An in-depth approach to obfuscating the individual components of a PowerShell payload whether you're on Windows or Kali Linux.
Freeze is a payload toolkit for bypassing EDRs using suspended processes, direct syscalls, and alternative execution methods
Cmd.exe Command Obfuscation Generator & Detection Test Harness
Sinister is Windows/Linux Keylogger Generator which sends key-logs via email with other juicy target info
WIP shellcode loader in nim with EDR evasion techniques
Virus Exchange (VX) - Collection of malware or assembly code used for "offensive" purposed.
macro_pack is a tool by @EmericNasi used to automatize obfuscation and generation of Office documents, VB scripts, shortcuts, and other formats for pentest, demo, and social engineering assessments…
Tunnel tcp connection through http in Python
🔓 Vulnerability Research and Proof of Concept exploits for various targets
Collections of Orange Tsai's public presentation slides.
A reimplementation of AlphaGo in Go (specifically AlphaZero)
A collection of links related to VMware escape exploits
OpenSLP project is an effort to develop an open-source, commercial-grade, implementation of IETF Standards track Service Location Protocol (RFC 2608). The interface conforms to IETF Standards track…
Vulnerability-analysis Poc、python shell
Meterpreter Encrypted Payload by C#
Meterpreter_Payload_Detection.exe tool for detecting Meterpreter in memory like IPS-IDS and Forensics tool
An Python Script For Generating Payloads that Bypasses All Antivirus so far .
Binary instrumentation framework based on FRIDA