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File metadata and controls

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Python client for the Domain property API

It does what it says on the tin.


Using pip:

pip install domain

Or installing from source:

git clone
cd domain/
python install


You will first need to sign up for a Domain developer account. Then you will be able to create an application and get a Client ID and Client Secret. These will be used for authentication.

Note that the Domain API has multiple Packages and Plans that give access to different end points of their API. You can sign up for the following packages and plans for free:

  • Agents and Listings - Innovation Plan
  • Property and Location - Innovation Plan

Each package/plan combination will grant you a different Client ID and Client Secret, which can make it a little difficult to know when to use which one. Thankfully, this Python client takes care of all of that for you.

Enter your credentials into a file (e.g. called client_credentials.yaml) in the following format:

  package_and_plan: AgentsAndListingsInnovationPlan 
  package_and_plan: PropertyAndLocationInnovationPlan

Now you can use those credentials (or any number of Client ID/Client Secret pairs) to authenticate and use the API from Python:

from domain import DomainClient

dc = DomainClient("client_credentials.yaml")

That's it!

The DomainClient will work out which scope is required for each API end point, and will create authentication tokens (Oauth2) as needed. New tokens will be generated when the old ones expire, and the token handling (domain.authorisations.token.Token) will automatically throttle your requests so that you your queries don't fail due to the Domain API rate limits.

You can override this behaviour by supplying your own token=Token keyword argument to any API method in the DomainClient class.

API Example Usage

# Suggest properties based on search terms
results = dc.properties_suggest("Mockingbird lane")

>>> {u'id': u'PB-5682-MC',
 u'relativeScore': 100,
 u'addressComponents': {u'streetTypeLong': u'Road',
 u'streetType': u'Rd',
 u'suburb': u'Pheasants Nest',
 u'state': u'NSW',
 u'unitNumber': u'',
 u'postcode': u'2574',
 u'streetNumber': u'145',
 u'streetName': u'Mockingbird'},
 u'address': u'145 Mockingbird Road, Pheasants Nest NSW 2574'}

# General sales metadata.
>>> {u'auctionedDate': u'2017-08-12',
 u'lastModifiedDateTime': u'2017-08-12T08:45:37.576Z'}

# Check recent sales results in the best city ever.
>>> {u'adjClearanceRate': 0.717219589257504,
 u'median': 898000,
 u'numberAuctioned': 623,
 u'numberListedForAuction': 823,
 u'numberSold': 454,
 u'numberUnreported': 8,
 u'numberWithdrawn': 10,
 u'totalSales': 412839650.0}