Tags: serbanghita/Mobile-Detect
fix cache and generate short cache key (#971) Added configuration cacheKeyFn which allows for using a custom cache key creation fn. Use Client Hints Sec-CH-UA-Mobile header to detect mobile (#962) added Huawei (phone, OS - HarmonyOS, browser) detection (#952) Bugfix: Allow Injection of Any PSR Cache Interface (#966) PHP 8.4 - implicit nulls are deprecated (#960)
MobileDetect by default will not throw an exception if UserAgent is n… …ot set. By default "autoInitOfHttpHeaders" is "true", and if UserAgent is not found, it will be set to empty string "" #946 (comment)
Partial revert of https://github.com/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect/pull/9… …36/files Fixes: jenssegers/agent#207 The getMobileDetectionRules() should always be owned by Mobile_Detect.php class.
Added back the "tests" folder to the composer package in order to not… … break projects that are extending tests (e.g. https://github.com/jenssegers/agent)