adebayosegun.com Public
⚡️ My personal website built with Next.js, Chakra UI, ContentLayer + MDX, and Vercel.
bundle-n-require Public
Bundle and Require Typescript and Javascript files in NodeJS
lil-fp Public
Tiny functional programming primitives (like pipe, flow) to help write better future-proof code
egghead-zagjs-course Public
Egghead Zag.js Course
forma-36 Public
Forked from contentful/forma-36A design system by Contentful
chakra-ui Public
⚡️Simple, Modular & Accessible UI Components for your React Applications
bundle-require Public
Forked from egoist/bundle-requirebundle and `require` a file, the same way Vite loads `vite.config.ts`
react-spectrum Public
Forked from adobe/react-spectrumA collection of libraries and tools that help you build adaptive, accessible, and robust user experiences.
highlight-words Public
Forked from tricinel/highlight-wordsSplit a piece text into multiple chunks based on a search query, allowing you to highlight the matches afterwards.
xstate Public
Forked from statelyai/xstateState machines and statecharts for the modern web.
osca-state-machine-talk Public
An introduction to state machines and XState
testing-library-docs Public
Forked from testing-library/testing-library-docsdocs site for @testing-library/*
babel Public
Forked from babel/babel🐠 Babel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
focus-layers Public
Forked from discord/focus-layersTiny React hooks for isolating focus within subsections of the DOM.
descendants-observer Public
Register and Observer DOM Nodes
docsearch-configs Public
Forked from algolia/docsearch-configsDocSearch - Configurations
react-hook-form Public
Forked from react-hook-form/react-hook-form📋 React Hooks for forms validation (Web + React Native)
react-popper Public
Forked from floating-ui/react-popper🍿⚛Official React library to use Popper, the positioning library
reakit Public
Forked from ariakit/ariakitToolkit for building accessible rich web apps with React
a11y_accordions Public
Forked from scottaohara/a11y_accordionsES5 ARIA Accordion Component
styled-system Public
Forked from styled-system/styled-system⬢ Style props for rapid UI development