# π Azure IaC Samples
π This repository contains **Infrastructure as Code (IaC)** examples for provisioning and managing Azure resources using **Terraform** and **Bicep**. Whether you're building for Azure-native or multi-cloud environments, these samples will help you get started.
## π Repository Structure
βββ terraform/ # Terraform-based IaC examples
β βββ main.tf # Core configuration for Terraform
β βββ network.tf # Virtual Network with multiple subnets
β βββ storage.tf # Azure Storage Account
β βββ keyvault.tf # Azure Key Vault with a secret
βββ bicep/ # Bicep-based IaC examples
β βββ main.bicep # Core configuration for Bicep
β βββ network.bicep # Virtual Network with multiple subnets
β βββ storage.bicep # Azure Storage Account
β βββ keyvault.bicep # Azure Key Vault with a secret
βββ README.md # Repository overview and details
π‘ Virtual Network with Subnets
- Path:
- Description: Creates a virtual network with two subnets, designed for secure resource segmentation.
- Code Snippet:
resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "example" { name = "example-vnet" location = azurerm_resource_group.example.location resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.example.name address_space = [""] }
- Path:
π¦ Azure Storage Account
- Path:
- Description: Provisions a secure Azure Storage Account with LRS replication.
- Code Snippet:
resource "azurerm_storage_account" "example" { name = "examplestorageacct" resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.example.name location = azurerm_resource_group.example.location account_tier = "Standard" account_replication_type = "LRS" }
- Path:
π Azure Key Vault with a Secret
- Path:
- Description: Deploys an Azure Key Vault with a sample secret.
- Code Snippet:
resource "azurerm_key_vault_secret" "example" { name = "example-secret" value = "SuperSecretValue" key_vault_id = azurerm_key_vault.example.id }
- Path:
π‘ Virtual Network with Subnets
- Path:
- Description: Configures a virtual network with two subnets using concise Bicep syntax.
- Code Snippet:
resource vnet 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2021-02-01' = { name: 'example-vnet' location: resourceGroup().location properties: { addressSpace: { addressPrefixes: [''] } subnets: [ { name: 'subnet1' properties: { addressPrefix: '' } } { name: 'subnet2' properties: { addressPrefix: '' } } ] } }
- Path:
π¦ Azure Storage Account
- Path:
- Description: Deploys a scalable Azure Storage Account using Bicep.
- Code Snippet:
resource storageAccount 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2021-08-01' = { name: 'examplestorageacct' location: resourceGroup().location sku: { name: 'Standard_LRS' } kind: 'StorageV2' }
- Path:
π Azure Key Vault with a Secret
- Path:
- Description: Creates an Azure Key Vault and securely stores a sample secret.
- Code Snippet:
resource keyVault 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults@2021-10-01' = { name: 'example-keyvault' location: resourceGroup().location properties: { sku: { family: 'A'; name: 'standard' } tenantId: subscription().tenantId } } resource secret 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets@2021-10-01' = { name: 'example-secret' parent: keyVault properties: { value: 'SuperSecretValue' } }
- Path:
- Terraform CLI: Install Terraform
- Azure CLI: Install Azure CLI
- Bicep: Install Bicep
Clone the repository:
git clone git@github.com:satishgonella2024/Azure-IaC-Samples.git cd Azure-IaC-Samples
Run examples:
- Terraform:
terraform init terraform plan terraform apply
- Bicep:
az deployment group create \ --name ExampleDeployment \ --resource-group <resource-group> \ --template-file <file-name>.bicep
- Terraform:
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository, submit pull requests, or open issues.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Created and maintained by Satish Gonella.
π GitHub Profile
βοΈ Medium Blog