Self supervised learning group work.
A Conda installation is assumed for installation of packages.
If CUDA is available create a new environment
conda create -n ssl -c conda-forge -c pytorch -c nvidia python=3.11 pytorch=2.1
pytorch-cuda=12.1 torchvision=0.16 torchmetrics=1.3
The extra packages compared to the standard environment are pytorch-cuda=12.1
and torchmetrics=1.3
To install pytorch-cuda=12.1
the nvidia
channel was added with -c nvidia
If CUDA is not available create a new environment
conda create -n ssl -c conda-forge -c pytorch python=3.11 pytorch=2.1
torchvision=0.16 torchmetrics=1.3
The extra package compared to the standard environment is torchmetrics=1.3
There are three scripts to run, all in the unet/
directory. Change the current working directory into unet/
cd unet
When running, the scripts will download the required data into data/
in the main directory.
To pretrain models
This will save the pretrained models in saved_models/
and save example images in example_images/
To perform semantic segmentation training
This will save the segmentation models in saved_models/
with file names indicating
which dataset they came from, the run number and the size of the training set used.
To generate the test IoU outputs to a csv file
This will output a csv file in saved_models/test_ious.csv
containing the test IoU results
for each pretraining strategy, run number and training subset. These are the results
that are used in the report. kaggle_seg
indicates Kaggle Dogs vs. Cats pretrain dataset,
indicates synthetic stable diffusion dataset and no_pretrain
indicates the model
with no pretraining.