Tags: scoder/quicktions
1.19 (2024-11-29) ----------------- * Support for Python 2.7 as well as 3.7 and earlier has been removed. * Generally use ``.as_integer_ratio()`` in the constructor if available. python/cpython#120271 * Add a classmethod ``.from_number()`` that requires a number argument, not a string. python/cpython#121800 * Mixed calculations with other ``Rational`` classes could return the wrong type. python/cpython#119189 * In mixed calculations with ``complex``, the Fraction is now converted to ``float`` instead of ``complex`` to avoid certain corner cases in complex calculation. python/cpython#119839 * Using ``complex`` numbers in division shows better tracebacks. python/cpython#102842 * Subclass instantiations and calculations could fail in some cases.