in stage 4. This CI pipeline runs the local tests as well as a codebase linter: GitHub’s super-linter.

Stage 2

Integrating Frontend for Full-stack Conduit with Cypress E2E Testing Suite


To prepare for this stage, follow these steps:

  1. Install the frontend dependencies. Run the following in the /angular-conduit-signals directory:
  1. Test run frontend This will serve the Angular files on localhost, making them accessible in your browser. Run the following in the /angular-conduit-signals directory:
  1. Test run Cypress This will launch Cypress. Choose E2E testing and select your preferred browser. Cypress will automatically execute a test that is expected to fail at this point. Run the following in the /angular-conduit-signals directory:

Selecting and Integrating a Frontend

Conduit is designed with modularity in mind. If a Conduit API implementation passes all the required tests, it should be able to integrate seamlessly with any Conduit frontend implementation, regardless of the framework it’s built with.

The RealWorld CodebaseShow, provides a comprehensive list of publicly available Conduit implementations, including various frontend, backend, and full-stack versions. For this project, we selected an Angular implementation by AndyT2503:


Before integrating this frontend implementation as a submodule, it required some modifications. To facilitate this, we first forked the repository and created a new version:


Figure 7: GitHub Repo Map

Figure 7: GitHub Repo Map

Full-Stack Conduit

To enable the frontend to interact with our API, we reconfigured the frontend configuration in the src/assets/config/app-config.json to match our API implementation’s URL.

And we have a full-stack Conduit application! Start the frontend and the API in separate processes and navigate to the frontend in a browser:


The frontend should now interact with the API and make requests to its endpoints successfully.

Cypress E2E Testing

The next step is to implement End-to-End (E2E) testing with Cypress. E2E tests simulate real user interactions with the frontend, ensuring that all components work together as expected and that the application functions correctly from start to finish. This will help us identify any issues in the user flow and ensure a smooth, bug-free experience.

NOTE: To ensure Cypress works correctly with the frontend, it was necessary to adjust the frontend configuration. Specifically, source mapping was disabled in the tsconfig.json file.

Figure 8: Cypress directory

Figure 8: Cypress Directory

The /e2e directory is where end-to-end (E2E) test files are stored, while the /support directory is used for defining custom commands. Static data files that are utilized in tests are kept in the /fixtures directory. Cypress also has the capability to record E2E tests, which is useful for reviewing test executions and diagnosing issues. These video recordings are saved in the /videos directory.

To run Cypress against Conduit, first start the API and frontend, then, in a separate terminal, start Cypress by running:


In Cypress select to run the test. Cypress will automatically create the /videos directory and save a recording of the test there.

Integrating E2E Testing into CI Workflow

Cypress E2E testing was integrated directly into the CI workflow, moving beyond local testing. This change ensures that end-to-end tests are automatically run in a consistent environment with every update, giving us greater confidence in the project as it progresses.

Stage 3

Containerizing Conduit with Docker

In this stage, we focus on containerizing the Conduit API, frontend, and E2E testing environments using Docker. Containerization enables us to package each part of the application into isolated environments, ensuring consistency across different platforms. These components will be connected via Docker Compose to work together as a complete application.

Containerizing the API

By default, Uvicorn serves FastAPI on The IP address is the loopback address. It is used to communicate within the same machine, and is synonymous with localhost ( is just the actual IP used for this purpose). This means if the API is hosted on on a container, it would not be accessible from outside of that container.

Therefore, the API’s Dockerfile, api/Dockerfile.api, was configured to bind to

The IP address is the wildcard address, allowing access from outside of the container. This allows the API to be accessed on port 8000 by external processes such as the frontend container.

To build the API image, run:


To run the API container, run:


To stop the API container, run:


Containerizing the Frontend

Angular does not natively serve its own files; it requires a web server to do so. During development, the Angular CLI (ng serve) provides a development server for testing and running the app locally, but this is not intended for production. In production, Angular apps are typically built into static files (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) that are served by a web server, while Angular itself runs entirely client-side in the browser.

AndyT2503's Angular frontend lacks a built-in web server, so when containerized, its static files cannot be served outside the container. To address this, the containerization process was split into a multi-stage Docker build: first, building the Angular app, then serving it on a web server. Nginx will handle the serving, using a default.conf file located in the frontend directory for configuration. The build stage compiles the Angular app and generates static files, which are then copied into an Nginx image that routes client-side requests to the frontend's index.html file.

To build the frontend image, run:


To run the frontend container, run:


To stop the frontend container, run:


Containerizing the E2E Testing

Containerizing the Cypress instance was straightforward. Docker has various images for running Cypress locally and in CI. The only requirement was to include the frontend base URL as an environment variable in the Cypress container, which was achieved in the next step in the docker-compose file.

To build the E2E image, run:


To run the E2E container, run:


To stop the E2E container, run:


Composing Containers

The three containers were composed together in a multi-container setup. These containers were connected over a single Docker network real-world-network. To build the Conduit composition, run:

To build and run the Conduit composition, run:


To stop the Conduit composition, run:


Stage 4

Infrastructure Automation with Terraform and Conduit Deployment to AWS


To prepare for this stage, follow these steps:

  1. Root .env and .secrets files The .env.example and .secrets.example files in the root directory are templates for the environment variables used by the infrastructure provisioning workflows. We need to create one of each for each environment we want to deploy. e.g.:
  • .env.staging
  • .secrets.staging
  • .env.production
  • .secrets.production The .env and .secrets files can be almost completely filled in using the variables from previous stages.
  1. Install CBShell Run the following commands to install and verify:
pip install cbshell
cbshell –version
  1. Log into Capella using CBShell Run the following command and follow the prompts to access the Capella instance:
cbshell login
  1. CBShell configuration Find the /.cbsh config file and copy the contents into the CBSHELL_CONFIG secret in the .secrets files.
    Heres an example of what that might look like:
version = 1

identifier = "local"
connstr = ""
default-bucket = "travel-sample"
username = "Administrator"
password = "password"

identifier = "remote"
connstr = ""
default-bucket = "myapp"
username = "user"
password = "pass"
capella-organization = "my-org"

identifier = "my-org"
access-key = "get-your-own"
secret-key = "get-your-own"
default-project = "default"

Deployment to AWS with ECR and ECS

Conduit will be deployed to AWS, consisting of three ECS services. Each ECS service will host one of the three Conduit containers: frontend, backend, and the E2E testing.

On each deployment, ECS containers will be updated by pulling new images from ECR repositories. The CD pipeline will utilize a local Docker instance to build, tag, and push the container images to these repositories.

Here is a wire diagram showing the Conduit deployment:

Figure 9: Conduit Deployment Infrastructure

Figure 9: Conduit Deployment Infrastructure

Introduction to Terraform

Terraform is an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool used for provisioning and managing infrastructure. It handles building, modifying, and tearing down infrastructure in a consistent, automated way.

Terraform Init:

This command initializes a Terraform working directory by setting up the necessary backend configuration and downloading any required modules or providers.

Terraform Backend:

Terraform maintains a backend, which consists of a statefile and a statelock.

  • The statefile stores the current state of infrastructure managed by Terraform, representing live resources.
  • The statelock prevents multiple instances of Terraform from making simultaneous changes to the infrastructure, ensuring consistency and avoiding conflicts. The backend can be stored locally or remotely. In this project, the backend will be stored remotely in an AWS S3 bucket with an AWS DynamoDB table for state locking. This allows different Terraform instances to access and manage the same state consistently.

Terraform Plan:

Terraform reads the current infrastructure state from the statefile and compares it with the desired configuration specified in the Terraform files. It then creates an execution plan, detailing what changes need to be made to reconcile the live infrastructure with the configuration.

Terraform apply:

This command applies the changes specified in the plan, executing the required actions to update the infrastructure, including modifying or destroying resources as needed.

Terraform destroy:

This command tears down all infrastructure currently defined in the statefile, removing the resources from the environment.

Capella Instance Provisioning

Terraform Capella Plug-in

Terraform includes a Couchbase provider that allows for automated provisioning and configuration of Capella resources. This plugin can be used to define clusters, buckets, users, and roles within the Capella database platform as part of the IaC workflow.

Using CBShell for Capella Management

For this project, the management of Capella instances will be showcased using CBShell, a command-line interface tool specifically designed for interacting with Couchbase Capella.

CBShell Features:

  • Provisioning and configuring Capella clusters.
  • Setting up buckets for storing application data.
  • Managing access credentials and role-based permissions.
  • Streamlining database infrastructure setup without requiring extensive scripting.

By using CBShell, the project ensures quick and reliable configuration of the Capella environment, complementing the automated provisioning of the rest of the infrastructure.

CD Pipeline

The CD pipeline automates the deployment process for both staging and production environments, ensuring consistent and repeatable deployments across environments.

  1. Environment Validation
  • Before the pipeline runs, it verifies the specified environment (e.g., staging or production) to prevent accidental deployments in the wrong environment.
  1. Pipeline Execution
  • The pipeline runs locally as a workflow runner, executing tasks in sequence to ensure a seamless deployment.
  1. Capella Infrastructure Provisioning
  • CBShell is used to provision the Capella database infrastructure, including clusters and buckets.
  • The bucket is ensured and the schema, collections and indexes are created.
  1. AWS Infrastructure Provisioning
  • Terraform automates the creation of required AWS resources, such as ECS services, task definitions, and ECR repositories.
  • The provisioning ensures the infrastructure is ready to host Conduit’s services.
  1. Building and Deploying Docker Images
  • Docker is used to build container images for the frontend, backend, and E2E testing services.
  • Images are tagged with version identifiers to allow traceability and rolled-back deployments if needed.
  • These images are pushed to ECR for storage and versioning.
  1. ECS Service Updates
  • ECS task definitions are updated to use the newly deployed images from ECR.
  • ECS services automatically pull and deploy the updated images, ensuring all instances are running the latest version of the application.

TD Pipeline

The TD pipeline ensures that infrastructure resources are safely removed when no longer needed, freeing up resources and avoiding unnecessary costs.

  1. Environment Validation
  • Similar to the CD pipeline, the TD pipeline validates the environment to ensure the teardown process is applied to the correct environment (e.g., staging or production).
  • This step prevents accidental deletion of critical resources.
  1. Pipeline Execution
  • The TD pipeline is executed locally as a workflow runner, the same as the CD pipeline.
  1. Teardown AWS Infrastructure
  • Terraform is used to destroy all AWS resources associated with the project.
  • Resources such as ECS clusters, task definitions, and ECR repositories are removed.
  • The process ensures all dependencies are handled, preventing orphaned resources.
  1. Teardown Capella Infrastructure.
  • Using CBShell, Capella clusters, buckets, and associated configurations are deprovisioned.


The Conduit project demonstrates a full-stack application implementation built with modularity and scalability in mind. It spans four development stages:

  1. Backend Development: Using FastAPI and Couchbase Capella, a robust API was created following TDD principles. The API supports secure and efficient database interactions with Capella's managed NoSQL services.
  2. Frontend Integration and E2E Testing: A pre-existing Angular frontend was adapted and integrated into the stack. Cypress E2E testing ensured the seamless interaction of the frontend with the backend.
  3. Containerization: Docker was used to containerize the backend, frontend, and testing suite, with Docker Compose managing their integration.
  4. Infrastructure Automation: Using Terraform, the application was deployed to AWS, establishing staging and production environments. Automated CD/TD pipelines streamlined deployments and resource management.

This project serves as a blueprint for scalable, testable, and deployable modern web applications, leveraging state-of-the-art tools and methodologies.


RealWorld's Conduit API built with FastAPI and Couchbase Capella



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  • Python 80.4%
  • HCL 15.2%
  • Shell 4.4%