Quick identification of Amazon products with shipping restrictions
Have you ever spend hours looking for items on Amazon sites but none of them were available for shipping to your location? With this browser extension you will be able to detect these items quickly from the results page, so you can easily identify which products are eligible for you.
- Identify the non-eligible items (within the results page) because of shipping restrictions.
- Add a badge for each item (within the results page) which is only available through other sellers.
- It works with any Amazon site regardless of the language you use or the country you live in.
- Download the project.
- Uncompress the
file (a folder namedsendhereplz-master
is created). - Place the folder where you want to keep it (write down this location).
- Open Chrome browser.
- Go to
on navigation bar. - Check the box for Developer Mode in the top right.
- Click on Load unpacked.
- Select the folder from the location where the extension was saved.
- Download the project.
- Uncompress the
file (a folder namedsendhereplz-master
is created). - Place the folder where you want to keep it (write down this location).
- Open Firefox browser.
- Go to
on navigation bar. - Click on This Firefox on the left panel.
- Click on Load Temporary Add-on... on the right hand side.
- Select manifest.json from the location where the extension was saved.
You can check the behaviour of the extension with this video:
Note that:
- First item has a new badge below to indicate that it is only available from other sellers.
- Second item is shaded and it has a new icon since Amazon does not ship it to your location.
- Third item is kept as usual because it is fully eligible (in terms of shipping).
We think that hiding unshippable items would be too intrusive for the final user. There is a way you can achieve this though:
- Install uBlock Origin extension (available for multiple browsers).
- Add the following code to "My filters" panel:
Just replace
with the extension of Amazon you're using.
💡 Thank you MickyFoley2 for this trick.
If you want to give us any feedback you are very welcome to add a new issue.
This project is a fork from the original SendHerePlz project developed by Micael MartÃn (@micaelcometa) at Desarrollo Cometa: