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File metadata and controls

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ReadingProc methods and attributes

ReadingProc contructor(cmd, shell=True, read_chunk=4096, stdin_terminal=False)

The class constructor.


cmd: str or list

Shell command to execute.

shell: bool

Use intermediate shell between calling python script and process (True) or not (False). True by default. If True then cmd argument must be a list (just like in the standart subprocess class).

read_chunk: int

Chunk of buffer when reading. Can be adjusted to small values to optimize memory of Python program or to big values if a process which we try to read sends a lot of information to stdout (Python interpreter can hang trying to catch all the output if the value is too small). Default value is ReadingProc._DEFAULT_READ_CHUNK.

stdin_terminal: bool

Set to True if the program requires virtual terminal to work properly. Example: when calling docker command. Default value is False.

Method iter_run(chunk_timeout=None, total_timeout=None)

Iterate raw byte output (not waiting starting a new line).


chunk_timeout: float

Timeout to read one item in iter_run() loop.

total_timeout: float

Timeout from start executing process; can only occurs in iter_run() loop.

Attribute alive

True if a target process is alive.

Attribute pid

Use this function to get a PID. If shell==True, this is the process ID of the spawned shell. To get source correct pid construct ReadingProc with shell=False.

Method send_stdin(s_bytes)

Send bytes to stdin of a target process.

Method start()

Run the process (call the function after the constructor and before iter_run()).

Method kill()

Kill the process (send SIGKILL).

Method terminate()

Try to terminate the process (send SIGTERM).

Classes to work with reading data and exceptions

Class ProcessData(stdout, stderr)

A class descibing an item which is returned in every loop of ReadingProc.iter_run(). Access to stdout got: data.stdout, stderr: data.stderr.

Exception ProcessIsNotStartedError

It occurs when we call some methods of ReadingProc before calling start().

Exception ChunkTimeout

It occurs when chunk_timeout occurs while executing iter_run() of ReadingProc.

Exception TotalTimeout

The exception occurs when total_timeout is expired while executing iter_run() of ReadingProc.