Docker Setup for Laravel applications for local development also supporting multi-tenancy using sub-domains (for ex: foo.localhost, bar.localhost). Tested with Tenancy for Laravel.
WARNING: This setup is not recommended for production as-is.
- NGINX (server)
- TRAEFIK (reverse proxy)
- SUPERVISOR (process monitor)
- MySQL (database)
- Redis (key value database)
- Memcached (caching)
- Meilisearch (search driver for laravel scout)
- Mailhog (email testing)
- Minio (S3 on Local)
Use this as a template Repository.
Clone the created project from the template.
NOTE: For Windows users it is recommended to use it inside WSL.
Create a
folder inside theworkspace
directory. -
Copy this project's example.env as .env & update as required.
Clone the backend (Laravel) app in your
folder and frontend app in yourfrontend
folder.- Example: clone
using ssh (on this project's root)
git clone ./workspace/backend
- Example: clone
using ssh (on this project's root)
git clone ./workspace/frontend
- Example: clone
Edit the backend & frontend app's
files according to your needs.-
values for Laravel Backend:# Database DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST=mariadb DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=laravel DB_USERNAME=laravel DB_PASSWORD=password # Redis REDIS_HOST=redis REDIS_PASSWORD=null REDIS_PORT=6379 # Mailer MAIL_MAILER=smtp MAIL_HOST=mailhog MAIL_PORT=1025 MAIL_USERNAME=null MAIL_PASSWORD=null MAIL_ENCRYPTION=null SCOUT_ELASTIC_HOST="meilisearch:7700" SCOUT_PREFIX= # Filesystem FILESYSTEM_DISK=s3 AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=laravel AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=password AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 # create the bucket if not created at: # Minio Console: http://localhost:8900 AWS_BUCKET=local AWS_ENDPOINT=http://minio:9010 AWS_USE_PATH_STYLE_ENDPOINT=true AWS_USE_PATH_STYLE_ENDPOINT_MEDIA=true AWS_URL=http://localhost:9010/local # local refers to the name of the bucket
Run the docker up command with build & detached flag:
docker compose up -d --build --remove-orphans
Enter the core container to:
composer install
- setup laravel using:
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate --seed
docker exec -it shld-core sh
Re-create the Supervisor Worker:
docker compose stop supervisor docker compose rm supervisor docker compose up -d
AWS supports creating a pre-signed url that can then be used to upload files to a specific predefined location, example: tmp/
. Using this feature with minio as-is is not possible because when the shld-core
core container listens to http://minio:9010/*
it understands that the request is for the minio service's container. But when the http://minio:9010/*
signed url is opened in your browser it doesn't know what this host is. For this we need to update the hosts file (generally located at /etc/hosts
in linux) to understand minio ->
- For Linux Users, edit the hosts file at
(you can runsudo nano /etc/hosts
in terminal) and add this line: minio
- For Mac Users, edit the hosts file located at
(you can runsudo nano /private/etc/hosts
in your terminal) and add this line: minio
- For Windows users it is recommended to use PowerToys. It includes a great Hosts file editor tool for easier hosts editing.
[+] Running 10/10
β Network laravel-docker_shld Created
---- β Containers π -----------------------
β Container shld-memcached Started
β Container shld-elasticsearch Started
β Container shld-redis Started
β Container shld-db Started
β Container shld-mailhog Started
β Container shld-minio Started
β Container shld-reverse-proxy Started
β Container shld-core Started
β Container shld-engine Started
β Container shld-worker Started
After the initial setup:
To bring the containers down you just need to run the following command:
docker compose down
If you want to bring them up, just run:
docker compose up -d --remove-orphans
To enter the core container's shell to run
&php artisan
based commands:docker exec -it shld-core sh
- URL Scheme:
- Example:
- URL Scheme:
Minio Console:
- URL Scheme:
- Example:
- URL Scheme:
MailHog Dashboard:
- URL Scheme:
- Example:
- URL Scheme:
Traefik Dashboard:
- URL Scheme:
- Example:
- URL Scheme:
We bind mount ./dumps
folder to mariadb instance at /mysql-dumps
so it's always accessible for importing database. To import a database dump, just follow the following process:
Put the dump to be imported in
folder. -
Enter the
container instance:docker exec -it marketplace2-db bash
OR using shld CLI
jpt db bash
Import DB using
commandmariadb -u [DB_USERNAME] -p [DB_DATABASE]
, replacing{NAME_OF_YOUR_DUMP}
with the name of the dump you copied to./dump
folder (make sure it's in .sql file format):mariadb -u laravel -p laravel < /mysql-dumps/{NAME_OF_YOUR_DUMP}
to import a
file:gunzip < /mysql-dumps/{NAME_OF_YOUR_DUMP}.sql.gz | mariadb -u laravel -p laravel
Note: This also works with WSL linux. This might also work on MacOS (not tested)
Instead of going inside the container interactively every time, then running the desired command, You can use command shld
to run commands directly:
shld core artisan about
# OR
shld core composer install
# OR
shld core yarn
Where core
is the container (i.e. shld-core
) followed by the command that you want to run on that container.
To achieve this you need to setup the shld command first:
executablechmod +x ./
Add source to the bash (if using zsh or anything other than bash, replace the
with the correct one):echo -e "\n# SHLD Command\nsource $PWD/" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc
To run these basic commands (below) inside the core
container you don't need to specify core
in the command, they can be executed directly. To run them in a different container, you will have to specify a container.
shld core artisan about
So this would also work, and acts as a shorthand:
shld artisan about
Note: Although it's an option, it won't be needed for most use cases.
shld worker artisan about
Docker compose up
docker compose up -d --build --remove-orphans
shld up -b
Docker compose down
docker compose down
shld down
PHP Artisan Commands
docker compose -it exec shld-core php artisan about
shld artisan about
Tinker Command
docker compose -it exec shld-core php artisan tinker
shld tinker
Composer Commands
docker compose -it exec shld-core composer install
shld composer install
Yarn Commands
docker compose -it exec shld-core yarn
shld yarn
docker compose -it exec shld-core yarn dev
shld yarn dev
Note: The supervisor (worker) container already keep an instance on
yarn dev
running. You can control that in.env
config. -
PHP Unit
docker compose -it exec shld-core ./vendor/bin/phpunit
shld unit
shld phpunit
docker compose -it exec shld-core ./vendor/bin/pint
shld pint