A web based teleprompter interface allowing a speaker to read scripts on camera or to a live audience.
Using Vanilla Javascript to create an interactive single page application through DOM manipulation, incorporating QuillJS library to invoke a WYSIWYG word processing editor with full CRUD capability. Ruby on Rails API backend used for document saving.
Built at @flatiron-school with @mmcgovern0 and @jmhill91.
Front End
- Javascript
- QuillJS
Back End
- Rails 5 API
- Postgres database
- User can access and perform full crud on all scripts from the database.
- A user can create a new script.
- Each script can be edited in a QuillJS WYSIWYG word processing editor module.
- Each script can switched to prompt mode.
- Scrolling currently is set at a fixed speed and is activated by pressing the "Return" key on the computer keyboard.