Click/tap here to expand/collapse this section
- These counters were added on 2021 December 29th
GitHub Stats (classic, added on 2021 December 29th) | GitHub Stats (new, improved, added on 2022 June 12th) |
The left column shows my older GitHub statistics. They may be more accurate than the new stats. This particular card tends to not always load upon loading my profile. Refresh to fix it if it shows up as a blue link. | |
The left column shows my top 5 languages. They are more accurate than the new counter on most days. | |
Source repository for new GitHub stats There are some problems with the data set, you should read the docs for further information. Common problems include: the numbers going down when they should be going up, not all data being represented (only the past 365 days of activity) |
Do you want to have these counters on your profile? They are pretty easy to set up. You can go directly to the projects (contains in-depth info) click/tap here to expand/collapse this section
All contributors (requires installation)
Helpful link: all contributors website
Helpful link: Emoji guide
GitHub profile README generator
Or you can copy my setup and make your way from there (or do both)
Contributor count
Profile views

GitHub streaks
GitHub Stats
Top languages
New statistics
To add your statistics to your GitHub Profile README, copy and paste the following lines of code into your markdown content. Change the username value to your GitHub username.

The entire setup (with timestamps)
[](#contributors-) - This counter was added on 2021 December 29th
 - This counter was added on 2021 December 29th
[]( - This counter was added on 2021 December 29th
[]( - This counter was added on 2021 December 29th
[]( - This counter was added on 2021 December 30th

The entire setup (without timestamps)


End of main statistics section.