A python-based builder to build and test projects.
tbuilder.py --test='cd ~/files/django && python3.6 runtests.py'
(meaning only cd to existing directory and testing)
tbuilder.py --source='https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3u1wts6em61wkis/AADf3vhMSE16tam7yBLxyEZ9a?dl=0'
(meaning downloading all files in the web path, if --test is omitted then go to downloaded directory and run )
tbuilder.py --source='https://github.com/sergzach/readingproc/archive/master.zip' --test='cd readingproc && python setup.py test'
(meaning downloading and unzipping the clone)
tbuilder.py --source='https://github.com/django/django.git' --test='cd django && python3.6 runtests.py'
(meaning git clone https://github.com/django/django.git
then testing)
Currently not all behaviouristic variants of downloading and install are supported.
Supported: downloading from dropbox.com and default install (no --test option yet). E.g.:
tbuilder.py --source='https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3u1wts6em61wkis/AADf3vhMSE16tam7yBLxyEZ9a?dl=0'