All slides have password !vue!
- Intro to Vue 1: Directives & Data Rendering
- Intro to Vue 2: Methods, Computed, Watchers
- Intro to Vue 3: Components, Slots
- Intro to Vue 4: Vue CLI & Nuxt
- Intro to Vue 5: Vue Animations
- Intro to Vue 5.5: Vue Animations
- Intro to Vue 6: Filters, Mixins, & Custom Directives
- Intro to Vue 7: Vuex
Included in this repo are some very basic starter kits.
There's a directory you can use as a Vue-CLI starter kit:
- setup1
There are directories you can use as Nuxt starter kits:
- setup2
- nuxt-css-animation-starter
- nuxt-js-animation-starter
- nuxt-fixed-transition-modes
There's a directory you can use as a Vuex starter kit:
- vuex-example
Here are the directories for the Vuex exercise:
- commentform-problem
- commentform-solution