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Deploy folder

This folder contains a set of deployment scripts to cover various scenarios

Powershell scripts inside powershell folder

  • Add-Cert-Manager.ps1: Adds cert manager to AKS.
  • Build-Push.ps1: Build and pushes all Docker images to ACR.
  • Create-Secret.ps1: Create the secret acr-auth in AKS used to allow pulling images from ACR.
  • Deploy-Arm-Azure.ps1: Deploys the ARM script to Azure and configure resources.
  • Deploy-Images-Aks.ps1: Deploys Tailwind Traders Backend Docker images to AKS using Helm charts.
  • Deploy-Pictures-Azure.ps1: Deploys all pictures to the Azure storage.
  • Enable-Ssl.ps1: Enables SSL suport in AKS using cert-manager.
  • Generate-Config.ps1: Generates a valid configuration file given an Azure resource group with all infrastructure created.
  • Token-Replace.ps1: Used by Generate-Config.ps1. Substitutes tokens in a template file by values given.

ARM Scripts inside arm folder

  • deployment.json: Full ARM script with AKS, ACR and all infrastructure in Azure
  • deployment-nodes.json: ARM script with an AKS that allows Windows and Linux containers.
  • deployment-no-aks.json: ARM script with all infrastructure but without AKS nor ACR. Used when using an existing AKS and ACR.