2.16.0 (2024-12-25)
- alp: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (606017f)
- apko: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (e906c75)
- aqua: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (#1275) (379a951)
- argc: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (f0c3b59)
- argo: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (c069996)
- atlas: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (ce0abdd)
- atmos: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (8796f86)
- bashbot: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (494e625)
- bosh: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (21fcca5)
- caddy: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (6b999e5)
- chamber: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (d6f2798)
- changie: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (5268e0b)
- clusterctl: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (6124044)
- cmctl: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (4dcef0b)
- coder: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (4dc827a)
- colima: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (55a75aa)
- conform: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (676c062)
- conftest: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (123c8d5)
- container-structure-test: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (42d9241)
- cosign: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (#1286) (2dba9c6)
- crane,gcrane,krane: add 3rd party fallback completion loaders (24918db)
- crictl: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (7823df8)
- ctlptl: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (c3784cc)
- cue: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (b9b56e0)
- dagger: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (fb50c08)
- dapr: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (12b91f1)
- dasel: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (6c85159)
- deck: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (254f76a)
- delta: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (164852f)
- depot: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (ba56206)
- devspace: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (ad11337)
- driftctl: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (fffafbc)
- dyff: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (3a37c60)
- esc: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (48a2811)
- flux: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (ddd108b)
- furyctl: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (01ee387)
- fx: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (86b838c)
- ghorg: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (7313401)
- gitconfig: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (1fe9904)
- gitleaks: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (a642fc8)
- gitsign: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (635d734)
- glen: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (89ad58f)
- glow: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (8c3166b)
- gopass: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (81c6273)
- grype: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (a1b3831)
- helmfile: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (3dec92b)
- hostctl: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (25700b6)
- imgpkg: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (c7da7bb)
- jj: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (d70381e)
- just: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (de59a20)
- jwt: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (03229b3)
- k0sctl: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (9a78b89)
- k3d: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (9bb60a3)
- k3sup: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (c58ae25)
- k6: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (05ec5d8)
- k9s: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (cb5005c)
- kafkactl: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (baeb267)
- kapp: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (dd6c685)
- kconf: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (9609b50)
- kind: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (bf54a1f)
- ko: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (ae1b9a2)
- kompose: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (e291111)
- kops: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (6dad3f5)
- kube-capacity: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (ce05e4c)
- kube-linter: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (37d645d)
- kubebuilder: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (1d6650c)
- kubecm: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (dbd94cb)
- kubectl-argo-rollouts: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (0282c1e)
- kubectl-kuttl: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (a9b0084)
- kubelogin: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (e130911)
- kubemqctl: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (4c9798d)
- kubesec: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (19c6c67)
- kubeshark: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (fdd3c4a)
- kubespy: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (7aa7ac1)
- kustomize: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (b780527)
- kyverno: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (2ca5975)
- limactl: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (01bafcb)
- melange: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (6d4ad73)
- minishift: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (d8d3fe1)
- mockery: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (c79bc1c)
- notation: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (cbaef0f)
- nova: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (ce7b092)
- odo: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (48f00ce)
- opa: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (e0b4c7f)
- oras: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (cb5d152)
- pitchfork: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (538344e)
- pluto: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (f519f21)
- popeye: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (23140b2)
- regal: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (a18e23c)
- regctl: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (b3eec76)
- rustic: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (8ec77d0)
- sentry-cli: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (7b3ac92)
- sinker: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (69567f7)
- slsa-verifier: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (ac0bb34)
- sopstool: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (4c17fa0)
- spacectl: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (542fb01)
- steampipe: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (aa6f0fd)
- stern: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (0192486)
- stripe: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (7cf1b3f)
- syft: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (44427f4)
- talhelper: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (c6fc803)
- task: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (6239823)
- tctl: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (0348cbf)
- tfctl: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (014faa5)
- tilt: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (eeeef1c)
- timoni: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (d51ceba)
- vela: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (34c8b32)
- velero: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (b058145)
- venom: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (c77de6c)
- wasmer,wasmer-headless: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (5986022)
- xc: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (97d8eae)
- ytt: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (11cb8a6)
- zola: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (34b1e24)
- mfiutil: more link and style issues (cbd2661)
2.15.0 (2024-11-24)
- _comp_abspath: handle ".." (d599dcf)
- _comp_compgen_filedir,_comp_compgen_filedir_xspec: don’t suggest . and .. (#1230) (0e7a0cf)
- associate unzip and friends with *.vsix (3c3ab17)
- curl: Complete "%", "-" for --trace[-ascii] (b44b29c)
- curl: Complete files for --json, --write-out (62c0ecb)
- curl: Complete stdin "-" in file locations (9c72cf8)
- fprintd-*: new completions (8aa4914)
- iftop: -G, -s, -L, and -o arg (non-)completions (35293af)
- ip: complete ip ntable show (432f95f)
- java: enable .java filename completion for java command (959ce82), closes #1196
- kata-runtime: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (5ff8055)
- nerdctl: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (cf0591a)
- ngrok: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (#1252) (df48031)
- openssl: Stop having subcommands hardcoded (300b936)
- python,pyvenv: versioned 3.13 executable support (3039122)
- set: more featureful completion (1cb3eae)
- slabtop: new completion (64be5ea)
- sops: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (47af482)
- tar: use long option compression options (0518a21)
- todoist: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (75f5d26)
- uv: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (ba003af)
- uvx: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (499ecab)
- wine: complete with
(01b34cb) - xv: associate with *.webp and *.pnm (#1227) (2dab633)
- xxd: add -n, -o, and -R arg (non-)completions (8304d33)
- _comp_compgen: use
compgen -V array_name
inbash >= 5.3
(2b5f9fa) - _comp_expand_glob: set LC_COLLATE for the sorting order (ce98f68)
- _comp_expand_glob: work around GLOBSORT in Bash 5.3 (0fda821)
- compatdir: use _comp_expand_glob for the correct order (51e680a)
- curl: Complete all and category for --help (7eb2eb2)
- dpkg: Add missing short option -R (9891762)
- rsync,ssh: do not overescape spaces in remote filenames (#910) (e8dc253)
- source files using absolute paths for absolute BASH_SOURCE (e1a70c6)
- tar: Complete added files with long opts (c94bebb)
- update-alternatives: fix the "--help" parsing (07605cb)
2.14.0 (2024-05-09)
- bao: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (af7fbb9)
- cryptsetup: complete --header with filenames (4c9fc87)
- dlv: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (eefe71d)
- env: complete commands and variable assignments (5c75fa3)
- env: treat
as the command name after-
(0cd2883) - env: treat
as the command name after assignments (71b7fb2) - gup: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (>= 0.25.0) (1641f1a)
- incus: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (7108d9c)
- ip: Complete 'route get' options (12fbdb1)
- ip: Complete addr add/change/replace options (8262664)
- ip: Complete ip route list options (43beafc)
- ip: Complete link afstats command (6721346)
- ip: Complete neigh add, del, change, replace (ba80203)
- ip: Complete route save/showdump (606f650)
- iperf: --tos/-S argument completion (d2f59bb)
- ssh-copy-id: (non-)complete args to
(53fdce4) - ssh-keygen: complete -r/-Y specific -O args (d6977fc)
- ssh-keyscan: complete -O argument (39ea543)
- tofu: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (4edd9a2)
- zarf: add 3rd party fallback completion loader (032f0f0)
- comp{compgen,xfunc}: use
declare -F --
for arbitrary funcs (8998491) - comp{load,realcommand}: handle option-like command name (883946d)
- available_interfaces: strip only trailing colon from entries (a452aee)
- bash_completion,conftest: use
complete -p --
for arbitrary cmds (dafd338) - fio: engines completion (27a0ef8)
- ip: Complete link change as well as set (956bd5d)
- ip: Don't stop at proxy and nomaster in neigh (d58ea76)
- scp remote_files: do not filter generated paths with "$cur" (bc812df)
- scp remote_files: localize variable
(34f7d0c) - ssh-keygen: handling of bundled short options (18e436d)
- ssh-keygen: make work with custom IFS (b71340b)
- ssh-keygen: suggest -O arg completions depending on mode (b49ab1d)
- use -- to pass arbitrary cmdnames to
(3c1d9bc) - use
pathcmd=$(type -P -- "$1")
for arbitrary cmds (8795ca9)
2.13.0 (2024-04-03)
- curl: Complete protocols for --proto-default (7051379)
- ip: Add completion for netconf subcommand (03a10ff)
- ip: Complete commands for netns exec (1f03796)
- ip: Complete help for unknown subcommands (21f7e32)
- ip: Complete ip link property (efa663c)
- ip: Complete link types for address show (ca5ea03)
- ip: Complete neigh show and flush (c7c3c03)
- ip: Complete stats subcommand (cd73e8c)
- ip: Create function to get link types (8e60245)
- rg: add fallback 3rd party completion loader (7e4cc2f)
- xmllint,xmlwf: also suggest *.rss files (a89cde2)
- available_interfaces: fix regression of unwanted trailing colons (c2f83e0)
- ip: Complete addrlabel add/del properties (ea07616)
- ip: Complete ip delete with type correctly (f3a9be3)
- ip: Complete more variations of subcommands (c8920c5)
- ip: Complete netns attach subcommand (bfb1de6)
- ip: Complete only relevant addrlabel subcmds (05147f1)
- ip: Keep completing after -netns name (1a5df4f)
- ip: Quote all instantiation of ip as "$1" (ef25163)
- ip: Quote network namespace names (216734b)
- Makefile: include api-and-naming.md in dist (fdd8048)
2.12.0 (2024-02-21)
- _comp_backup_glob: add
generated backup files (351be1c) - _comp_backup_glob: require dash in dpkg backup files (59a57f9)
- comp_compgen{filedir,set}: define exit status (7920c9d)
- _comp_compgen_commands: align return value with other compgens (9d3362e)
- _comp_compgen_commands: auto set
-o filenames
when appropriate (4d4839e) - _comp_compgen_commands: include dirs (b9c7b5d)
- _comp_compgen_known_hosts: return 2 on usage error (43bb8f0)
- _comp_compgen: support
-i cmd
and-x cmd
(39cc200) - _comp_compgen: support
-U var
to unlocal var (b603535) - _comp_compgen: support option -C (6b3dfa5)
- _comp_expand_glob: fail when no paths are generated (6b0a466)
- _comp_get_fist_arg: support "-o GLOB" to skip optargs (0f14cc0)
- _ip_addresses: auto ltrim colon completions when appropriate (ccdf953)
- add _comp_compgen_split (542bf73)
- add
(0384bd5) - airflow: add fallback 3rd party completion loader (bf5550b)
- ansible:* add fallback 3rd party completion loader (5f8384e)
- apt-get: prefer
in same dir as command (a731bfd) - b2sum: new completion (cd985df)
- bash_completion: add function _comp_compgen_ltrim_colon (ce5889b)
- black,blackd: add fallback 3rd party completion loader (47a1f05)
- carton: support exec command completions (0eb3a21)
- chezmoi: add 3rd-party completion loader (cobra) (31baa69)
- conda: add 3rd-party completion loader (argcomplete) (c0f5ba2)
- crc: add 3rd-party completion loader (cobra) (f10866e)
- cz: add fallback 3rd party completion loader (b7ba70e)
- dot: support filename extension .gv (be0010e)
- dprint: add fallback 3rd party completion loader (e201e0e)
- eog: add missing extension .heif (9e4a48f)
- eog: associate with
(#1005) (f1c04b8) - eog: associate with
(20c9cea) - eog: associate with
(#1006) (5472cc1) - feh: associate with y4m and heic/heif/avif (e252c73)
- feh: deassociate with avci/avcs (af46f34)
- flask: add fallback 3rd party completion loader (3e0d00d)
- hash: new completion (#1013) (4d0bffb)
- httpx: add fallback 3rd party completion loader (3f4861c)
- ip: Add completion for monitor subcommand (fa696e6)
- jungle: add fallback 3rd-party completion loader (c69845a)
- keyring: add fallback 3rd party completion loader (8082602)
- kontena: add fallback 3rd-party completion loader (5eef0ce)
- lefthook: add fallback 3rd party completion loader (dc9650e)
- mailman: prefer
in same dir as command (a46ccf1) - mysql: prefer
from same dir (643886c) - no empty command completion if
is on (faab292) - npm: add fallback 3rd-party completion loader (f1c085c)
- nvm: add fallback 3rd-party completion loader (dea7e1d)
- oc: add 3rd-party completion loader (cobra) (26b5f09)
- pip{,3}: add fallback 3rd-party completion loader (e3cbfba)
- pipenv: add fallback 3rd party completion loader (#1020) (6ecf5bd)
- pytest: complete new --import-mode value (#1021) (2d636a3)
- rtx: add fallback 3rd party completion loader (0628e22)
- scp,sftp: prefer
from same dir to resolve options etc (d55f5e6) - ssh-copy-id,ssh-keygen: prefer
from same dir (5c1d270) - ssh-inscribe: add fallback 3rd party completion loader (7f2c197)
- ssh: complete RequiredRSASize (#1064) (de15205)
- tkn-pac: add 3rd-party completion loader (cobra) (d0f2604)
- tkn: add 3rd-party completion loader (cobra) (161fc5d)
- xrandr: comma separated
third argument (8a76f3d)
- __load_completion: quoted compspec for variants (#1008) (0a2443e)
CDC device false positives (5250728) - _comp__init_set_up_service_completions: work around failglob (2529d40)
- comp{first_arg,count_args}: count - as argument (e23a79e)
- comp{first_arg,count_args}: count any arguments after -- (9bfd760)
- _comp_command_offset: Support complete -C (80450ca)
- _comp_compgen_fstypes: avoid unexpected expansions (a856d81)
- _comp_compgen_help: allow dots to connect names in longopt (79dadfc)
- _comp_compgen_known_hosts: work around bash-4.2 nounset (d2860cb)
- _comp_compgen_split: work around nounset (f488f96)
- _comp_compgen_term: replace completions by default (d3696a3)
- _comp_compgen_usergroup: avoid directly overwriting COMPREPLY (d380498)
- _comp_compgen: do not inherit -a for explicitly specified var (3c20766)
_comp_compgen: explicitly exclude
from the target variable (5fe98f3) - _comp_count_args: check optarg correctly (874c503)
- _comp_count_args: exclude <>& from wordbreaks as _comp_initialize (521d2bb)
- _comp_count_args: ignore empty $3 (76eea74)
- _comp_count_args: perform optarg check also on $3 (21d3122)
- _comp_count_args: skip reassembling cword and words (3127703)
- _comp_delimited: treat delimiter as a fixed string (571a0f7)
- _comp_deprecate_func: argument order in usage error message (597f62f)
- _comp_get_words: empty prev if unavailable (localvar_inherit) (d8b8eef)
- _comp_initialize: fix completions of redirections without space (da16bf6)
- _comp_initialize: protect against "localvar_inherit" (0cc8d83)
- _comp_split,_comp_compgen: strip periods from error message (b3b6a7c)
- _comp_split: update error message for the correct options (3c4a89c)
- _comp_sysvdirs: work around nounset (da26178)
_filedir_xspec: clean up unused variable
(67f1189) - _get_cword_at_cursor,cvs: quote array length (201239c)
- _get_first_arg: remove invalid doccomment (eb40f56)
_known_hosts: use array for
(work around SC2178,SC2179) (743d0a9) -
_mock,rpm: avoid icase flag
of GNU sed (33c18ce) - _service: quote word (c2d7fb7)
- _slackpkg: do not scan after cword (ecd1384)
7z: remove redundant
printf '%s\n' "..."
(20c2e32) - ant: work around custom IFS (584e567)
- apt-cache: check all the words (84cfeda)
- aptitude: do not use non-POSIX BRE \w (cd8c870)
aspell: use
against unexpected splitting (58d5176) -
bash_completion: remove some unnecessary
(636bb7c) - bts: update functions to generators and fix variable conflicts (7d2867c)
- carton: remove a branch never happening (cd063f9)
chgrp: fix typo
_comp_compgen{d => _}filedir
(#1063) (4c98ce5) - compat: find compat dir for prefix-install (b6d06bc)
- completions/*: quote array assignments properly (848aa41)
- completions/*: scan until cword instead of ${#words[@]}-1 (17e0cc3)
- completions/*: work around localvar_inherit (e3a871d)
- curl,koji: use _comp_compgen_help (f37f221)
- curl,qemu: avoid using POSIX character classes for mawk (d60c530)
- curl: colon handling for IPv6 address completions (8508d1d)
- cvs,mutt,pkg_delete: quote prefix to remove for literal matching (533903e)
- cvs: avoid variable conflicts (0d145c9)
- dict: nounset error when host/port not set (57191e2)
- dict: protect splitting from custom IFS (b31fe1e)
- dict: work around bash-4.2 array nounset (d76dd9e)
dict: work around bash-4.3
with custom IFS (cc21298) - dmypy: protect against "localvar_inherit" (768ce65)
dpkg-source: filter completions by
(dbcef6e) -
filedir: work around bash-4.2
compgen -f -- "''"
(c8bb123) - fix problems with
set -o nounset
(9c3e196) - gdb: fix regression that fails to generate command names (ca8e240)
- gdb: remove duplicate candidates (532fc05)
- gdb: use POSIX-compatible find expression (73938cd)
gdb: work around bash 4.4
(41236da) -
get_words: work around bash-4.3 connected
(81affbd) - getent: check noargopts (6143f25)
- getent: work around localvar_inherit (a12f438)
gzip,isort: fix typo
_comp_com{gp => pg}en
(462feb3) - iperf,puppet: use {m,n} instead of ? and + for POSIX sed (3f0322b)
- iperf: work around failglob with backslash in bash-5.0 (979f04f)
- ip: Remove non-existent route completion (3b9ce4d)
- isql: work around nounset (cb7007a)
java,kldload: use
for filename-based mod names (81adc6c) -
java: localize
(ec0068d) - kcov,povray: quote array expansions to avoid extra processing (215edab)
- kldload,mplayer,mutt: work around nounset (5330fbe)
- kldunload: remove unused -X option (35017d2)
known_hosts_real: match
instead of*pub
(470a644) -
known_hosts_real: use
to avoid failglob (672215e) - known_hosts_real: work around nounset (07c619a)
- lilo,rpcdebug,slapt-{get,src}: work around nounset (cfc3eda)
- lvm: replace array slices with existing utility (ea49840)
- lvm: update call to sub-command (30494f7)
- make: handle multiple short options in skipping arguments (24c80c9)
- make: typo fix in a code comment (e72cc82)
- mdadm,update-alternatives: fix leak variable (14cd53b)
medusa: filter completions by the current word
(f3ae706) -
mr: avoid
for compat42 in bash >= 4.3 (b5ae5fa) - mr: exactly match command names (800b103)
- mutt: avoid unexpected word splitting (3183e67)
- mutt: fix use of regex in the glob context (63924e6)
- mutt: rewrite ${cur/#!/X} to X${cur:1} against patsub_replacement (6b8f82b)
- mutt: use _comp_dequote for safe eval (f98379d)
- openssl: avoid variable conflicts (a31906c)
openssl: fix variable
leak (83844b7) - perl: fix ineffective condition in an awk script (302dc52)
- perl: helper call regression from 01611dd3d (b85263a)
- pgrep: do not rely on uncontrolled IFS (99e38b2)
- portinstall: use awk and _comp_compgen to filter completions (791f56c)
- povray,sbopkg: check filetype (434eb08)
- povray: process each element against patsub_replacement (0afc2e4)
- povray: quote an argument properly (0a240bd)
- ps,ss: avoid extra expansions by -W "$(...)" in _comp_delimited (cb347cb)
- pydoc: specify -a to _comp_compgen_filedir (34a91e9)
- pytest: do not filter underscores from parsed option arg choices (ea13241)
- python: avoid variable conflicts (bef94c3)
- python: complete filenames for script arguments (#1018) (397a49d)
- python: complete micropython and pyston script args consistently (5b60ccc)
- qdbus: remove cur and all the rest arguments (531b751)
- replace \s with [[:space:]] for POSIX sed/awk (1989ba9)
- ri: avoid interference on existing COMPREPLY (0a9d931)
- ri: fix wrongly quoted options to compgen (5248bbf)
- ri: properly split methods (910a5a0)
ri: split classes using
(c95baa1) - ri: work around localvar_inherit (9d6ff68)
sbopkg: add
mandatory before}
in POSIX sed (b286d53) - sbopkg: work around nounset (9709bdf)
mode error on unknown suboption, bash 4.2 (82ca8d9) - ssh-copy-id: call ssh, not -copy-id for suboption completion check (473278f)
- ssh-keygen: call ssh, not -keygen to resolve supported protocols (d569ea2)
- ssh-keygen: first arg to ssh query for protocol versions (8a0a71e)
- ssh: avoid variable conflicts (f2df91d)
- ssh: fix wrong quoting inside compgen -W (febb3b3)
- ssh: remove -a of generators (55c5c45)
- ssh: remove unnecessary -a to _comp_compgen (992f28e)
- ssh: resolve relative ssh_config Include correctly (4ac86e8)
ssh: use
(05e70ed) - ssh: work around bash-4.2 nounset (4447f83)
- ssh: work around bash-4.2 nounset (d0695d0)
- sudo: use $1 (sudo) as $root_command (329ca0e)
- svcadm: fix ineffective IFS for splitting (1fd456e)
- svcadm: use the first matching name as command (1870d5e)
- sysbench: fix extraction of test-name option (cc246a1)
- timeout: always treat word after duration as command (0d0531b)
- tipc: remove filtered-out elements (75b36b2)
- update-alternatives: quote dirname (1205ed1)
- update-alternatives: suppress error for non-existent directory (adbdab8)
- update-alternatives: work around localvar_inherit (1d9e19c)
upgradepkg: use
(a0973d7) - use _comp_compgen_split to avoid extra expansions by -W "$(...)" (49997d0)
- use
to split and filter words (158b8ba) - use
while keeping filtering by $cur (a00ee19) - use
for word list (83f033f) - use
while keeping filtering by $cur (509e642) - use compgen -P prefix -W '"${arr[@]}"' against patsub_replacement (45d036a)
- use XPG4 awk in Solaris (cdd6da9)
wol: filter IP addresses by
(c3505c5) - wtf: quote array assignment (44c1d12)
- xfreerdp: support the new form of the option /list:kbd (d8cadfe)
- xfunc ssh identityfile: localize change to cur (76b5726)
- _comp_count_args: skip reinitializing cword and words (29398ef)
- mutt: return earlier on empty
(a244587) - portinstall: return earlier for -lLo and non-existent file (395e463)
- vncviewer: set nocasematch inside subshell (5ed0020)
- lilo: add -B and -E completions (7dd16ad)
- lilo: honor -C when completing labels (5b12f1d)
- lilo: don't complete on commented out labels (ad6a349)
- test/dnssec-keygen: allow more alternatives in algorithm completion (0f80613)
- test/wol: don't fail MAC test if test system has /etc/ethers entries (8130f87)
- : complete commands when prefixed with a backslash (1e029e8)
- ipcalc: new completion (1307b7a)
- README.md: add introduction (3e941a6)
- chromium-browser, firefox: complete on *.txt (#379) (d705123)
- test/ipcalc: fix tests with busybox ipcalc (ba3b2ea)
- lilo: work around shellcheck false positive (42dbeef)
- test: port remaining finger, sftp, ssh, and xhost cases to pytest+pexpect (aab32df)
- test: port some scp test cases to pytest+pexpect (f4f365d)
- test: fix spurious hosts fixture failure without avahi-browse installed (b2c12be)
- test: remove some no longer needed tcl/expect code (f066c67)
- test: port some _known_hosts_real unit tests to pytest+pexpect (30aefd3)
- test: host helper lint and usage fixes (bd3d509)
- cryptsetup: add luksChangeKey arg completion (#380) (5bb526a)
- tsig-keygen: new completion (399771d)
- test/upgradepkg: port remaining test case to pytest+pexpect (3a0e9c1)
- test/tsig-keygen: require command for test_options (9f0ae30)
- test/chown,sudo: parametrize special case test, improve xfail targeting (2f34e86)
- test: remove some no longer needed old test suite code (8b3007f)
- test/cd: convert remaining test case to pytest+pexpect (c23c807)
- test/cd: make dir_at_point produce better debuggable failures (a6cfbcd)
- nmap: parse options from -h output (e99577a)
- nmap: handle options split on equals sign (c51ccb7)
- openssl: support getting digest list from more recent openssl versions (fe90e2a)
- openssl: parse available options from $command -help (9e03fc5)
- openssl: complete -writerand with filenames (548feef)
- totem: reuse kaffeine completions (#372) (e4d5eba)
- test/cd: remove unused import (9a9f09f)
- test/totem: add basic test case (9c33f68)
- extra/make-changelog: run through black (c85e5b1)
- : python type hint fixes and improvements (d1dee07)
- test: drop redundant black args from docker runs (eedaa1c)
- pre-commit: add config with black, flake8, and mypy (3b82089)
- test: install black for Python 3.6 too (3f1d1ee)
- test: add flake8-bugbear (1dddc81)
- test: add isort to pre-commit, run it (092d20a)
- test: shellcheck tweaks (e0c9c5e)
- test: run pre-commit in tools container (0a5d616)
- jarsigner: complete on *.apk too (#386) (64449ed)
- python: support executables with minor version (#389) (bd3eba8)
- _known_hosts_real: check that ruptime is present before calling (#390) (6217345)
- ip: improve completion of route subcommands (#326) (9982cc3)
- test: fix CompletionResult.eq UnboundLocalError (0e1fe15)
- copyright: add 2020 (0055238)
- printenv: new completion (014b3f2)
- _xinetd_services: look up from $BASHCOMP_XINETDDIR, add some unit tests (ea1cfa1)
- test: ignore flake8 messages that are in black's domain (6dae998)
- test: move shellcheck to pre-commit (e908d02)
- test: move perltidy to pre-commit, run with --converge (15aacc9)
- test: require openssl command for option argument tests (4c64a1b)
- git: trigger docker rebuild on pre-commit config change (ffc5adf)
- test: split dependencies requiring Python 3.6.1+ to requirements-dev.txt (009bf22)
- test: upgrade mypy to 0.770 (383cbad)
- printenv: indentation fixes (3ac9f0a)
- test/printenv: require command for arg completion test (afc9052)
- test/ldd: xfail if --help is not implemented (71b465a)
- test/python: add testcase for submodule completion (900824d)
- pre-commit: run most python checks on helpers/python too (5ed40e0)
- lintian: complete paths for Ubuntu's .ddeb and Debian's buildinfo files (#397) (0988831)
- ip: add support for netns (#391) (a2ccfa6)
- apt-get etc: use _apt_cache_packages from apt-cache (d90fbe3)
- : whitespace tweaks (3c87811)
- : argument interaction improvements (ec6995c)
- test/aptitude: add some test cases (762ee12)
- aptitude: parse options list from --help, hardcode less (27219f8)
- aptitude: add some option arg (non)completions (826b333)
- crontab, wodim: silence shellcheck SC2191 and SC2192 (e81f690)
- bash_completion: address shellcheck SC2220 (a167497)
- : address shellcheck SC2221 and SC2222 (365fa76)
- smartctl: hush shellcheck SC2054 false positives (0ad46d6)
- mplayer: address shellcheck SC1078 false positive (a6e5e99)
- java, pkgadd, sysbench: address shellcheck SC2124 (5757fd4)
- chronyc, wvdial: address shellcheck SC2178 (cddf99a)
- pkgadd: indentation fix (523387e)
- sysbench: add --test= deprecation TODO (9caf5c9)
- protoc: complete all --*_out without more specific handling with dirs (a10adf2)
- test: don't run shellcheck on completions/.gitignore (3f0d77f)
- _known_hosts_real, op: address shellcheck SC2184 (7fdd0a5)
- test/aptitude: require command where necessary (72a59a6)
- test/printenv: xfail if --help doesn't contain options (e.g. busybox) (2eccac4)
- insmod, modinfo, modprobe: support xz compressed modules (#401) (2c6a522)
- test: upgrade shellcheck to 0.7.1 (6af1710)
- quote_readline: fix $ret leak (3f340bf)
- info, java: address shellcheck SC2153 (460f1b1)
- man, perl, route, tipc: address shellcheck SC2053 (0fcfa65)
- tipc: comment grammar and spelling fixes (22b015e)
- renice: address shellcheck SC2254 (5f25641)
- test/run: address shellcheck SC2164 (49ac2d9)
- _upvar, _upvars, _variables, rpm: address shellcheck SC1083 (e043fac)
- mutt: address shellcheck SC2088 (2404e97)
- ssh: add new -Q completions in OpenSSH 8.2p1 (#400) (a5890aa)
- cvs, modprobe, sh: address shellcheck SC2209 (f894bc1)
- rpm, ssh, umount.linux: address shellcheck SC2120 (d7381be)
- _filedir_xspec: address shellcheck SC2140 (198d3f7)
- scp: address shellcheck SC2089 and SC2090 (c906aeb)
- java, pkgadd, sysbench: address shellchec SC2124 (34e5e6a)
- test/lib/library.sh: address shellcheck SC2125 (bef80ef)
- : address shellcheck SC2046 (1d3add4)
- test: bump shellcheck severity to warning + some disables (a6cd66c)
- test: tolerate duplicates from compgen actions (bbd6814)
- test/xfreerdp: skip xfreerdp kbd test if kbd-list returns empty (9746a39)
- test: make it possible to not care whether command did output or not (1ef3ad4)
- test: run skipif and xfail commands without caring if they output or not (005ab9f)
- pgrep, pkill: add --ns and --nslist arg completions (e649ea1)
- pytest: complete test classes (f4ac160)
- pytest: add some option arg (non-)completions (61e5d8d)
- test/cd: fix test_dir_at_point for setups that repeat "trailer" (25b4f1d)
- test: generalize complete at point test (8314c75)
- test/alias: port remaining test case to pytest+pexpect (f81d313)
- nmap: fix option parsing with BSD sed (e712b2f)
- carton: fix command parsing with BSD sed (1968b3a)
- _filedir*: update link to bug-bash discussion on -X (#404) (bfd65f3)
- openssl: update -starttls completions (#403) (28df326)
- : replace various conditional expressions with arithmetic evaluation (2ad992a)
- bash_completion, invoke-rc.d, svcadm: trivial cleanups (69a835a)
- : enable and address shellcheck SC2053 (333d590)
- ssh-keygen: -s and -n completion improvements (6666ebb)
- : array subscript cleanups (13b5a4b)
- doc: recommend arithmetic evaluation (5e5c83b)
- test: remove shellcheck severity filter, add explicit disables instead (fd19ea0)
- test: enable parallel pre-commit shellcheck (48ab77e)
- __reassemble_comp_words_by_ref, java: address and work around shellcheck SC2102 (dcf9f39)
- : more arithmetic evaluation cleanups, thanks to shellcheck SC2004 (b147516)
- bash_completion, java, tipc: for loop whitespace consistency tweaks (3abbd23)
- pytest: address shellcheck SC2002 (fe53ef2)
- wget: address shellcheck SC2116 (091a7cd)
- mutt: address shellchec SC2236 (566c5f5)
- scp: work around shellcheck SC1003 (e1cbe8f)
- ssh, xsltproc: address shellcheck SC2006 (32421d1)
- test: make at-point completion tests easier (e9450b8)
- doc: add loop variable naming guideline (a6a59e3)
- apt-cache: fix command mode handling (c41b772)
- crontab: fix loop over already given args (568c658)
- : various loop iteration improvements (911a432)
- : remove some unused variables, thanks to shellcheck SC2034 (95f3bec)
- test: add perlcritic to pre-commit, run on all perl (dd890cd)
- test: run pre-commit on host instead of docker (b8c2a95)
- make: add bmake alias (6b42551)
- test/make: mark more cases as requiring command (6354520)
- test: run lint tests on Travis in a quickish separate first stage (e493f6a)
- test: add script to maintain list of executables for full test coverage (e0b9397)
- extra: trigger docker builds only on test-cmd-list.txt changes (85f3c73)
- find: fix -exec etc argument and its completion (3e849c2)
- reportbug, scp, sftp, svn: use compgen -c instead of _command (e73535f)
- _command: improve commentary (2cf6b67)
- ssh-keygen: option and arg completion updates for new versions (edc4f9b)
- ssh-keygen: add -b arg completions according to specified -t (69b477b)
- ssh-keygen: -O arg updates and improvements (63e04ee)
- README: clarify loading automatically on demand (f5e831b)
- pre-commit, *.md: add markdownlint, address findings (43e958a)
- : doc and comment link updates (a234784)
- pre-commit: use local perlcritic hook (a277345)
- editorconfig: apply yaml settings to .yaml too (7af92f5)
- test: add note about unescaped assert_complete single return values (663ac51)
- test: port most umount test cases to pytest+pexpect (b621591)
- Source user completion only if it's a file (#409) (78bf738)
- test: prefix fake test commands with underscore (5351161)
- nmap: simplify help scraping a bit, don't try to emit unnecessary newlines (8db05b4)
- test: upgrade markdownlint to 0.23.0 (5520dd4)
- test: fix incorrect fixtures/shared/default xfails/expectations (f0fe52c)
- pre-commit etc: add shfmt (08db11f)
- : run all shell code through shfmt -s (dbe0ec8)
- travis: use golang 1.14 for shfmt (d34719a)
- apt-get: complete build-dep with dirs (e7ea033)
- secret-tool: new completion (e9a556f)
- test/umount: convert remaining test case to pytest+pexpect (4514d3e)
- test/scp: port remaining test case to pytest+pexpect (12de472)
- test/secret-tool: add to test command list (25c1c76)
- test/slapt-get: convert remaining test case to pytest+pexpect (033f548)
- apt-cache: avoid nonzero exit code from _apt_cache_packages (ea97386)
- _xfunc: simplify (c0f6a6d)
- test/slapt-src: convert remaining test case to pytest+pexpect (62b3dc6)
- test: drop some no longer needed old test suite code (2612750)
- lftp: use "bookmark list" command to list bookmarks (c198a94)
- test: run pytest --verbose in docker (ea0236e)
- test/_get_comp_words_by_ref: convert remaining test cases to pytest+pexpect (322420d)
- test/__expand_tilde_by_ref: port remaining test cases to pytest+pexpect (d258b3c)
- test/_filedir: port more test cases to pytest+pexpect (54c732a)
- test: drop not needed sudo on Travis (a9822bc)
- test: run all Travis jobs on dist: bionic (9c0a307)
- test/_filedir: port remaining test cases to pytest+pexpect (fb7fb46)
- test: drop some no longer needed old test suite code (4543212)
- test/_expand: port remaining test cases to pytest+pexpect (db481c6)
- test/_filedir: fix shutil.rmtree on Python < 3.6 (febf177)
- test: replace some echos with printfs (bcdf00c)
- test/_get_cword: port remaining test case to pytest+pexpect (80ac63e)
- test/_known_hosts_real: port more test cases to pytest+pexpect (5c7bb2d)
- test: remove more no longer needed old test suite code (b1a4de9)
- test/_known_hosts_real: port remaining test cases to pytest+pexpect (21d4fba)
- test: remove old test suite code no longer used \o/ (5afc3b5)
- test: remove unused run-shellcheck, shellcheck is in pre-commit now (76aa130)
- test: shfmt bashrc (ead40fa)
- test: sync shfmt and shellcheck configs (c21e0e1)
- test: upgrade pre-commit to 2.4.0+, drop shfmt kludge (8af206f)
- test: pre-commit config cleanups, ordering (b4eadfd)
- test: upgrade flake8 to 3.8.1 (1f27374)
- test/irb: xfail options test if --help is not available (f5ea515)
- : use $ifs for storing/restoring $IFS (acc43ed)
- test: try harder to restore environment and cwd on failures (f0bf00a)
- : use more arithmetic evaluation (328ce5b)
- test: upgrade markdownlint-cli to 0.23.1 (2255f2a)
- dpkg-deb: fix --show/-W completion (2eee0b5)
- test: add some dpkg-query test cases (034bdee)
- dpkg-deb: add --raw-extract and -X arg completions (69198c0)
- test: mark known non-ASCII issues with test suite as xfail (106e825)
- test/mr: handle missing "clean" with skipif (eb93dde)
- mr: avoid herestrings, simplify command parsing (cf64492)
- _bashcomp_try_faketty: new function to try running command with a fake tty (3829fe9)
- postfix: try to arrange a fake tty so we can tickle the usage message out (7aea619)
- 7z: fix -o/-w attached arg completion (54774d6)
- __reassemble_comp_words_by_ref: avoid triggering nounset on indirect references (0b0323c)
- bash_completion: line wrapping tweaks, NFC (1d1d308)
- test/unit: include test_unit_known_hosts_real.py in dist (fdc9fc9)
- test/unit: sort files included in dist (d8f309f)
- : avoid more errors in nounset mode (3687d27)
- test/inputrc: comment and whitespace tweaks (1293d7c)
- : avoid more errors in nounset mode (b807460)
- : avoid more errors in nounset mode (d0a0eb5)
- : avoid more errors in nounset mode (505fb2c)
- : mark nounset mode as supported, issues with it are bugs now (e85a361)
- test: skip various tests if we don't get a useful usage message (6f12de6)
- test/runLint: warn about [ ] instead of [[ ]] use (f6f49db)
- modprobe, tshark, _included_ssh_config_files: use [[ ]] instead of [ ] (50ad3f8)
- scp, sftp, ssh: fix completion on options bundled with -4/-6 (b4490f2)
- _pids, _pgids, _pnames: improve shfmt formatting (2bfb0a7)
- _filedir: avoid unbound variable error on Ubuntu 14 and 16 (ac37d77)
- ip: add more completions for ip-rule (426d07e)
- ip: style fixes similar to ip-netns (75093c0)
- ip: route shfmt, arithmetic evaluation (a1fe69a)
- ip: complete route add table arg (e4ad602)
- _init_completion: fix unassigned redirect completion in nounset mode (2e52b40)
- : drop support for bash 4.1 (e2d47ae)
- test: enable shellcheck SC2035 (77a3505)
- qemu, sbopkg: avoid unintentional globbing on option arg completions (7dc4f61)
- qemu: add -machine arg completion (11cd174)
- : avoid more errors in nounset mode (5103c5d)
- _command_offset, route: cleanups (9994be6)
- cfrun: fix $hostfile leak (68b5719)
- : avoid more errors in nounset mode (f4fa0b6)
- bash_completion: fix array set checks with empty elements in them (efaa991)
- _known_hosts: avoid errors in nounset mode and no arguments (36475fc)
- pytest: add test class method completion (ba4c941)
- README: document GNU make build requirement (3423e14)
- java, make: avoid errors in nounset mode on Ubuntu 14 and 16 (1a633f3)
- man, mutt: avoid errors in nounset mode on Ubuntu 14 and 16 (e5fa022)
- pytest: fix test class method completion with BSD awk (3374911)
- gcc: avoid errors in nounset mode (221a6aa)
- bash_completion: trivial cleanups (817d832)
- test/_known_hosts_real: tolerate duplicates (0b2866a)
- test/_known_hosts_real: reset COMP_KNOWN_HOSTS_WITH_HOSTFILE between tests (5e63557)
- test/_known_hosts_real: don't modify class scoped base expected list (133790c)
- test: upgrade mypy to 0.780 (2e7271b)
- test: regex escape our magic mark for completeness (588b05c)
- test/lspci: skip -A arg test if lspci fails -A help, e.g. busybox lspci (e2cb804)
- .gitignore: clean up some no longer needed ignores (df7b81e)
- test/dpkg-query: mark as xfail on non-Debian based systems (d176aaf)
- test: simplify completion parsing (726e4c0)
- test: partial hostname completion fixes (ba39695)
- test/slapt-src: single expected result handling fixes (1b9c9bc)
- test/xhost: multiple expected result handling fixes (888f39a)
- test: upgrade flake8 to 3.8.3 (4730f3f)
- _known_hosts_real: fix # handling in ssh configs (ebabed1)
- _known_hosts_real: fix completion of Host entries after a wildcard etc (0c69125)
- test: upgrade perltidy to 20200619 (87b169d)
- test: upgrade mypy to 0.781 (d46e8a5)
- CONTRIBUTING.md: add posix and nounset mode item (25887a3)
- test: upgrade mypy to 0.782 (f7c14b5)
- test/_known_hosts_real: add explicit no globbing test case (8200b9a)
- test/shfmt: upgrade to 3.1.2, reformat with it (de35c91)
- _known_hosts_real: prevent unwanted pathname expansion on host entries (29be9d2)
- _included_ssh_config_files: support globs (8bd47d4)
- _longopt: exclude too many dashes, allow underscores, require ends with alnum (e2bcbd5)
- _known_hosts_real: avoid errors in nounset mode on Ubuntu 14 and 16 (54fd092)
- test: upgrade markdownlint-cli to 0.23.2 (95992bf)
- __get_cword_at_cursor_by_ref: fix regression on bash 4.2 (2ed8d90)
- pytest: complete async test class methods (5c4f7a4)
- test/inputrc: comment typo fix (0d2367b)
- test/inputrc: do not set print-completions-horizontally (d050205)
- unzip, zipinfo: complete *.aar (#428) (8273ce3)
- pre-commit: update shellcheck-py URL (08451ec)
- pre-commit: upgrade isort to 5.0.7 (d128d70)
- _known_hosts_real: exclude Host negations (812e2ac)
- test/ant: gitignore all target cache files (6703c90)
- pre-commit: add pyupgrade, run it (54b1e6f)
- pre-commit: upgrade pyupgrade to 2.7.2 (5ac90cc)
- pre-commit: upgrade isort to 5.1.4 (c2f0056)
- _xinetd_services: avoid nounset error on bash 4.2 (0df93b0)
- test/ant: avoid complete-ant-cmd.pl interference with ANT_ARGS (2ad91ec)
- test/tshark: fix multiple -O completion with no http2 support (53f624f)
- test/xfreerdp: skip --help failure cases (b41b97c)
- tshark: complete -r arg with all filenames (#422) (436b0cb)
- pytest: rewrite in bash, support toplevel funcs, avoid nondef ones and classes (bf3f720)
- pre-commit: anchor exclude patterns (cc697a6)
- extra/make-changelog: check and output usage message (cf90b29)
- README: link to cygwin package (8d60fd3)
- README: use light gray badges for unknown versions (483968c)
- test_rpm2tgz: Fix expected output (ac51b00)
- test_chromium_browser: Skip test_2 if 'chromium-browser --help' fails (0ee3982)
- tar: add missing bsdtar, gtar, and star symlinks (af0b3d0)
- build: simplify symlink setup (3bc0225)
- build: really reset return value before completions check (fce6732)
- build: makefile whitespace tweaks (a0949de)
- test: bashrc comment and whitespace tweaks (27daf01)
- test: more thorough system location interference avoidance (7700896)
- test: set up BASH_COMPLETION_COMPAT_DIR in bashrc (only) (f7e2a41)
- test: reformat test_chromium_browser.py source (7bf6281)
- pkg_delete: don't limit to FreeBSD (5bc9b8e)
- tar: simplify locating tarball from command line (26d9662)
- test_arp: Skip if ARP tables are empty (90ede98)
- test: generalize check whether we're being run in a container (1e3d3b4)
- test_feh, test_makepkg: invoke grep as "command grep" (5e706a4)
- test_getconf: skip if -a doesn't output any POSIX_V* (70afc1e)
- test_iconv: skip option completion if --help fails (2cdac1b)
- test_iconv: add basic file completion test (0ba7af2)
- iconv: weed out ... from encoding completions (40be1f4)
- test: add Alpine Linux container, allow failures for now (316289f)
- test: support xfail in our markers like skipif, use it a lot (b3fecab)
- test: expect failures for various completions without useful --help (0a777ff)
- test_lsusb: xfail with unparseable --help (e717ce4)
- test_wget: test --s instead of --h (ddd4b39)
- timeout: fallback to _parse_usage from _parse_help (7683eef)
- test_ifup: accept short option completions too (071dc19)
- test: use one Dockerfile for all dists (495dab2)
- test: run our docker script in test containers by default (a59f00a)
- _pnames: adapt for busybox ps, rewrite in pure bash (5443c81)
- test: disallow Alpine failure on Travis (2748b79)
- iconv, lz4, tipc, xsltproc: replace some seds with compgen -X (32e8b93)
- test: port compgen and quote tests to pytest+pexpect (3752208)
- test: port _variables unit tests to pytest+pexpect (b670968)
- README: add some badges, tweak existing (cd9f061)
- test: convert finger partial test case to pytest+pexpect (f3537dd)
- test: convert bunch of _filedir unit tests to pytest+pexpect (2da46c3)
- test: flake8 fix (65aa0db)
- test: convert more _filedir unit tests to pytest+pexpect (102e9a4)
- test: add basic autossh test (06cea18)
- chsh, pwck: try _parse_help before _parse_usage (696f90d)
- test: add bunch of basic _parse_usage use test cases (dcef445)
- cal: try _parse_help before _parse_usage (2500b50)
- postfix: option completion is expected to fail at the moment (2deda5b)
- badblocks: fix $i leak (e8ac021)
- .gitignore: add configure.lineno (44ed05a)
- test: add bunch of basic _parse_help use test cases (6b4fd9b)
- test: add more basic _parse_help use test cases (c64a4ac)
- test: xfail getent and pwdx option completions with unparseable --help (ef215a6)
- test: zopflipng flake8 fix (026e52a)
- test: enforce minimum pytest version (69c94b9)
- build: make pytest executable configurable, look for pytest-3 too (35188d9)
- test_pwdx: xfail more unparseable help cases (98a7aa6)
- test: xfail unparseable mock and munin-node-configure --help cases (139acc9)
- pgrep: fix fallback to _parse_usage (5cb4be4)
- test: don't try to install black on Python < 3.6 (bfe14e7)
- test_wsimport: xfail options test on unparseable -help (2baab4f)
- man: fall back to _parse_usage for _parse_help (2e1cb45)
- test: add basic tox fixture (a81a1e8)
- tox: do simple parse on tox.ini if --listenvs* yields nothing (d7c92e6)
- README: badge title tweaks (35411bf)
- influx: new completion (378865d)
- test: source our profile.d test env script in docker (3702ae0)
- chromium-browser: add --proxy-server arg completion (fef4c9f)
- README: drop distro badges, link to Repology instead (d2574f5)
- ip: invoke the tool as $1 (bbe88bb)
- test: fix required pytest version (9cd7c03)
- test: register our pytest markers to hush warnings from 4.5+ (c187879)
- gssdp-discover: new completion (f8fac3a)
- tox: complete defaults after a -- (c06cfb0)
- tox: include -- in option completions (0ee3a3b)
- test: drop sourcing our no longer existing profile.d script (ed14353)
- test: don't expect a .tox dir in fixture (6dd937d)
- test: expect failures for bc without --help useful with _longopt (5fd2701)
- test: skip gssdp-discover --message-type when option not available (b0fb710)
- xvfb-run: new completion (5c0e988)
- test: avoid gnome-mplayer core dump on Ubuntu 14 (07eada3)
- test: remove unnecessary returns after pytest.skip (d5fa7e3)
- test: fix acroread fixture dir (1f7fdc6)
- test: installpkg test fixes (322ec19)
- java: make jar/zip listing work with unzip (8b8783c)
- test: use sh +* as ccache command test case (87ba114)
- test: avoid some sed -r/-E runLint false positives (970eab9)
- ipv6calc: parse help instead of hardcoding option list (151ac18)
- lvm pv*, vg*: parse help instead of hardcoding option list (a8d5489)
- test: portinstall/upgrade test case and setup fixes (669c3fe)
- pkgutil: fix $i leak (d375b63)
- pkg-get: fix $i leak (07e8dc6)
- chromium-browser: Add support for .mhtml files (a951666)
- _terms: combine and simplify somewhat (f6d4614)
- _terms: search directly from various terminfo dirs (88ed3c7)
- test: mark sbcl-mt xfail due to whitespace split issues (9838cbf)
- test: explodepkg and upgradepkg test fixes (f40a1ca)
- test: always run tests which don't require tested command (674dd80)
- test: add bunch of basic option parsing test cases (faacf36)
- test: don't sort expected completion lists under the hood (1e3d504)
- test: hush flake8-bugbear B010 (b6d74cc)
- test: ignore _makepkg_bootstrap in makepkg test env (b044a4f)
- test: xfail MAC address completion without networking (36db77a)
- travis: pass NETWORK as env var, so we can actually use it (0f8187d)
- test: fix retrieving command to test from request (29ad382)
- gprof: _parse_usage, drop hardcoded option list (bebe43d)
- lintian-info: _parse_help, add more option arg (non)completions (29157d0)
- screen, smartctl, update-alternatives: _parse_help, drop hardcoded option list (bf207da)
- sysctl: invoke completed sysctl instead of one from path to get variables (e32ca04)
- test: mark more tests that parse command output as requiring command (503143b)
- test: add require_longopt xfail helper, use it (6d79948)
- dmypy: new completion (3135bc3)
- travis: generate dist tarball on alpine (be2e8f3)
- wine: install for wine-development and wine-stable too (afc5a30)
- perltidy: associate *.t (#338) (96b5e07)
- travis: test with Debian 10 (c0a3c55)
- ssh: option and argument completion updates (#332) (29a14f0)
- java: don't assume jar is installed (120bf77)
- _sysvdirs: always return 0 (debbff9)
- test: xfail locale-gen option completion if --help is not available (4cf7e4f)
- valgrind: look tool names from lib/*-linux-gnu dirs too (6c8380d)
- test: adjust java expectations based on whether jars can be listed (9e351e4)
- op: direct command parsing stderr to /dev/null (d10dcdf)
- ri: hush some warnings (f5d99f2)
- carton: new completion (6722aaa)
- CONTRIBUTING: disable e-mail bug gateway due to spam (8ef547a)
- apt-get: fix pkg version completion if it contains a colon (#351) (8f0595c)
- variables: add TERM and LC* completion (#353) (d1756f0)
- cppcheck: Add new standards to --std option. (#356) (d8df8b5)
- test: mark dcop and mr testcases requiring the cmd as such (73e8faf)
- makepkg: fix option completion (3566352)
- .gitignore: mypy cache (0dd1e65)
- test: add minimal mypy config (860766e)
- test: python typing fixes (af136b5)
- test: fix cpio users test in presence of usernames with whitespace (20cacd2)
- shellcheck: add some option arg (non)completions (000fa10)
- test: shellcheck config cleanups (0f3922b)
- bash_completion.sh: shellcheck SC2086 fixes (ded48bb)
- _filedir: remove unused $x (2701887)
- _filedir: avoid duplicate dirs internally, and a compgen -d call for files (da99bc5)
- curl: make @filename completion do the right thing with dirs (aa3652b)
- pkg-config: generate Name from autotools PACKAGE (32369a0)
- unzip, zipinfo: complete *.aab (#340) (31b5cbc)
- pkg-config: Relative paths (8c53025)
- autotools: Replace pkgdatadir with datadir (0cc34e8)
- cppcheck: Remove deprecated option 'posix' for '--std=' (d1ae094)
- perl: fix completion with space between option and argument (8eba6d0)
- perl: indentation fixes (1360ba9)
- test: add some trivial perl -E/-e cases (188ca8a)
- screen: complete first arg with serial devices (9cde25b)
- screen: add //telnet completion (7a8e408)
- screen: add serial device basic arg (non)completion (fb46fed)
- update-rc.d: remove dead code (845be11)
- update-rc.d: indentation fix (645cc41)
- ssh, scp, sftp, ssh-copy-id, curl: improve identity file completion (44ce113)
- unrar: complete on *.exe (#337) (2b81989)
- gcc: support new --completion option (#222) (87a9e9c)
- test: bump black to >=19.10b0 (540e5d1)
- completions/Makefile: Fix check-local in VPATH builds (57b2c93)
- ssh: Order various switch cases closer to alphabetical (cde26f0)
- ssh: Sync query type list with OpenSSH 7.5p1 (655ede3)
- ssh: Sync config option lists with OpenSSH 7.5p1, add some value completions (15abc03)
- apt-get: Complete install package=versions (c664b07)
- apt-get: Add indextargets to list of suggested commands (d623786)
- apt-get: Simplify -t and friends completion, support Ubuntu (9b531a0)
- apt-get: Sync option list with apt 1.5.1 (f4e54d9)
- apt-get: Add -h/-v/-o non-completions (c80c82c)
- dpkg-source: Add --before-build --after-build --commit, and --print-format (1404d3f)
- README: Link to various distro packages (c8f4f87)
- README: Point Debian and openSUSE badges towards unstable and Tumbleweed (2dc5865)
- ssh: Complete all *File option args with _filedir (7cd0090)
- test: Add comment line to fixtures/_known_hosts_real/known_hosts (a0e2ce3)
- _known_hosts_real: Reimplement known hosts file parsing in pure bash (71ac42b)
- mount, umount: Deprecate on Linux in favor of util-linux >= 2.28 ones (861be75)
- .dir-locals.el: Set -O extglob for flycheck bash checks (b49a182)
- reportbug: Add bunch of option arg (non-)completions (81e2971)
- a*,ccze,curl,wget: Support completing arg of last bundled short option (b358aa1)
- b*: Support completing arg of last bundled short option (d664aeb)
- cvs: Add completion for the log command (7c5a752)
- chage, chpasswd: Add -R/--root arg completion (5634cfe)
- dhclient: Parse options with _parse_usage (5789780)
- dhclient: Add some option arg (non-)completions (2a7d2e3)
- dselect: Parse options with _parse_help (1b15dc6)
- c*, d*: Support completing arg of last bundled short option (ed24bbc)
- ether-wake: Install for etherwake as well (b6903bc)
- e*: Support completing arg of last bundled short option (008a407)
- f*: Support completing arg of last bundled short option (c1dfa0f)
- g*: Support completing arg of last bundled short option (e00c119)
- scrub: New completion (6b5c8d4)
- ecryptfs-migrate-home: New completion (3f90f09)
- h*: Support completing arg of last bundled short option (1c126ff)
- i*: Support completing arg of last bundled short option (665088a)
- test: Skip scrub -p test when its --help doesn't list available patterns (9039d77)
- lftp: Support completing arg of last bundled short option, handle -s (ff07e56)
- xgamma: Comment spelling fix (6119b2c)
- links: Install completion for links2 too (b1fbe75)
- iconv: Split charset completion to _iconv_charsets, add test case (cefd0da)
- _filedir: Refactor to remove heredoc-dependent loop (6ffde95)
- _filedir: Drop unnecessary evals (7be0dd6)
- wget: Remove nonexistent arg to _ip_addresses (9214270)
- _ip_addresses: Add option to complete all/v4/v6 addresses, add unit test (dc72400)
- links: Major rework, parse options from --help, add option arg completion (173e104)
- iperf, nc: Include IPv6 addresses in bind address completions (209b16b)
- chmod: New completion (9501226)
- json_xs: New completion (1433694)
- README: Add Q/A on overriding a completion, modernize local install answer (22e9a02)
- build: Do cmake, pc, and profile variable replacements in Makefile (81ba2c7)
- build: Use AC_PROG_SED to locate sed (3031df3)
- pkg-config: Complete on *.pc files (d8667ae)
- build: Improve cleanup of test/log and test/tmp dirs (103db12)
- test: Run perlcritic and flake8 on perl and python helpers in Travis (da18668)
- lzma: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoded option list (bca4c60)
- [jkl]*: Support completing arg of last bundled short option (9ab622e)
- __load_completion: Avoid bad array subscript on "commands" ending with slash (583562b)
- aclocal, automake: Support versioned 1.16 executables (485d6de)
- test: Mark psql etc test cases untested if --help doesn't work (e8e7a15)
- _xspecs: Declare as global on bash >= 4.2 (a47bd37)
- README: Add instructions for overriding completions system wide (7cbbf35)
- pytest: Rename from py.test to follow upstream recommended name (fbf2981)
- rpm: Complete --licensefiles with -q (fb13b2e)
- ngrep, tshark: Complete on *.pcapng too (550728e)
- ifquery: New ifup alias completion (932d0be)
- _count_args: Add support for not counting specified option args (daf010a)
- ifup etc: Add option and option argument completion (f499aa3)
- ssh, scp, sftp: Support completing arg of last bundled short option (645d901)
- completions/Makefile.am: Use install-data-hook, not install-data-local (ee6b37a)
- mplayer: Add common supported module music formats (c2d4221)
- mplayer: Associate with *.S[3T]M, *.med, *.MED (264fb85)
- minicom: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoded option list (62578a3)
- modinfo: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoded option list (1397fa7)
- m*: Support completing arg of last bundled short option (8f82fd9)
- mysqladmin: Reuse --default-character-set completion from mysql (b984e6a)
- mysql, mysqladmin: Complete --ssl-{ca,cert,key} option arg (d5ee055)
- modinfo: Fall back to _parse_usage if _parse_help yields no results (d2f55d0)
- cryptsetup, nc, sh: Skip option args when counting arguments (11dee0e)
- cryptsetup: Add some option arg (non-)completions (68295cc)
- n*: Support completing arg of last bundled short option (02a13f7)
- profile.d: Avoid tested variable values being confused as [ ] operators (3f1c884)
- passwd: Try _parse_help before _parse_usage to parse options (16e82b8)
- [op]*: Support completing arg of last bundled short option (5a654a8)
- pyvenv: Support versioned 3.6-3.8 executables (b0de719)
- querybts: Use _parse_help, not hardcoded option list, misc improvements (00de26b)
- reportbug: Run _parse_help and apt-cache more selectively (ecdcdb5)
- [qr]*: Support completing arg of last bundled short option (13579f2)
- jq: New completion (8d57c41)
- tune2fs: Update -o/-O argument lists (27efd8c)
- sqlite3: Add some option arg (non-)completions (1c2b0d7)
- sshow: Add -p arg completion (c2acf69)
- strace: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoded option list (77539a5)
- sudo: Parse options from help/usage output, add some long option support (46d5d2d)
- test: Add sysctl option parsing test case (5b8b66a)
- sysctl: Recognize --pattern/-r and --load options (0f63ecb)
- sudo: Improve long option arg handling (ca3b1f6)
- s*: Support completing arg of last bundled short option (bd1d93c)
- jq, sqlite3: Protect against negative array subscripts (bd3e2f2)
- test: Support running with local BSD binaries, do it w/ ubuntu14 in CI (2fe53fe)
- xdg-settings: Make help parsing work on BSD (40f1c24)
- test: Skip jq option completion test if its --help doesn't list them (e407508)
- tracepath: Actually use our separate completion instead of _known_hosts (b0c0d5e)
- tracepath: Add -m and -p arg non-completions (a7ee04e)
- urlsnarf: Add -p arg completion (8cf0ce3)
- uscan: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoded option list (d13306d)
- [tu]*: Support completing arg of last bundled short option (26cb739)
- test: Fix iwspy test case (886f4a1)
- [vwx]*: Support completing arg of last bundled short option (bbd6296)
- fio: New completion (c92a426)
- ngrep: Add "any" to -d arg completions (507d593)
- tshark: Get available interfaces from -D output (8d7d24d)
- pylint: Option arg completion improvements (fe69cb5)
- mplayer: Associate with *.w64 (6526596)
- test: Mark flake8 untested if it seems broken (a5d490a)
- test: Limit number of wget option completions to avoid unresolved result (4f242f2)
- travis: Split long lines in script (d765f75)
- travis: Run ubuntu14/bsd with no network (64c1817)
- pydoc, pylint: Skip module completion if current looks like a path (bdd6458)
- gpgv: New completion (ff65882)
- extra/git-post-commit.sh: Add git post-commit Docker Hub trigger hook (03442fa)
- _services: Try systemctl list-unit-files if systemctl list-units fails (9f52c69)
- test: Run docker tests with --verbose (d45f902)
- test: Bump expect's match_max to 20000 by default (bda6e45)
- test: Fix buffer size option listing in run --help (eb21e66)
- pylint: Implement comma separated --confidence arg completion (5aee5d7)
- pylint: Bring -f/--format arg completion up to date with pylint 1.9.2 (7e6a220)
- pydoc, pylint: Determine python2/3 based on command basename only (fa6ec59)
- test: Limit number of pylint option completions (9f75f4b)
- test: Add pylint-3 test case (c401847)
- git-post-commit: Avoid some error trash when HEAD is not a symbolic ref (579b733)
- tox: Fall back to --listenvs for env list if --listenvs-all fails (6009de8)
- test: Start converting test suite to pytest+pexpect (641173e)
- test: Update generate for pytest+pexpect (8b1d916)
- test: Convert first bunch of completions to pytest+pexpect (ff4289f)
- test: Don't include our magic mark in completions (d8712ad)
- test: Fix completion list when there's one completion (4fc8f71)
- test: Convert remaining simple x* to pytest+pexpect (ae9b3a9)
- test: Improve generate to handle basic args and problematic chars (6fc2de1)
- test: Convert trivial [u-z]* test cases to pytest+pexpect (ac47b5c)
- test: Add some additional simple completion test cases (b2e0c51)
- test: Use make pytest docker executable env-configurable, default pytest-3 (2473d1f)
- test: Use /root/.local/bin/pytest on centos6 by default (6164b45)
- test: Convert trivial t* test cases to pytest+pexpect (4205d79)
- test: Convert trivial s* test cases to pytest+pexpect (cd11331)
- test: Add new test files to EXTRA_DIST (6130867)
- test: Add generated test files to t/Makefile.am automatically (a672f55)
- test: Convert trivial [qr]* test cases to pytest+pexpect (2b79b27)
- test: Use /root/.local/bin/pytest on ubuntu14 by default (36f73ad)
- test: Convert trivial o* test cases to pytest+pexpect (9ba87c3)
- test: Bulk convert lots of trivial test cases to pytest+pexpect (cdb9a22)
- test: Bulk convert some more trivial test cases to pytest+pexpect (e546577)
- test: Make "generate" do the right thing with more partial args (45d5ad9)
- test: Convert some more trivial test cases to pytest+pexpect (de97e77)
- test: Convert some more trivial test cases to pytest+pexpect (8c9c4f1)
- test: Convert some more trivial test cases to pytest+pexpect (5cab3b3)
- test: Convert some more trivial test cases to pytest+pexpect (cb17e4b)
- test: Treat non-dash args better in generate (ecfa09d)
- iperf: Add g/G to --format completions (cfef384)
- iperf: Install for iperf3 too (a520baa)
- iperf: Improve client/server specific option parsing (51863c4)
- xmodmap: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoded option list (fa278dc)
- iperf: Add g/G to --format completions (a2277c0)
- iperf: Install for iperf3 too (e4425bd)
- iperf: Improve client/server specific option parsing (c187063)
- xmodmap: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoded option list (1b60881)
- test: Add some iperf, iperf3 and xmodmap test cases (b3acc94)
- test: Make test base work with Python 3.3+ (83e91da)
- test: Add support for pytest pre-test commands (ccba78d)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (987aa3d)
- test: Add support for skipping individual tests based on shell command status (6a4d824)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (8145625)
- test: .gitignore pytestdebug.log (24c66c1)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (27053d1)
- test: Add support for running test case in a specified dir (339874f)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (ed64828)
- test: Fix some regressions introduced in recent test conversions (aaaa60d)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (038fd4e)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (c32a405)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (e0be296)
- test: Include command name in test class name, use numbered test method names (649cd43)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (aece7ad)
- test: Add class level skipif based on bash exec result (ae723ed)
- test: Add python3 test case (9a0fddc)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (c5300cd)
- test: Rename BASHCOMP_* test env variables to BASHCOMP_TEST_* (2fa7566)
- test: Log pexpect interaction to $BASHCOMP_TEST_LOGFILE if set (5198bf5)
- test: Pass through $HOME and $DISPLAY to test bash (2c32433)
- test: Fixture reorganization (c677b8e)
- test: Add ability to selectively ignore diffs in environment (e575c8e)
- test: Implement load_completion_for using assert_bash_exec (dd9a6eb)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (73f05ba)
- test: Replace + with Plus in test class names (d1c2c72)
- test: Mark xfreerdp as expected failure for now (489dc30)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (fff2fa3)
- test: chdir to fixtures dir in Python as well (08a89c0)
- test: Allow __load_completion to fail (4abf2ba)
- test: Sort completion results in Python for ease of use in Python tests (f40cfe0)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (9e6ed13)
- test: Use more conventional Python file names for tests (9c278da)
- test: Add support for per-test env modifications (be3d073)
- test: Don't require complete marker on test methods (9d15992)
- test: Fix jq and scrub skipif commands (b7840bf)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (ba4c972)
- test: Misc test suite fixes (d1f983a)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (ff1e0af)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (044e5da)
- test: Misc test suite fixes (6de89eb)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (75628f7)
- test: Support setting cmd=None to require no command, for unit tests (8884ceb)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (416fc05)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (c85516b)
- test: Use test_unit_* prefix for unit tests, to avoid name clashes (c7b3427)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (d5b0d1b)
- test: Misc test suite fixes (fddc36f)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (35e94b7)
- test: Misc test suite fixes (e50dfec)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (3ca2039)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (451b3d1)
- gccgo: Add as a GCC completion target (#227) (ec9aefa)
- gcc: Add g++, gcc, gccgo, and gfortran *-7 aliases (bea1d6a)
- __load_completion: Avoid unnecessary lookups from nonexistent dirs (f2b76a1)
- unzip, zipinfo: Associate with *.whl (df8bc32)
- test: Misc test suite fixes (d1b0a75)
- test: Make case specific env entries shell code, not escaped (703dcb8)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (0518f62)
- test: Pylint fixes (bbf6ff1)
- test: Remove kill, killall remnants (8e21442)
- test: Mark MANPATH without leading/trailing colons test an xfail on CI CentOS 6 (896aac9)
- nc: Add some more option (non-)completions (4d88339)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (3f84586)
- test: Pylint fixes (1389110)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (0db4768)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (b6f4e50)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (23da5e6)
- firefox etc: New non-xspec completion (ab572bb)
- chromium-browser, google-chrome*: New non-xspec completion (9db48eb)
- test: Convert some more test cases to pytest+pexpect (f0f0976)
- doc: Start documenting new pytest+pexpect tests (58499ba)
- mplayer etc: Complete on *.crdownload partial downloads in addition to *.part (2837a48)
- freeciv-gtk2: Install for freeciv and freeciv-gtk3, rename to freeciv (f253e1e)
- freeciv: Option and arg completion updates (fcaff16)
- isort: New completion (c2dd674)
- gnome-screenshot: New completion (4581c6f)
- perlcritic: New completion (2f8da81)
- gcc: Add g++, gcc, gccgo, and gfortran *-[568] aliases (c9c14da)
- test: Remove leftover completion/ls.exp (46ff7b3)
- tshark: update -T and -t completions (5869351)
- tshark: prevent a single-character file from breaking -G completion (8618ea5)
- tshark: support .gz and .cap files for -r expansion (a250248)
- xmllint: Improve --encode, --pretty, and --xpath arg (non-)completions (cf5fe10)
- chromium-browser: consider chrome and chromium as aliases (58da331)
- conftest: fix RemovedInPytest4Warning due to use of node.get_marker (9249a2a)
- doc: Some pytest install clarifications (e463b89)
- test: fix flake8 complaints about unused imports (27a9856)
- test: fix misinterpretation of completion output in tests (85275cf)
- okular: Added support for xz-compressed files. (0381d27)
- hunspell: New completion (eaecbf4)
- op: New completion (03ddd0b)
- mypy: New completion (12db483)
- test: Convert remaining perl test cases to pytest+pexpect (8aa8c84)
- 7z: add .msi support (d6b678c)
- test: Convert more tar test cases to pytest+pexpect (eaba3aa)
- dpkg: List held packages (#250) (95042d0)
- makepkg: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoding option list (bdbe5ef)
- test: Allow unknowns options in makepkg option completion (9227e92)
- makepkg: Don't apply to other than Slackware makepkg (d44e854)
- locale-gen: New completion (6176fd6)
- test: Convert cancel test case to pytest+pexpect (efd68b2)
- cancel: Add some option arg (non-)completions (9fcc52f)
- cancel: Split long line (896adae)
- test: Convert portinstall test case to pytest+pexpect (untested) (da37fa3)
- tar: Support completions for zstd compression extensions (#255) (1d911cb)
- tar: Clean up some redundant code (a143560)
- ssh-copy-id: Add -i and -o arg (non-)completions (f8d1280)
- test suite: Ignore _scp_path_esc in env for ssh-copy-id (84f40ab)
- grpck: Add --root/-R arg completion (5bd30be)
- grpck: Parse options with _parse_help, falling back to _parse_usage (4f64fb0)
- test: Add requirements.txt for installing dependencies (b1192e2)
- doc: Some test dependency doc updates (9aaa0b8)
- _filedir_xspec: Fallback to suggesting all files if requested (#260) (464c822)
- doc: Update docs on generating simple tests (840f342)
- test: Expect failure in gkrellm if there's no X display (eeb63ea)
- arp: New completion, somewhat incomplete (a0d40e5)
- test: Be more consistent with "CI" env var examination and xfails (0bfa552)
- unzip, zipinfo: Associate with *.xar (eXist-db application package) (#257) (c263a3f)
- test: Fix arp CI (non)expectations, remove redundant test case (a7ece55)
- tcpdump: Various option and their arg completion updates (e453c40)
- doc: Note email issues gateway (872164a)
- Travis: Remove unused PYTEST env var (ff7bba7)
- pydocstyle: New completion (ebee700)
- test: Fix _count_args test_7 to test intended case (7093e83)
- _count_args: Add 3rd arg for treating option-like things as args (3809d95)
- chmod: Fix file completion after modes starting with a dash (75ec298)
- .gitignore: Add pytestdebug.log (3e9011a)
- sysctl: Treat -f as alias for -p/--load (76549bb)
- xrandr: match the output name exactly for --mode (3556fcb)
- chmod: Fix "-" completion (a269a60)
- _xspecs: Simplify bash version check (ec630f5)
- test: Remove some no longer used old test suite code (a492414)
- tshark: Support preferences (-o) completion with memoization (9b4098f)
- tshark: fix completion of -Xlua_script option (50f52f7)
- test/t: Avoid trailing backslash in Makefile.am's to appease automake (5c73b79)
- build: Include test/t in dist tarball (698ef1d)
- test: Clean up and docker-ignore pycache dirs (a6916d6)
- test: Skip ifup options test if it doesn't grok --help, not in CI (3780c80)
- test: Mark some xfails based on if in docker instead of in CI (5af8f75)
- inotifywait: New completion (8bea1ec)
- _ip_addresses: Avoid completing ipv4 ones with -6 (ebeecf8)
- test: Convert _ip_addresses unit tests to pytest+pexpect, extend some (186d47d)
- inotifywait: Avoid some false positive event names (82a50b0)
- inotifywait: Fix -e completion with BSD sed (cfa6432)
- inotifywatch: New completion, common with inotifywait (2aa57d1)
- man: Fix completion when failglob option is enabled (#225) (b3a25cf)
- test: Add pre_cmds support for completion fixture (e56da98)
- test: Add man failglob test case (c1dd7f2)
- test: Rename completion.line to .output (7d7032b)
- test: Match Python's default locale unaware sort in bash setup (c46536a)
- test: Refactor/improve completion results checking (0d9d375)
- __parse_options: Avoid non-zero exit status (5ecb9d7)
- test: Convert remaining _parse_help unit test to pytest+pexpect (a2c9da2)
- ifstat: New completion (50251dc)
- test: Fix test generation wrt results checking improvements (39ab16a)
- iperf, iperf3: Add some option arg (non-)completions (cd2b18a)
- test: Convert remaining man test case to pytest+pexpect (c10ece5)
- ifstat: Make work with iproute2 version (0b44673)
- test: Remove unnecessary autouse=True from fixtures (cfd66c2)
- .gitignore: Add .python-version (for pyenv) (2527706)
- test: Clean up man tmp dir (e13640e)
- test: Remove unnecessary ri xfail (a4dd187)
- jsonschema: New completion (15fe639)
- xfreerdp: Update for more modern xfreerdp (7499fef)
- adb: Deprecate in favor of one shipped with the Android SDK (479cc27)
- test: Convert remaining tar test cases to pytest+pexpect (509878d)
- test: Fix declare test case with bash 5.0 (89a0ed7)
- test: Expect failure for chown all users test as non-root (78bb3c0)
- xm: Deprecate completion for obsolete command (#284) (c306a41)
- ssh: support RemoteCommand and SyslogFacility options (8b2f90e)
- test: sort t/Makefile.am EXTRA_DIST in C locale (17984a2)
- test: rewrite "generate" in Python, fix trailing backslash in EXTRA_DIST (7a9913f)
- xfreerdp: reinstate support for old versions with dash option syntax (5f4f529)
- test: remove no longer needed completion/*.exp (2515f72)
- test: avoid interrupting magic mark output (1ea87c9)
- test: Increase expect pty to 160 columns (b01cfe1)
- pytest: complete pytest-xdist --dist, --numprocesses, and --rsyncdir (141e5e6)
- post-commit: trigger on test/requirements.txt too (51aa5c3)
- test: add dependency on pytest-xdist (eabce5b)
- extra: add git pre-push hook for triggering Docker Hub builds (7ab7a9b)
- test: use pytest-xdist (0087574)
- python: make warning action list reusable (fb0bb60)
- pytest: complete --pythonwarnings/-W arg (6fad7d8)
- copyright: add 2019 (95ae4bb)
- _longopt: don't complete --no-* with file/dirname arg (dd80f35)
- nsupdate: new completion (80ba367)
- _longopt: pick first long option on a line, not last (54abb2e)
- _longopt: simplify regex, use printf instead of echo, drop unnecessary sort (c1ec2e1)
- test: add some _longopt unit tests (6fdb0e2)
- test: include test_unit_longopt.py in dist (4a73043)
- modprobe: append = to module parameter completions (12d589e)
- dnssec-keygen: new completion (6e008e2)
- shellcheck: new completion (fd37d6f)
- ulimit: new completion (2bf12d7)
- ulimit: improvements when -a is specified (6bc7bba)
- ping, tracepath: parse options primarily with _parse_help (09fa92d)
- modprobe: module parameter boolean values (83b4b21)
- bzip2: recognize *.tbz2 as bzipped (c3e5447)
- : remove spaces immediately within $() (90e380b)
- : remove whitespace after redirections (689beea)
- msynctool: code cleanups (0fddd55)
- : spelling fixes (2a93236)
- svn, svk, wget: use _iconv_charsets (63257ba)
- : make _parse_usage fallbacks more concise (3c10d4d)
- valgrind: look up tools from libexec dirs too (662cb72)
- .dir-locals.el: use flycheck-sh-bash-args (77f2855)
- : format Python code with black (2c1a531)
- : format Perl code with perltidy (ee73bf7)
- test: check for perltidy errors and warnings (9be5de1)
- test/tools: run all tools, don't stop at first failure (4ebda77)
- : arithmetic expression related cleanups (834339f)
- test/tools: fix exit status incrementation (9f4a18f)
- gdb: relax core filename pattern (c59a2d0)
- _parse_help: look for long options somewhat more eagerly (3f88944)
- test: add some gdb non-core files (6fa7458)
- test: port some more ssh test case to pytest+pexpect (d2bec62)
- ssh: don't offer protocol v1 specific options if it's not supported (aba5560)
- : whitespace tweaks (2f71b27)
- various: apply file vs dir special cases also when invoked with full path (82ffbb2)
- phing: don't complete -l with files (a8c4417)
- phing: fix getting just a tab for options on CentOS 6 (e41f07e)
- : add missing "ex: filetype=sh" (f237c25)
- _upvar: delete, unused (b1a8a7d)
- Revert "_upvar: delete, unused" (6970e6d)
- _upvar: deprecate in favor of _upvars (4f35b0c)
- : error output consistency, use bash_completion prefix (2a04042)
- : more arithmetic expression consistency (c8c1b4d)
- tshark: ignore stderr when parsing -G, -L, and -h output (7abc83e)
- test: improve tshark -O arg completion test (4548e71)
- tshark: speed up tshark -O completion (b930bfc)
- apt-cache: protect showsrc against regex specials (6e2ddea)
- test: adjust _get_comp_words_by_ref test to changed error output (56703df)
- synclient: remove unused local variable "split" (366488f)
- mypy, mysql, xmms: don't complete unknown split long option args (1a698d5)
- apt-get: protect source against regex specials (22c5c3c)
- AUTHORS: remove unrelated project association from my entry (8a74451)
- test: shorten long gdb test core file name so tar doesn't croak on it (e83bf9b)
- iptables: improve existing table arg parsing (97a91f8)
- test: add script to run shellcheck, run it in Travis, allowing failure for now (f21c67f)
- ebtables: improve existing table arg parsing (996a203)
- test: add invoke-rc.d test case for not repeating already given options (e0bb03a)
- _included_ssh_config_files: doc grammar fixes (bae4a3d)
- _included_ssh_config_files: store found included files in an array (6d01267)
- : shellcheck error fixes (f1c32f4)
- test: add make -C test case (ea3c900)
- make: quote eval array definitions to work around shellcheck SC1036 bug (abe266c)
- ri: shellcheck error fixes (d45f9fa)
- travis: fail on shellcheck errors (e146ef5)
- travis: don't fail DIST != tools (a3129ac)
- travis: run shellcheck on bash_completion.sh.in too (0eebaef)
- tar, valgrind: avoid some herestrings (3d3905c)
- test: make runLint search for herestrings (8510da8)
- test: move default shell option from run-shellcheck to .shellcheckrc (4dc8da5)
- shellcheck: disable bunch of warnings when in "-S warning" mode (a36f57f)
- arp, ccze, ifstat, inotifywait, makepkg: invoke sed with "command" (5ff11ce)
- __parse_options, 7z: avoid herestrings (ff5fb58)
- CONTRIBUTING: note runLint and run-shellcheck (07408a6)
- CONTRIBUTING: add upstream vs bash-completion considerations (34fb914)
- doc/testing: remove lots of legacy info, add some new (d31f2c9)
- xvnc4viewer: code cleanups (3e193ed)
- ssh: fix suboption completion with combined -*o (8d2c976)
- ssh: make option completion case insensitive (0984db6)
- ssh: make -o protocol completion less hardcoded (73d8304)
- 7z: add some TODO notes on parsing "i" output for extensions (7748282)
- : avoid shellcheck SC1010 (a3aa845)
- : avoid shellcheck SC1007 (659805b)
- dist: include various *.in explicitly (f2f8c7b)
- test: use parallel make in docker test (8efece6)
- test: use $(RM) (72b47aa)
- test: group dejagnu related stuff in one place in Makefile (ce95fe4)
- test: run pytest tests with make check (5a53bc1)
- test: run distcheck in docker, ditto test suite driven by it (bdf40aa)
- test: add fixtures/make/extra_makefile to CLEANFILES (47fc6d7)
- travis: reindent with 2 spaces by usual convention (54030ad)
- travis: deploy release dist tarball to github (8d91ee2)
- test suite: Limit number of screen -T completion matches (1c5d13e)
- test suite: Support overriding default match buffer size (#141) (e6a56b9)
- lftp: Support ~/.local/... bookmark location (#144) (1e347ee)
- test suite: Limit amount of output from process name completion (f206607)
- ktutil: Don't leak i and command environment variables (fb8e5aa)
- test suite: Add bunch of missing basic test cases (ca61c5e)
- uscan: Don't leak cword and words environment variables (0ab85ec)
- xm: Don't leak args and commands environment variables (29fd200)
- test suite: Enable wine in ubuntu14 (9ccc3db)
- test suite: Install aptitude in ubuntu14 container (1fc5d30)
- aptitude-curses: Use aptitude completion (c8d40ea)
- groupdel: Parse and handle long options (e987744)
- curl: Fix -x etc option argument hostname completion (3708590)
- : Protect _known_hosts_real from user input treated as options (8706bc1)
- aptitude: Add keep to commands list (Debian: #867587) (5ed2fc4)
- test suite: Add basic hid2hci and munin-node-configure test cases (c498655)
- test suite: Add info and pinfo option test cases (deba602)
- test suite: Limit amount of info and pinfo test output (bb8645b)
- : Protect shopt reset from non-default $IFS (5240618)
- alias: Fix completion followed by = (#146) (2f21940)
- oggdec: New completion (0dc16d3)
- Add support for .lzo extension (--lzop) to tar (#155) (49a8dd8)
- Add support for .lz4 extension to file-roller (#158) (5268e43)
- lsusb: New completion (4e323d9)
- lspci: New completion (ea3d2b2)
- test suite: Skip fedoradev GPG checks at least for now (2ef9387)
- test suite: Drop no longer needed fedoradev /usr/bin/which workaround (53feba3)
- vpnc: Improve config completions (c695083)
- vpnc: Add some option argument (non)completions (0086850)
- iptables: Parse options from --help output (0bdc11d)
- iptables: Avoid stderr trashing when invoked as non-root (c8c61f7)
- iptables: Use invoked command instead of hardcoded "iptables" (1b5c6e8)
- README.md: Whitespace cleanup (a6e3655)
- ebtables: new completion (#150) (334b47c)
- test: Use prebuilt docker hub bash-completion images (ecaec9a)
- rfkill: Rename to _rfkill to avoid conflict with util-linux >= 2.31 (d962f3a)
- test suite: man cleanup (c8ff683)
- test suite: Make man test subject names less generic (78f4cec)
- test suite: Add bunch of man and MANPATH test cases (3b2fd04)
- man: Don't use $MANPATH directly (#161) (e6a4715)
- unzip, zipinfo: Associate *.gar (#165) (e5ee408)
- pylint: Install for pylint-2 and pylint-3 too (fee4f3d)
- pylint: Invoke python3 to search for modules if command contains 3 (d63b33d)
- tox: New completion (#163) (89fb872)
- tox: Avoid stderr spewage when -e invoked without tox.ini (1ac8895)
- tox: Include ALL in -e completions (9678f55)
- tox: Remove spurious executable bits (609ed0d)
- xdg-settings: New completion (6cf792b)
- test: run bash with --norc to avoid system bashrc (77ea9fc)
- test: Add some comments regarding bash init in library.exp (215301d)
- test: Remove things moved to library.exp from bashrc (6495d88)
- Whitespace (3fa189e)
- test: Add files to test older ri with (a85f96c)
- ri: Fix integrated ri 1.8 class completion (9035568)
- apt-get: Complete *.deb on install if argument contains a slash (a36231e)
- reportbug: Add -A/--attach arg completion (339abbb)
- reportbug: Don't hardcode option lists, split option args at = (1d44276)
- ssh-keygen: Add -E arg completion (3807a99)
- xdg-mime: New completion (24e7c26)
- test: dpkg,ls,_tilde: Skip gracefully if no uniq user for completion is found (95a04fe)
- test: Ignore duplicates in find_unique_completion_pair list (d2f14a7)
- ssh: Declare $prefix closer to use (2516a25)
- ssh: Add -J/ProxyJump completion (cc6667e)
- _known_hosts_real: Document -a better (693282c)
- nproc: New completion (cb7877c)
- getconf: New completion (55ed68d)
- pv: New completion (f6f5f4f)
- cryptsetup: Update option lists (89d1a3f)
- dpkg: Add -V/--verify arg completion (bb0a82f)
- lowriter,localc etc: Use corresponding oo* completions (fbd52a5)
- perltidy: New completion (9cddfdf)
- flake8: Various option arg completion improvements (15389e6)
- pycodestyle: New completion (0de48aa)
- travis: Don't build local docker images, use vskytta/bash-completion ones (f1a1e14)
- test: Work around broken centos/fedora postfix config in non-IPv6 setup (5db0365)
- test: Add "postconf -" test case (ac73726)
- Revert "travis: Don't build local docker images, use vskytta/bash-completion ones" (ac9c468)
- test: Try to skip postconf variable test on broken postfix configs altogether (4ba2e73)
- test/docker: Tweak work dir, add bash as default cmd (e0a4385)
- python: Support completing dotted module hierarchies (db9f81b)
- lsscsi: New completion (079b7ac)
- radvdump: New completion (5b3e79e)
- java: Complete *.war (c1912bf)
- ssh,ssh-add,ssh-keygen: Complete pkcs11 options with *.so (0fb4ae2)
- kldunload: Show modules with digits (6f17a85)
- kldunload: Increase robustness of compgen filters (#185) (e2193c7)
- _known_hosts_real: Add option to filter IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (0c40185)
- ping*,ssh,scp,sftp,tracepath6: Filter IPv4/IPv6 literal addresses (b547f22)
- geoiplookup: New completion (7c7dfe8)
- xdg-mime,xdg-settings: Fix inclusion in tarball (3e9e03b)
- tox: Complete comma separated -e arguments (eb8a7e7)
- mplayer: Disable user config when parsing options (df36cae)
- test suite: Some more mplayer and mencoder coverage (c71f5fc)
- : Comma separated opt arg completion improvements (021058b)
- xine etc, ogg123, mplayer -audiofile: Associate with *.oga (b102367)
- dpkg: Fix man page section in comment (e16b320)
- dpkg: Complete --vextract on deb files (facefd6)
- dpkg-query: Fix -W/--show completion (78cdbe1)
- ccze: New completion (e858751)
- make: Pass script to sed as parameter instead of using process substitution (153d6d4)
- openssl: Add completion for the genpkey, pkey, pkeyparam, and pkeyutl commands (19759ad)
- _avaiable_interfaces: Get rid of eval (edb7d59)
- __load_completion: Code cleanup (5e69954)
- __load_completion: Load "xspec" completions dynamically too (e6781be)
- mkdir: Complete on files in addition to dirs (dbb3870)
- mkdir: Complete files without appending space (b0babf8)
- Bump copyright years to -2018 (e306ffd)
- __expand_tilde_by_ref: Eval tilde expansion only, simplify (21f410a)
- dd: Omit space only when offering one completion ending with = (cea7cce)
- dd, find, gcc: Remove unnecessary tilde expansion (6927248)
- test: Add assert_complete_homedir, use in dpkg and ls (ec85ac4)
- bzip2, gzip, and other compressors: Use _tilde instead of _expand (3c4fc36)
- test: Add some _expand unit tests (3b8dfd3)
- _expand: Reuse __expand_tilde_by_ref and _tilde logic, clean up (6365265)
- info, man, rsync: Defer _expand invocation (add4e3c)
- test/unit: Whitespace tweaks (69c318a)
- test: Fix getting username in non-login shells (6ae330f)
- make-changelog.py: Use python3 (5f1d238)
- pdfunite: New *.pdf completion (65239a9)
- test suite: Fix __expand_tilde_by_ref test expectation output (ff2afaf)
- Makefile: update default compatdir (#132) (00a7b9f)
- pyflakes: Remove redundant xspec completion (0a32296)
- test suite: Generalize xspec completion install check (1a7137f)
- Make user completion file configurable, disable in tests (d231255)
- xine etc: Associate *.webm and *.weba (#112) (eee71d2)
- mplayer: Associate *.weba (#112) (82dbb85)
- xine etc: Associate uppercase *.WM[AV] (7250d5b)
- Add missing sidedoor to .gitignore (#114) (440f65c)
- Bump copyright years (922bc58)
- eog: Associate with *.j2c and *.jpg2 (c91b36d)
- xv: Associate with *.j2c, *.j2k, *.jp2, *.jpf, and *.jpg2 (Debian: #859774) (0de9b7b)
- Travis: Switch tests to docker, update to Ubuntu 14 (82d85c1)
- test suite: Add WIP Fedora dev config (6ed2857)
- synclient, udevadm: Avoid use of posix char classes for awk (2abecdc)
- ssh-keygen: Make option parsing work with OpenSSH < 7 (375bd17)
- (docker): Run completion tests with xvfb-run, e.g. for gkrellm (c8f5dac)
- tshark -G: Avoid stderr noise when running as superuser (ea6377d)
- (test suite): Fix mmsitepass completion test (596d961)
- mr: Avoid stderr trash and test suite failure if man is N/A (be12bb2)
- (docker): Pull in missing fedoradev xvfb-run which dependency (e468e44)
- (test suite): Don't assume lists set up in newlist test cases (a9494fe)
- (test suite): Delete trailing whitespace (ca64e75)
- newlist: Parse options from --help, add some arg non-completions (472db27)
- (test suite): Don't assume mounted filesystems in quota* tests (a9fc3dc)
- (test suite): Make chkconfig test behave better in container (fcaac9a)
- (test suite): Unsupport various kill, renice cases if ps is N/A (b5d81bf)
- (test suite): Fix tar test case for ones having --owner-map (b719ee2)
- (test suite): curl has lots of options, add more test prefix (4698dbe)
- (test suite): Fix perl -d* test cases with no Devel::* installed (9941b3d)
- (test suite): Ensure /usr/(local/)games is in $PATH (fda9c43)
- (test suite): Add bunch of packages to ubuntu14 container (ffeb91a)
- (test suite): Add our ./configure to PATH to test it, test opts (07cbd0d)
- (test suite): Add basic hping3 test case (9f2efc5)
- (test suite): Test lsof on ubuntu14 (db40d50)
- unshunt: Parse options from --help (a7caf57)
- (test suite): Install jshint to ubuntu14 container with npm (4813904)
- (test suite): Add mailman bin dir to PATH for some mailman tools (5eee6c5)
- (test suite): Install jshint globally in ubuntu14 (987f251)
- alpine: Parse opts from -h output, add some opt arg completions (7c5bc49)
- (test suite): Add basic alpine test case (282cdba)
- (test suite): Fix alias and cd cursor position tests (35f1cd8)
- (test suite): Add unrar to ubuntu14 container (77fa46d)
- (test suite): Install some things N/A in ubuntu14 to fedoradev (f6c0d3a)
- (test suite): Avoid interference from user and system dirs (#87) (1d3b6da)
- (test suite): Accept non-whitespace single word in assert_complete_any (476b260)
- (test suite): Load tested completions dynamically (7fa35af)
- arch: Parse options from --help (ca31dfa)
- (test suite): Add mailman bin dir to PATH for arch test (222fbb8)
- (test suite): Ignore runtime loaded env function changes (3dd8112)
- (test suite): Add basic CentOS 6 container for bash 4.1 coverage (537c9a0)
- Don't offer * as configured interface when there are none (c287bb2)
- (test suite): Don't assume configured interfaces in CI setups (dbaafbd)
- (test suite): Simplify renice test, fix with only one completion (8936b10)
- (test suite): Fix CentOS 6 tcllib setup (b253814)
- (test suite): Info test needs docs, don't exclude from CentOS (f4b79ae)
- (test suite): Add our own dummy ri test fixture (1a61fc8)
- ri: Add option and arg completions (bf838e9)
- Don't define BASH_COMPLETION_COMPAT_DIR (c41a762)
- oowriter: Associate with *.pdf (0cea46f)
- py.test: New completion (eae26d9)
- _configured_interfaces: Parse from /etc/network/interfaces.d/* on Debian (d0c4410)
- (test suite): Don't insist on loading all completions dynamically (f845109)
- (test suite): Set dcop result to untested if dcop server is not running (25fa2f7)
- man: Don't check OSTYPE or GNU userland, just enable on all systems (d0ff1a9)
- _user_at_host: Append @ suffix to username part completions (f9f10a3)
- _user_at_host: Set nospace only when completing username part (a4c6763)
- bind: Add option and argument (non-)completions (67e082c)
- xine etc: Fix *.m4a association (279c3cd)
- mplayer, xine, etc: Associate *.mp4a and *.mp4v (c868d7b)
- mplayer: Remove duplicate *.m4a and *.m4v associations (0845c21)
- Revert "(test suite): Fix alias and cd cursor position tests" (c30a613)
- (test suite): Set TERM to dumb, not dummy (81c72d4)
- (test suite): Test screen -T completions (c936d99)
- gm: New completion, commands only for now (1ac39db)
- openssl: Add sha2 commands (ec02542)
- openssl: Parse available digests from dgst -h (b6ddef3)
- python: Fix traceback avoidance on module completion error (5faa19c)
- test suite: Add Python module completion test case (6abf9d6)
- micropython: New completion, aliased from python (9e5522f)
- python: Split module completion to separate helper (abb3016)
- test suite: Improve ls home dir test descriptions (fc8c976)
- dpkg: Fix dpkg -i home dir completion (dd8c53b)
- test suite: Cosmetic tweaks (a01c66b)
- test suite: Mark dpkg -L test case untested if no packages installed (d3276a8)
- tar: Comment spelling fixes (8c5283f)
- test suite: If colon trim doesn't do anything, trim as usual (f4ffafe)
- test suite: Ignore env var pulled in by use of scp in tests (7f1f33b)
- test suite: Fix ifdown and ifup CI test skipping (089288d)
- test suite: Skip an expected make test case failure in centos6 CI (4d5785f)
- Expose version in BASH_COMPLETION_VERSINFO, use it in profile.d script (eb6f40c)
- test suite: Mark expected centos6 CI _filedir failures as such (a1a4eb8)
- : Whitespace fixes (2ed36b8)
- Travis: zopfli is AWOL? (96141cd)
- make: Declare _make_target_extract_script like other functions (7be3f33)
- : Move indentation settings to .editorconfig (619fb1f)
- CONTRIBUTING: Reorder sections (fefcf16)
- .ipa is just a zip file and we should let unzip handle it (#71) (7b9dc46)
- deja-dup: New completion (d3c483c)
- perl: Remove full path to cat in PERLDOC_PAGER call (06e4c48)
- mr: New completion (624a452)
- travis: Add mr (78b0543)
- dd: Sync completions with coreutils 8.24 (8b35dd3)
- mplayer: Associate with *.mjpg, *.mjpeg (Debian: #837779) (c16826e)
- ssh-keygen: support ed25519 keys (#79) (85b6951)
- ssh-keygen: Parse switches with _parse_usage, not _parse_help (4dc0016)
- Add support for Include in ssh config (#70) (#80) (1016e43)
- ant: parse targets in imported buildfiles (#84) (62233c8)
- mr: Disable "clean" test case, command N/A before mr 1.20141023 (98146c9)
- Support for python gui source files (#91) (84881eb)
- ip: Recognize address in addition to addr (b53b287)
- ip: Recognize a as alias for address and l for link (7029dd8)
- Add sidedoor to _ssh() completion (#106) (7ecca5c)
- (test suite): Avoid loading user's ~/.bash_completion, fixes #87 (c96f432)
- test/config/*: Delete trailing whitespace (d8cb128)
- travis: Skip bluez and nis for now due to post-install script issues (58aaad3)
- Fix bug in 'make' completion when using BSD sed (#108) (33f3ef3)
- ccache: fix completing compiler's flags (ae84d53)
- Add more tests for ccache (b0ec56d)
- javac: Complete -cp like -classpath (c068fca)
- test suite: Add java/javac non-completion fixture (b35c4c9)
- Minor edits to README.md (mostly formatting) (#110) (23cc43b)
- tipc: add tipc completions (a0b5863)
- CONTRIBUTING: Highlight request for test cases (0eb9600)
- test suite: Add function and declare test cases (81f2708)
- mpv: Don't install symlink for it, fixes #24 (0382773)
- aclocal: Install completion for 1.14 and 1.15, fixes #25 (a8f4357)
- Better handling of typeset/declare (af3934a)
- Add tests for declare/typeset (71b9147)
- Support completing array variables and expansions (dde1d31)
- tipc: add test framework (f6d00ad)
- tipc: merge functions into main (935a98d)
- tipc: use bash here string instead of echo (d03425e)
- tipc: remove unnecessary function _tipc_get_val() (1969438)
- tipc: add command prefix to link sed (cdbc193)
- The BitKeeper completion used the wrong set of commands (be62355)
- man: Prioritize MANPATH, simplify, add fallback e.g. for busybox, fixes #28 (c9f54e7)
- cppcheck: Complete filenames too for --platform (7634fe1)
- tipc: use cur variable for flag completion (696eb89)
- tipc: readd call to complete command (831abc7)
- Use shell globbing instead of ls to source files in compat dir (760bd6f)
- aspell, minicom, mysql: Replace use of ls with printf (751dbbb)
- rpm: Fix --whatenhances arg completion (e236020)
- make: Avoid a grep (47c5c97)
- vncviewer: Cleanup shopt use, drop an eval (cfc6212)
- aptitude: List packages using _apt_cache_packages, fixes #33 (49265f0)
- tar: silence --version's stderr output (e1b1fd2)
- test suite: Add bashcomp_bash env var for better control on tested bash (93940c0)
- Travis: First steps toward testing with OS X (60a5b47)
- chroot: New (generic long options) completion, see #38 (ce49e8d)
- pyvenv: New completion (fd9515f)
- abook: Parse long options from command including full path (5ad751f)
- test suite: Add basic pushd test case (864cb34)
- pushd: Use _cd completion for CDPATH support, closes #38 (e35c504)
- Support pod document files for perldoc (#39) (40e7b4e)
- perl: Remove some duplicated code (cf559ae)
- test suite: Add perldoc module+pod completion test case (c6defa3)
- mysql: Avoid --default-character-set error with failglob, fixes #46 (fa10367)
- tipc: remove unnecessary return values (6c3942c)
- tipc: make loop variables local (e1b535e)
- tipc: use double brackets in if conditions (d815b46)
- apache2ctl, aspell, make: Don't hardcode completion generator command (3426649)
- python: Support -Q and -W arg completion without space (a9d0250)
- xetex, xelatex, luatex, lualatex: Associate with tex files (1e567a5)
- CONTRIBUTING: Note patch preferences if not using GitHub pull requests (5017ee6)
- (test suite): Remove test/fixtures/_filedir/a"b from git, create on the fly (fec077d)
- (test suite): Remove Bash::Completion.3pm.gz from git, create on the fly (52d05a6)
- (test suite): Fix fallout from fec077d555f112b9f455c45860f90a3b47392fcf (6170f07)
- tipc: suppress tipc error messages (83f78d2)
- tipc: handle complete words without trailing space (1e778fc)
- tipc: fix missing last char in link name completion (502b718)
- tipc: Indentation fix (48ab557)
- tipc: Invoke ls with "command" (103dbe5)
- (test suite): Pass assert_complete_any for exact/only given arg completed (847c2bf)
- Travis: Install more packages for more test coverage (6388b8f)
- hcitool,svcadm,tar: Spelling fixes (9a03b80)
- pypy3: Alias to python (35767bf)
- pypy*: Add basic --jit arg completion (72beabe)
- : Remove redundant return 0's (8611927)
- : Trivial cleanups (b31c0f9)
- pkg-get,pkgrm: Drop unnecessary _have calls (2d2d15b)
- jarsigner: Add some option arg (non)completions (5da97ee)
- pkg-get: Don't use hyphens in function names (e194c31)
- lrzip: Add -m arg noncompletion (fd6412e)
- javadoc: Add bunch of option arg (non)completions (30598c8)
- rpm: Offer --filetriggers with -q (8212aca)
- lvm: fix all commands that should get all PVs (caa2222)
- lvm: pvcreate should be able to use all block devcices (2212dc5)
- CONTRIBUTING.md: Ask for test cases (78e9493)
- make check: Test syntax of all completion files (b5d8a84)
- travis: configure and run completions syntax check (75c537c)
- Completion for python zip archives (f205719)
- unzip, zipinfo: Complete on *.pyz (a576160)
- test suite: Add some python test cases (16d52f9)
- python: Complete all files only if -c is before current word (6eae809)
- python: Don't offer options after -c (5f016fc)
- python: Complete all files also after -m (f17407b)
- python: Simplify code (235f726)
- tar: Don't write to /tmp/jetel (6bdd922)
- test suite: Add tar xvf filename test case (807f903)
- tar: Fix GNU tar help output parsing regex, fixes #15 (0b7189d)
- tar: Remove unused variable (7ab05bf)
- tar: Detect GNU/other from --version only once per session (88c671a)
- test suite: Fix tar failure caused by previous tar change (198ab64)
- test suite: Tolerate "See 'man feh'" feh --help output (b4b8916)
- test suite: Don't insist on property completions if synclient -l fails (9716a54)
- test suite: Fix abook test case (eae0183)
- : Use [:blank:] instead of $'\t ' tricks where appropriate, fixes #19 (657fcf6)
- gnokii: Use <<< instead of echo + pipe (b7ededc)
- make: Use <<< instead of printf + pipe (1a122fb)
- feh: Add new sort type (0354981)
- kcov: Add new sort types, complete --replace-src-path arguments (6cb7f96)
- Add config for cmake to bash-completion. (94b7e63)
- _mac_addresses: Use explicit C locale for ifconfig (Debian: #704832). (a9db458)
- aclocal, automake: Install for *-1.10, *-1.12, and *-1.13 too. (e772425)
- cvs rm: Don't filter existing files with -f (RedHat: #949479). (9852597)
- Use == instead of =. (497c209)
- nmcli completion was integrated upstream (580a4cf)
- Revert "nmcli completion was integrated upstream" (cdd2c3d)
- nmcli: Deprecate our completion, upstream has one in (9780b0a)
- sh: Complete script arguments with all filenames (Alioth: #314226). (daaa541)
- cvs: Fix checkout -j non-completion. (bb0739f)
- Clean up/compact various globs. (d99c220)
- wget: Stop completing after --help/--version. (5786568)
- wget: Drop incorrect -nv arg completion. (1969d12)
- wget: Add --accept-regex/--reject-regex/--regex-type arg (non)completions. (5c6b1bb)
- perl*: Fix handling of relative paths in @INC. (18c28bb)
- perl: Fix -dt: completion. (97efc7c)
- hcitool, rfcomm, ciptool, hciconfig: Don't leak $args. (3a3290d)
- 7z: New completion. (5a9e8f2)
- file-roller: Reuse unzip's xspec. (42196ef)
- 2to3: New completion. (a4b69e7)
- perl: -d/-dt option argument is optional (Alioth: #314242) (ad455df)
- dpkg: Suppress unwanted error messages (Debian: #706502) (9ca8d93)
- cppcheck: Add new --enable option argument and --library argument completion (77ebc93)
- export, _variables: Do TZ= completion (Redhat: #994646). (3f144be)
- Cosmetics. (62e0c3b)
- make: Use only posix basic regexps with sed (Alioth: #314345) (f230cfd)
- _longopt: Run commands in C locale. (a282d02)
- aptitude: safe-upgrade accepts package name as parameters (Alioth: #313638, Debian: 673235) (e91a458)
- bzip2, gzip, lzma: Cleanups. (61d1d7d)
- zopfli: New completion. (2da4ee9)
- make: Fix basic regex for portability (Alioth: #314345) (3ac523f)
- _known_hosts_real: Pre-expand \t instead of relying on sed supporting it (Alioth: #314393). (50ae579)
- dict: Trivial regex cleanup. (705be00)
- abook, kldunload: Pre-expand \t instead of relying on sed supporting it. (24f0c58)
- cc, c++: Install minimal completion for non-gcc ones (Alioth: #314417). (d6600e6)
- cc, c++: Check path to binary when finding out if it's gcc (Alioth: #314417). (ffabc6f)
- f77, f95: Use the same completion as for g77, g95 if they are links to gfortran (df8782d)
- 7z: Improve completion (d048a14)
- mplayer: -dvd-devices takes dvd devices, dirs and .iso files as argument (d482e74)
- _known_hosts_real: Exclude %h HostName entries (RedHat: #1015935). (fcc9545)
- timeout: New completion. (63b4995)
- complete on freerdp-specific known hosts list (1cfbbdd)
- bts: New completion, thanks to Federico Ceratto. (b2e7951)
- appdata-validate: New completion. (e93cc98)
- uscan: New completion, thanks to Federico Ceratto (61fa261)
- Refactor bts and uscan, since they use common functions (780d97c)
- wtf: Hush stderr when db file doesn't exist. (f5df66f)
- wtf: Don't offer -f if it was already specified. (e694978)
- wtf: Look for acronym db from /usr/share/games/bsdgames/acronyms too. (920bbb8)
- (testsuite): Limit wtf completions to A* to keep expect happier. (c527b54)
- cppcheck: Include - in --file-list completions. (4df6d3f)
- optipng: New completion. (34a74df)
- lz4: New completion. (a2e2f19)
- (testsuite) Check for grep and ls invoked without "command", see README (d98e56f)
- lintian: Replace some grep+cuts with awk (93ee009)
- gcc, lintian, make, pkgadd, slackpkg: grep -> "command grep" (Debian: #734095) (e3edf7a)
- aptitude, dpkg: Replace some grep+cuts with awk (e777395)
- ip: Add some addr, addrlabel, and route arg completions (b5d0cdd)
- jpegoptim: New completion (8617e22)
- Bump copyright years to 2014. (01fd3b4)
- ssh-keygen: New completion (0b7d92c)
- portsnap: New completion. (c3770c1)
- freebsd-update: New completion. (5ff5a4e)
- testsuite: Add basic tests for portsnap and freebsd-update (602d188)
- hwclock,ionice,rtcwake: Deprecate in favor of util-linux ones (Debian: #737672) (e4b1740)
- _*: Install our deprecated completions too, try loading them secondarily (e201d1b)
- testsuite: Add basic test cases for deprecated completions (3e06371)
- testsuite: Add basic newgrp test case (bb76897)
- cal,chfn,chsh,dmesg,eject,hexdump,look,newgrp,renice,runuser,su,write: Deprecate on Linux in favor of util-linux ones (Debian: #737672) (e452f2e)
- pyflakes: New completion (e14617e)
- flake8: New completion (5152356)
- ri: Fix colon handling in class completion. (24ea53f)
- ri: Fix class completion with ri >= 3. (3cdcfde)
- (testsuite) Avoid complete-ant-cmd.pl errors with our build.xml (14be62a)
- FAQ: Clarify that we mean the bash man page for M-/ (293bbaa)
- profile.d: Don't return from a sourced script (Debian: #741657) (867282a)
- man: Use -w instead of --path (4927730)
- xrandr: Add (some) --setprovider* arg completion support (c50313c)
- xrandr: Use the invoked command internally, not hardcoded "xrandr" (b758afc)
- qemu: Apply completion to qemu-kvm/-system-i386/-system-x86_64 too (61ad655)
- qemu: Fix -balloon arg completion (4a4afd5)
- pngfix: New completion (13ad1f1)
- gdb: support --args style completion (Alioth: #314664) (b1f7803)
- eog: Complete on *.pgm (RedHat: #1090481) (77e11c4)
- nslookup: complete on hosts (Alioth: #314673) (b74d537)
- hostname: New completion (c924d32)
- pypy: New completion identical to python (Alioth: #314501) (38a013e)
- Use more straightforward way to check bash version (768a958)
- dpkg: Add support in dpkg completion for .ddeb (LP: #568404) (eafde37)
- make: completion shouldn't be confused by the output of $(info confuse: make) (54d53c6)
- Puppet: use puppet terminology (ac98c31)
- Puppet: puppet -* doesn't imply 'puppet apply' (20e9bef)
- Puppet: puppet parser support (b56df70)
- Puppet: agent: update options list, accordind to 'puppet help agent' (af5ba56)
- Puppet: apply: update options list, accordind to 'puppet help apply' (5a536ae)
- Puppet: cert: update options list, accordind to 'puppet help cert' (b46636a)
- Puppet: describe: update options list, accordind to 'puppet help describe' (0bbcc47)
- puppet: Exit early on -h|-V|--version in addition to --help (f94d1a6)
- puppet: Parse most subcommand options from "help subcommand" output (00a80a2)
- puppet: Recognize some short options (dbe7325)
- (testsuite) Add puppet subcommand option test case (d748a5a)
- mpv: New completion alias + adjustments for mplayer (Debian: #749115) (de78c16)
- _services: README in sysv init dir is not a service (41cdfc6)
- __reassemble_comp_words_by_ref: Make work with failglob on (Alioth: #312741) (732906b)
- psql: Tell psql to not load .psqlrc as it may change output format (Alioth: #314636) (9186add)
- Quote unset array element to avoid globbing interference (Alioth: #314708) (84135d7)
- Various mostly array element unsetting fixes under failglob (1ed2377)
- ssh-add, ssh-keygen: -? needs to be quoted under failglob (Alioth: #314709) (24c8f1e)
- Quote _filedir arguments when appropriate to prevent failglob failures (8566a5a)
- slapt-src: split options from their arguments (3a65be4)
- slapt-{get,src}: Fix issue with sed not being able to handle some characters (70e52c8)
- gendiff: Quoting suffix pattern to avoid triggering failglob (154f388)
- sbopkg, slapt-{get,src}: expand tilde in config file name (505481c)
- slapt-src: Handle --config=FILE option properly (7220727)
- _filedir_xspec: Fix with failglob on (b65232f)
- lvm: _lvm_count_args parameter must be quoted in order to failglob not to complain (3717fe7)
- (testsuite) Add vgcreate test case for _lvm_count_args with failglob on (615fd18)
- _lvm: using a single-pattern case and invoking function according to words[1] (01024f5)
- umount: Fix mount points escaping/unescaping with Bash-4.3 (292830b)
- (testsuite): move testing of _linux_fstab() to umount.exp (dcb0ea2)
- _parse_help: Fix failglob failures (Alioth: #314707) (d238ab5)
- modprobe: fix params with multi-line descriptions (454f67a)
- modprobe: Try parsing help before using hardcoding option list (c6ec8f9)
- ssh-add, ssh-keygen: -? needs to be quoted under failglob (take 2) (Alioth: #314709) (60b8fab)
- isql: Fix failglob failure (9d250f9)
- Added test/site.{bak,exp} to .gitignore (afe39fd)
- adb: New completion (4bbab19)
- (testsuite) Use 'set' command posix behaviour when saving env (Alioth: #314720) (16361c8)
- (testsuite) Save shell variables when saving env (Alioth: #314720) (dbb93ae)
- xz: Complete -T/--threads argument (9e2db8a)
- xmllint, xmlwf, xsltproc: Complete on *.dbk and *.docbook (Alioth: #314770) (ab8eeb3)
- xsltproc. TODO fix for previous commit (7c5c622)
- python(3): Add -X argument non-completion (eb79f9d)
- 7z, adb: Trivial cleanups (d259e71)
- ant: Don't offer more completions after options that exit (98d6b5e)
- (testsuite) Add ant -f test case (40db483)
- ant: Support buildfile set in $ANT_ARGS (Alioth: #314735) (86df56d)
- mplayer, *xine: Complete on *.mts (Debian: #759219) (852e0f6)
- rpmbuild: Complete *.spec on --clean (RedHat: #1132959) (e879eb0)
- rpmbuild: Complete *.spec on --nobuild (42e1f34)
- Comment update (fa064e8)
- _completion_loader: Set empty command to EmptycmD for cross version compat (7394d74)
- _init_completion: Handle cword < 0 (LP: #1289597) (a9c556c)
- pigz, unpigz: Handle *.zz (4038c71)
- Protect various compgen invocations from -* leakage (Debian: #766163) (882649b)
- (testsuite) Add cd in dir without subdirs or CDPATH test case (9444a87)
- _pnames: Add -s for producing (possibly) truncated names (RedHat: #744406) (52d8316)
- Actually install the lz4 completion (ed07b18)
- _completion_loader: Protect compgen from -* leakage (Debian: #769399) (32e6e49)
- gphoto2: Fix split argument handing, and colon treatment in --port args (7d66285)
- : Invoke command to be completed, not its basename (7d3de61)
- gphoto2: Replace tail with awk (89add74)
- ccache: Add -o/--set-config arg name completion (dfb2d01)
- chrome, firefox etc: Complete on *.pdf (6a60025)
- strings: Fix -T/--target arg completion with non-English locale (976ad96)
- upstart support for service completion (3567d93)
- (testsuite): Add mcrypt -a and -m argument completion tests (377e240)
- mcrypt: Simplify -m arg completion (a592a09)
- tshark: Simplify cut usage (23bf3bd)
- createdb, dropdb: Drop -o default, it does not appear to do anything good here (e71b452)
- createuser: New completion (7999f28)
- dropuser: New completion (3cf50a1)
- profile.d: Avoid some warnings from shells in "nounset" mode (Debian: #776160) (c725e6b)
- cppcheck: Option argument (non-)completion update (e687c3a)
- reptyr: Rename file to _reptyr to avoid conflict with upstreamed completion (6a4ad49)
- tune2fs: Add missing return in -M arg completion (edea6cb)
- synclient: New completion (6a1bf8d)
- Drop reference to no longer used sysconf_DATA (ba79e9e)
- README: Add autotools and cmake tips (3a8e7bd)
- README: Add cmake usage example (889718b)
- README: Don't hardcode /etc in cmake fallback dir (2c5efee)
- Revert "README: Don't hardcode /etc in cmake fallback dir" (caaa474)
- Load user completions from $BASH_COMPLETION_USER_DIR/completions (1d25d72)
- 2015 (d423969)
- _filedir: Fix overquoted argument to compgen -d (RedHat: #1171396) (d2920b7)
- _filedir: Remove unused variable (80c2bb6)
- make: Add BASH_MAKE_COMPLETION variable (f9115ce)
- _filedir: Avoid some unnecessary work with -d (40c764a)
- gnokii: New completion (3eb1b0d)
- gnokii: Various minor and cosmetic fixes (b07e355)
- (testsuite): Add basic gnokii test case (90ebb7e)
- gnokii: Drop dead code (ca138d0)
- gnokii: Fix completions of options that are prefixes for others (8930330)
- gnokii: Include and install it (1950590)
- make: Fix detection of intermediate targets where make has changed its database whitespace (4b209b0)
- jshint: New completion (adff509)
- tar: rework the completion completely (8b23c84)
- bsdtar, tar: Remove symlinks from git, have make create them (81cfa06)
- (testsuite) Add required "empty" dir for tar (a8f4507)
- tar: Style tweaks (055d1ae)
- tar: Plug $line var leak (d049481)
- eog: Complete on *.ppm (RedHat: #1090481) (6c2ae9f)
- Document how to avoid command_not_found_handler interference (1d9e705)
- sysctl: Try parsing options from help before usage (e9fe2d9)
- sysctl: Return early on --help, --version (d01427d)
- ssh: Add -Q argument completion (b6ffe26)
- ssh: Query ciphers and macs from ssh before hardcoded fallback (cf4c7eb)
- ssh: Complete HostbasedKeyTypes,HostKeyAlgorithms,KexAlgorithms values (2779b66)
- checksec: New completion (ffd9038)
- pdftotext: New completion (4289460)
- pgrep, pidof, pkill, pwdx, vmstat: Add support for procps-ng (f68589f)
- __get_cword: avoid $index < 0 (Alioth: #315107) (fa1ad7d)
- rpm: Add --whatenhances/recommends/suggests/supplements and --recommends/supplements completions (81acda7)
- modplug*: Associate *.oct and *.okt (69cfaed)
- __load_completion: New function, use in _completion_loader and _xfunc (cad3abf)
- mpv: Remove mplayer-aliased completion (00abd48)
- make: Offer hidden targets when it is clear that the user is trying to complete one of them (e0c0832)
- ssh-copy-id: Offer only *.pub to -i (f9f66c3)
- sftp: Add -l arg non-completion (4d82190)
- scp, sftp: Fix querying ssh options (50ea015)
- scp, sftp: Complete -S on commands (35a0f97)
- (testsuite) Ignore files generated by complete-ant-cmd.pl (f661811)
- make: Don't pick up variables when makefile is reloaded (c5451db)
- Load completions also from $XDG_DATA_DIRS (RedHat: #1264094) (c89dcbb)
- chronyc: Add -6 option (7669f0c)
- chronyc: Add missing subcommands (ef26136)
- chronyc: Update help text parsing (bc03de5)
- chronyc: Wrap long lines (aa404ca)
- chronyc: Parse command args from help output (5fd0077)
- ssh: Avoid completing commands before hostname (f8f6ffa)
- cppcheck: Add native to --platform completions (9cbd68b)
- minicom: Recognize user ~/.minirc.* as config files (39acdb2)
- test suite: Fix ssh-copy-id test on old setups with no identities (e899139)
- test suite: Expect failure in modinfo/modprobe if there are no modules (0a6877e)
- Set up Travis (e3c8573)
- test suite: Output tool log on failure in CI (fa6b80f)
- test suite: Make apt-get test less sensitive to available commands (7234914)
- travis: Avoid Travis default ri, use distro one instead (dc6e8c2)
- README: Update POSIX spec link (ac9f41b)
- Update URLs and various instructions to GitHub (53215d4)
- aclocal, automake: Install for versioned 1.14 and 1.15 executables (caf3b36)
- build system: Switch to xz compressed tarball (b51eb9d)
- Drop references to bash-completion-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org (aee91a9)
- README: Convert to markdown (0d3e597)
- README: Split contributing to separate CONTRIBUTING doc (0345d02)
- Use command built-in to run sed to avoid any custom aliases (0b37725)
- test suite: Fix ssh partial hostname completion test (4f13792)
- travis: Run tests with --all to get some more useful output (d04af62)
- travis: Install more packages for [0-9][ab]* test coverage (0cec990)
- test suite: Use unsupported instead of xfail for modinfo/modprobe cases (501c106)
- test suite: Mark unsupported look test case as such, not unresolved (3dedaa9)
- travis: Add note about (currently) N/A packages (b5caa09)
- travis: Install more packages for c* test coverage (e41426a)
- travis: Install more packages for [de]* test coverage (1cca6ed)
- Modify all usages of 'sed' to be run with command bash builtin (1aad419)
- lint: Check for sed without "command" (417122b)
- gnokii, minicom: Use grep through "command" (536d79f)
- mysql, puppet: sed portability fixes (f8b0828)
- mysql: Fix --default-character-set completion with mariadb (695b28a)
- travis: Install more packages for [fg]* test coverage (987af3f)
- travis: Install more packages for [hi]* test coverage (e0ff9ce)
- Update copyright year (68f3e4e)
- indent: Remove generic long option completion (c4517d3)
- Don't complete hostnames found after Hostname in ~/.ssh/config (4621117)
- travis: Install more packages for [jkl]* test coverage (6699288)
- travis: Install more packages for m* test coverage (3495a48)
- travis: Install more packages for [op]* test coverage (26c2d23)
- travis: Install more packages for [qr]* test coverage (d491063)
- travis: Install more packages for [stuvw]* test coverage (9d12e2c)
- travis: Install more packages for [xyz]* test coverage (18ca938)
- Remove various comments related to bash versions we don't support (ffdc9da)
- ssh: Extract duplicate code to _ssh_configfile (09f56f8)
- xmllint, xmlwf, xsltproc: Complete on Mallard *.page files (1c005b1)
- README: Expand troubleshooting section somewhat (06996ea)
- README.md: Not need for autoreconf, fixes #11 (20f9013)
- zopflipng: New completion (56c3ea1)
- README.md: Markdown tweaks (8a748d3)
- README.md: More markdown tweaks (76d8823)
- make-changelog.py: Make work with Python 3 (8a9cb54)
- make-changelog.py: flake8 fixes (47ca0cd)
- make-changelog.py: Fix footer line output (d178db6)
- make-changelog.py: Set myself in footer (7c713e8)
- README.md: Note autoreconf need only in unprepared tarball (3c3b696)
- eog: New completion. (3a1cdbd)
- wsimport: New completion. (bffce42)
- kcov: Add new sort types (introduced in kcov-9). (36f1b83)
- kcov: Complete arguments of --limits option. (f604f6c)
- Add .msi completion for Wine (f3e3fc5)
- ssh: Add -O argument completion (Debian: #680652). (217e143)
- Add more complete OpenDocument support to unzip completion. (6a71ee5)
- Add support for OOXML document format extensions to unzip completion. (7c7b560)
- Fine tune previous commit. (ca53345)
- wine: Fix extension glob to work on its own. (e2e64a1)
- man: Add support for .lz man pages (RedHat: #839310). (c9ed166)
- man: Trivial cleanups. (a624cc2)
- clzip, pdlzip, plzip: New lzip alias completions. (fc107b4)
- lzip: Do not append space after equal sign in long options. (9f0a6e4)
- mussh: New completion. (882d527)
- mount.linux: Add some new mount options intoduced in Linux 3.5 (3ea1597)
- mount.linux: Clean up mount options, remove duplicates. (3aa040d)
- Remove trailing whitespace (3f9fe7a)
- Remove more whitespace (a9b253c)
- Trim trailing whitespace. (a6ff579)
- slackpkg, slapt-get: Update the list of package sets. (371fb91)
- colormake: New make alias completion (LP: #743208, Debian: #682557). (31e262b)
- Ignore colormake symlink. (6158bd2)
- opera: Handle options. (3c49af9)
- mount.linux: Add options completion for davfs. (f379e92)
- evince: Evince supports opening .pdf.xz files (Alioth: #313739). (30f9335)
- Fix __reassemble_comp_words_by_ref for
{#COMP_WORDS[@]} (dc15093) - valgrind: Add --soname-synonyms option arguments completion. (904faab)
- eject: New completion. (b9276c8)
- fusermount: Complete curlftpfs-mounts for "fusermount -u" (Debian: #685377) (2897e62)
- gphoto2: new completion (92ddcea)
- nmcli: new completion (7f1721d)
- cppcheck: Add new standards to --std option. (1c362f4)
- make: convert make completion to use smarter parser (b28d710)
- Fixed tilde expanding in _filedir_xspec (fdb080f)
- make: Do not append space if target is a filepath. (2babb45)
- tar: Fix detection if the $prev is a tar file. (3622f2f)
- _parse_help, _parse_usage: Run commands in C locale. (8227351)
- testsuite/_filedir: Remove the cruft from the a$b->h unit test (Alioth: #313480) (23ac383)
- make: incremental completion for make with compact display (39f00f9)
- make: Convert internal variable names to lowercase, indentation fix. (b93e399)
- lvm volumes: Complete on /dev/mapper/* (RedHat: #851787). (8e63eaf)
- tar: Don't take -I to mean bzip2. (f321357)
- feh: Add new options introduced in feh-2.7. (52163a3)
- wget: New completion. (e29c6bc)
- wget: Fix completion of multiple tags for --{follow,ignore}-tags. (e0c70ab)
- useradd: Fix -k, -K, and --home-dir argument completions. (09d24da)
- useradd, usermod: Support comma separated -G/--groups arg completion. (8ec4846)
- wget: Use == instead of =. (d803323)
- cppcheck: Add --language/-x argument completion. (b9189ce)
- new completion: svcadm (80356ca)
- new completion: pkg-get (6ddec67)
- new completion: pkgadd (a54fa73)
- new completion: pkgrm (ff444b5)
- new completion: pkgutil (e5ac55d)
- better entry (166ac77)
- fix perms (8002d32)
- zathura: Add simple completion for zathura document viewer. (97eb4da)
- gpg, mplayer: Restore correct options. (6be8628)
- lvm: Fix typo in option name: s/continguous/contiguous/. (b2365b3)
- mplayer: Add -subcp argument completion. (7f2eb83)
- mplayer: Add some new option argument completions. (f3e1079)
- mplayer: Cleanup. (2c28608)
- mplayer: Add opus to the list of supported formats. (b5dce1c)
- completions/Makefile.am: symlinks depends on $(DATA) to avoid race conditions (370b7a0)
- _command_offset: Restore compopts properly (Alioth: #313890) (2472fad)
- Update copyright year and release number. (3b93c22)
- _known_hosts_real: Filter ruptime stdout error spewage (Alioth: #313893). (f917b75)
- lv{create,resize,extend}, vg{create,reduce,extend,split}: Fix variable leaks. (b2d985c)
- man: Fix -P/--pager full path arg completion. (b8cbf1b)
- tcpdump: Fix -z full path arg completion. (f009a1b)
- valgrind: Fix full path arg completion. (c6f6080)
- vgcreate: Add missing symlink. (e3a1a49)
- lvm: Take option args into account when counting args (RedHat: #860510). (e96613e)
- lvm: Add _lvm prefix to helper functions. (609034d)
- mount: Fix parsing /etc/fstab on *BSD. (7d59112)
- feh: Fix list of background styles. (9e04f3e)
- mount.linux: Add options completion for nfs. (4a76f5a)
- mount.linux: Add some new mount options intoduced in Linux 3.7 (74a37e7)
- chronyc: New completion. (ff11fed)
- scp: Treat strings with slash before colon or starting with [.~] as local. (41a37d7)
- useradd,userdel,usermod: Add -R/--root arg completion. (5c8279b)
- userdel: Add -h/--help non-completion. (1d75b67)
- luseradd,lusermod,luserdel: New completions. (08203f7)
- man: Don't expand man page extensions too early. (49ea121)
- ssh: Add some -o and related arg completions. (45c9ff5)
- fix interface completion (b9b4c6b)
- add -p option completion (89098f7)
- nc: New completion. (26991e1)
- tar: Simplify bzip patterns. (9c80d8b)
- tar: Recognize taz and tb2 as compressed tarballs. (e8daf2d)
- ncftp: Add option completion. (2eeffee)
- Avoid sourcing dirs in completion loader to avoid fd leaks (RedHat: #903540). (fea1c17)
- Brown paper bag fix for the previous commit. (c4cc3eb)
- modprobe: Don't suggest installing already installed modules. (d08b9f2)
- ngrep: New completion. (8c57295)
- tshark: New completion. (cee32c6)
- _mac_addresses: Fix with net-tools' ifconfig that outputs ether, not HWaddr. (f6df76e)
- _mac_addresses: Try ARP cache with "ip neigh" if arp is not available. (87dede9)
- wol: Try "ip addr" before ifconfig for finding out broadcast addresses. (19ce232)
- _mac_addresses: Try local interfaces with "ip link" if ifconfig is N/A. (b78ef32)
- _ip_addresses: Try with "ip addr" if ifconfig is not available. (aa516ac)
- _available_interfaces: Without -a, try with "ip link" if ifconfig is N/A. (3064e9d)
- dnsspoof,filesnarf,macof,sshow,tcpkill,tcpnice,urlsnarf: Fix -i completion. (7543e0b)
- arpspoof,dsniff,ether-wake,nmap: Offer active interfaces only. (9d15e25)
- modinfo: Use ,, for lowercasing instead of tr in a subshell. (06002d0)
- pydoc: New completion. (5c8a002)
- pyflakes: New completion. (a77d3d5)
- python, pydoc: Add module completion. (0e8d34e)
- pydoc: Complete on keywords and topics. (44f1065)
- pylint: New completion. (f1100ef)
- xrandr: Don't leak $i when completing --mode. (d66fc76)
- xrandr: Cleanups. (a3d4266)
- xrandr: Avoid --mode completion error when --output is not given. (225b395)
- xrandr --mode: Clean up one awk call. (1e6a791)
- xrandr: Use _parse_help. (ae42c96)
- xrandr: Add bunch of option arg non-completions. (ba50a54)
- vipw: Add -R/--root arg completion. (23a049a)
- host: Complete with known hosts. (eb0be65)
- groupmems: Add -R/--root arg completion. (250d5eb)
- acpi,chpasswd,dmesg,gkrellm,groupmems,hwclock,lastlog,pwd,vipw: Complete options even without "-" given. (452e938)
- ip: Remove some stale TODOs. (06fd510)
- ip: Improve addr show and link show completions. (61fe8d1)
- _available_interfaces: Try with "ip link" if ifconfig is N/A also with -a. (eef7941)
- make: Don't leak $mode. (2758c4f)
- (testsuite) Fix pwd unit test. (23406dc)
- make: Make work in POSIX mode. (c0818b0)
- (testsuite) Make pydoc test more likely to work with our limited expect buffer size. (0837ad0)
- cpio: Cleanups. (e1a0759)
- cpio: Recognize pass thru when -p is bundled w/other options (RedHat: #912113). (eb396b5)
- vpnc: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoding options, add basic test case. (e479610)
- vpnc: Add bunch of option arg (non)completions. (e7cd7ba)
- genisoimage: Use _parse_help instead of hardcoding options, add basic test case. (e424ed3)
- : Line continuation, whitespace, and compgen -W ... -- "$cur" quoting cleanups. (6185297)
- file-roller: New completion. (7a1aad7)
- strings: New completion. (ad8d1f1)
- ss: New completion. (12ae7eb)
- hexdump: New completion. (552a2f2)
- xxd: New completion. (e38e68f)
- hexdump: Actually install for hd as well. (73d1f0f)
- udevadm: Deprecate ours, one is shipped in systemd >= 196 (RedHat: #919246). (48158ee)
- Fix __ltrim_colon_completions() fail on parameter ($1) containing a glob. (e191799)
- interdiff: New completion. (796fbbd)
- koji: Complete on build targets when --target is given to wait-repo. (2f2f127)
- lua: New completion. (99153fb)
- luac: New completion. (29f5a4a)
- pkg-config: Try to complete --variable= if package name is already given. (408cb08)
- tar: Fix completing files inside *.tlz when J is explicitly given. (d02d940)
- tar: Support *.tar.lz (Debian: #703599). (beaba62)
- patch: New full featured completion. (7afc973)
- unzip/zipinfo: Associate with more StarOffice extensions. (f0a3147)
- jar: Reuse unzip's xspec (RedHat: #928253). (3cb64ac)
- cppcheck: Complete --include= with filenames. (1a3967c)
- Fix helper script to create changelogs (4d096e0)
- Releasing 2.1 (3085c7e)
- sudo: Handle options (Alioth: #311414). (91a61af)
- sudo: Fix option list parsing (6621f37)
- sudoedit: New completion. (d0a1495)
- ssh-add: New completion. (28f15fd)
- pwd: New completion. (6943138)
- _command_offset: Properly quote arguments of eval (Alioth: #313499). (2e97527)
- Fix completion loading when a symlink is sourced, thanks to Jonathan Nieder (318759c)
- Revert "Fix completion loading when a symlink is sourced, thanks to Jonathan Nieder" (2ad325d)
- mount.linux: Add some new mount options intoduced in Linux 3.0-3.2 (1cb1e31)
- _modules: Ignore error messages. (db53fc7)
- modprobe, modinfo, insmod: Move modprobe and modinfo completions to their own files. (f67818e)
- sbopkg: Use _parse_help. (32e8f33)
- sbopkg, slackpkg, slapt-{get,src}: Use shorter form of the check if file exists. (3388314)
- rmmod: Add option completions. (47c49db)
- testsuite/generate: Generate less linefeeds. (068e422)
- insmod: Install for insmod.static too. (d02b4e1)
- mplayer: Add -monitoraspect arg completion. (a90d7d8)
- mplayer: Add generic handling of options that take arguments. (45c0886)
- Workaround bash bug that fails to complete <, > (6f3d650)
- testsuite: Fix spurious modinfo and modprobe test failures on systems that have /lib and /lib64 dirs. (d7a6fb1)
- _filedir: Properly quote paths to avoid unexpected expansion. (98f90eb)
- Properly declare 'symlinks' dependencies (ec7fe00)
- pigz: Add -p/--processes arg completion. (cff897e)
- apt-get: add 'changelog' to completed commands (ae98bfa)
- Really complete 'changelog' (071ba93)
- su: Add linux-specific completion (d2aedc8)
- testsuite: Add basic su test case. (f41d7e2)
- su: Fix long option handling. (e4fe946)
- su: Add --session-command arg completion. (e7c4035)
- su: Complete -s/--shell with shells instead of all files. (91528b5)
- vmstat: New completion. (bed5694)
- lyx: Remove simple completion, upstream has more complete one (Debian: #662203) (a062777)
- insmod, modprobe: Don't hardcode path to modinfo (Alioth: #313569) (199a63b)
- man: --path option is supported on Darwin (Alioth: #313584) (fb2d657)
- man: Move variable declaration to the right place. (39ac464)
- testsuite/generate: Tweak linefeeds. (1fc97c4)
- acpi: New completion. (0ab693c)
- hwclock: New completion. (3d7102b)
- feh: Update option argument completions. (d2a3db0)
- fbi, feh: Complete more supported file formats. (63574c8)
- fbgs: Add new options introduced in fbida-2.09. (4710d1b)
- cppcheck: Complete new --relative-paths option arguments (587d268)
- ri: Rename ri_get_methods helper to add leading underscore (8b3f19a)
- _expand: Suppress unwanted bash error messages (Alioth: #313497) (ccda61d)
- make: Add generic variable completion. (f7240b8)
- man: Recognize 3gl as man page filename extension -- at least Mesa uses it. (739c6d2)
- _realcommand: Try greadlink before readlink (Alioth: #313659). (32f2239)
- Comment spelling fix. (f990d5e)
- Spelling fix. (7532eda)
- qiv: Add *.svg. (e0dc594)
- xmllint: Add *.svgz. (b54aded)
- add xz compression extension for kernel modules (67d30da)
- autotools: Use MKDIR_P instead of mkdir_p (Alioth: #313671). (f8ac6a5)
- lbzip2: Add -n argument completion. (d141f9c)
- _tilde*: Escape tilde in [[ $1 == ~* ]] tests (RedHat: #817902). (709d6e0)
- scp: Recognise symlinks to directories as directories (Debian: #666055). (89acac9)